LinkBack | Ämnesverktyg |
2011-06-20, 07:47 | #1 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Misär - Lallartips - Fotboll, Trav, Ishockey
Nedan kommer jag redovisa mina, till mångt och mycket högst personliga tankar om tips och spelförslag. Jag har under stora delar av min "karriär" varit väl förknippad med termen "stolpe ut" och funderar på om detta kan vara en motjinx. Förmodligen inte. Mina spel spelas endast på Expekt för tillfället och det beror på ren lathet. Jag spelar i form av units (1-10), insatsen är inte särdeles hög. Låt oss börja. *kram* Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-06-20 klockan 07:49. |
2011-06-20, 07:51 | #2 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Spel: Jo-Wilfried Tsonga VINNA WIMBLEDON Insats: 3 Odds: 30.00 Spel: Roger Federer VINNA WIMBLEDON Insats: 6 Odds: 3.25 |
2011-06-20, 09:35 | #3 |
Förlåt men jag måste ge dig en liten känga redan här.. Att bara spela på en bookie, som dessutom är expekt, pga lathet?? Det gör iaf att jag inte kan ta dig seriöst. Med det sagt, lycka till och jag hoppas att du kan motbevisa min skeptisism!
Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
Soap (+2) |
2011-06-20, 09:39 | #4 |
Reg.datum: feb 2011
Inlägg: 284
Sharp$: 1511Smaks komplott Stats: 60 - 71 - 5 ROI: 106.57% Vinstprocent: 45.80% |
Tsonga odds 81.00/ 40.50 final,Sportingbet. Kan vara ett alternativ
Där hittar man även Federer 3.30 Senast redigerad av smak den 2011-06-20 klockan 09:40. |
2011-06-20, 09:52 | #5 | |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
*frid* |
2011-06-20, 09:53 | #6 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
2011-06-20, 17:00 | #7 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Färjestad Lopp 4
Worthwhile Pellini - Alfas Diamond Spel: 1 Insats: 6 Odds: 1.75 Färjestad Lopp 7, Spel: Ulioxorio VINNARE Insats: 4 Odds: 3.00 Färjestad Lopp 8 Opitergium - Montana Hangover Spel: 1 Insats: 6 Odds: 1.65 |
2011-06-20, 18:32 | #8 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Djurgården - Syrianska
Spel: 1 Insats: 5 Odds: 1.85 |
2011-06-21, 15:43 | #9 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Helt ok start igår, gröna siffror iaf.
Åker mot Visbys trav idag. Visby Lopp 7 Spel: Lightning Kronos PLATS Insats: 3 Odds: 3.00 |
2011-06-21, 17:59 | #10 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Börjas släppas lite odds inför V75 och jag hugger ett direkt.
Kalmar Lopp 5 Spel: Yukon Boko PLATS Insats: 5 Odds: 1.95 |
2011-06-21, 21:27 | #11 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Lightning Kronos stabil tvåa i sitt lopp.
Både Federer och Tsonga lätt vidare till nästa omgång också. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-06-21 klockan 21:48. |
2011-06-21, 21:49 | #12 |
Motivera gärna dina spel, hade uppskattats!
2011-06-21, 22:01 | #13 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ja, jag ska försöka plita ner någon/några rader per spel i mån av tid.
Vad gäller Yukon Boko håller Ludde honom väldigt högt här och han kommer köras offensivt. Gjorde ett bra lopp trots tufft upplägg senast och formen skall vara god. Jag ser att han håller ut hoten utifrån och att Ludde pressar sig tidigt till spets. Där tror jag han har goda chanser att bita ifrån ordentligt. |
2011-06-22, 09:38 | #14 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Lägger två till långtidsspel på Wimbledon och det var två damer jag blev imponerade av igår som jag tror har chans i förhållande till oddsen att vinna hela klabbet till fina odds. Tilläggas bör att båda är personliga favoriter.
Spel: Venus Williams VINNA WIMBLEDON Insats: 2 Odds: 8.50 Spel: Ana Ivanovic VINNA WIMBLEDON Insats: 1 Odds: 50 |
2011-06-22, 16:08 | #15 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Vaggeryd Lopp 6
Freedom Call - Nettan Palema Spel: 2 Insats: 4 Odds: 1.70 Tror Nettan kan spets här och sen är det raka vägen mot mål som gäller. Håller hon bättre än sist bör detta kunna vara en bra duell att vinna. Freedom Call har stått över träning, kommer få ett snällt lopp och är förhoppningsvis inte på topp ännu. Kalmar Lopp 9 Spel: Torgil VINNARE Insats: 7 Odds: 2.15 Spets och slut - hämta ut? Åke rankar Torgil till toppen av årskullen, imponerade sist och här ska han ha en mycket fin uppgift. |
2011-06-22, 22:08 | #16 | |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-06-22 klockan 22:11. |
2011-06-23, 16:30 | #17 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Dannero Lopp 5
Best Elden - Fakse Spel: 1 Insats: 4 Odds: 1.85 |
2011-06-23, 17:00 | #18 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Dannero Lopp 8
Spel: Global Lightning VINNARE Insats: 3 Odds: 2.05 Allt bygger på att Globalen spetsar och frontar runt om. Ska försöka vinna tillbaka den cash jag torskade på att han hoppade med segern klar senast. |
2011-06-24, 09:45 | #19 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Best Elden kanske vi ska döpa om till Sämst Elden, vilket uselt jävla lopp han gör!
Global Lightning däremot inget snack, det var en säker vinnare. Ikväll har jag ett fint spel till midsommarnubben som jag gått och väntat på. Ser fram emot oddssläppen... |
2011-06-24, 12:59 | #20 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Nu ger ju inte Expekt ut vinnarodds på andra lopp än DD-loppen vardagar så vi får ta betalt på en H2H och spela vinnare hos ATG. Hästen jag talar om är Also Finn som var strålande sist och kliver nu ner från V75 till detta lopp vi nu ska jaga för att få betalt för. Möter i den här duellen en högst begränsad Diva Håleryd som jag inte tror på idag.
I lopp 8 hittar vi Mel Odin som bör ha en väldigt passande uppgift idag, bara 7 hästar att runda och in på upploppet tror jag den bara smäller till och visar vem som bestämmer. Detta skulle kunna vara en dubbel för er som vill få upp totaloddset (2.03). Jag väljer dock två singelspel. Hagmyren Lopp 5 Also Finn - Diva Håleryd Spel: 1 Insats: 9 Odds: 1.35 Hagmyren Lopp 8 Spel: Mel Odin VINNARE Insats: 6 Odds: 1.50 |
2011-06-24, 14:33 | #21 | |
Hagmyren Lopp 8 = Hagmyren Lopp 9 |
2011-06-24, 14:35 | #22 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ja, helt rätt!
2011-06-25, 09:55 | #23 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Både Also Finn och Mel Odin vann sina lopp. Also Finn tog vi rejält betalt av på ATG till 3.13.
2011-06-25, 10:16 | #24 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Kalmar Lopp 10
Spel: Conchita Exclusive Insats: 2 Odds: 8.50 Uppåt från tränarhåll här, man har hög tilltro till hästen och räknar med att han duger för uppgifter högre än denna. När det nu dessutom vankas spets väljer jag att testa en slant vinnare. |
2011-06-28, 09:16 | #25 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ingen lyckad V75:a.
MEN, I know you want me. Har några finingar till kvällen. Nu väntar vi in oddssläppen. |
2011-06-28, 16:11 | #26 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Solänget Lopp 8
Dandie Palema - Manos General Spel: 1 Insats: 7 Odds: 1.60 Dandie var smällfin senast, satt fast med rubbet sparat. Här kommer han få en fin smygresa troligtvis i rygg på Thrustworthy Ås och ska ha god chans till en fin prestation. Bör slå Manos General ikväll. Kommer spela Dandie vinnare på ATG då oddsen där lockar klart mer. |
2011-06-28, 16:18 | #27 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Lägger till bet365 som bookie också.
Solänget Lopp 8 Spel: Trustworthy Ås VINNARE Insats: 3 Odds: 6.00 Smällfin sist. Nu vankas det spets och bör ha god chans att knäppa Caballion. |
2011-06-28, 16:20 | #28 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Solänget Lopp 8
Spel: Dandie Palema PLATS Insats: 5 Odds: 3.25 Kan inte motstå bet365´s odds på Dandie, han liftar med rygg på ledaren och blir livsfarlig på upploppet! |
2011-06-28, 16:26 | #29 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Kör en DD idag, lägger dock inte in DD, V75 osv i sheeten. Spelar:
DD-1: 7 DD-2: 1,5 |
2011-06-28, 18:00 | #30 | |
>>> 20:58 Solänget/8 >>> Dandie Palema - Manos General 1.75 1.95 |
2011-06-28, 19:24 | #31 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
2011-10-26, 22:19 | #32 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Efter en pubertal och rätt oinspirerad start av den här spelboken har jag åter hittat glädjen och motivationen och känner jag nu att jag vill ge bettingen en mer seriös chans. Väljer därför att köra igång spelboken igen. Fokus kommer bli NHL men det kan slinka in något spel på annat ibland.
I natt Ogiltigt spel-ID: 580338 Säsongsspel Ogiltigt spel-ID: 581633 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-10-29 klockan 17:51. |
2011-10-27, 06:39 | #33 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
I natt
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 580338 0-3 St. Louis Blues (2 mål av Steen, 1 av Berglund) |
2011-10-27, 12:15 | #34 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 582431 Spoiler:
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 582429 Spoiler:
Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-10-29 klockan 17:51. |
2011-10-27, 12:20 | #35 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 582453 Spoiler:
Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-10-29 klockan 17:51. |
2011-10-27, 12:30 | #36 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 582488 Spoiler:
Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-10-29 klockan 17:51. |
2011-10-27, 12:36 | #37 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 582505 Spoiler:
Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-10-29 klockan 17:51. |
2011-10-27, 12:41 | #38 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 582518 Spoiler:
Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-10-29 klockan 17:52. |
2011-10-28, 06:52 | #39 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
En okej natt i NHL. Jets vinst till fina 2.88 gav klirr i kassan. 2 vinster 1 push 2 förluster totalt +3.42u
2011-10-28, 16:34 | #40 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 584867 Spoiler:
Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-10-29 klockan 17:52. |
2011-10-29, 16:25 | #41 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 587081 Bruins are 5-1 in their last 6 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Canadiens are 1-5 in their last 6 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Bruins are 13-6 in their last 19 games playing on 1 days rest. Canadiens are 1-6 in their last 7 games playing on 1 days rest. Canadiens are 2-5 in their last 7 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 587082 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 587084 Maple Leafs are 2-8 in their last 10 home games following a road trip of 7 or more days. EDIT: Ingen natt att komma ihåg, men så är det, bettinglivet. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-10-30 klockan 07:41. |
2011-10-30, 10:50 | #42 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 588337 Kings spelade match i går och är inne i ett hektiskt schema. Kings are 3-8 in their last 11 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Kings are 1-5 in their last 6 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Javisst! 3-2 Colorado. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-10-31 klockan 06:45. |
2011-11-01, 17:28 | #43 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 592218 Senators are 4-9 in their last 13 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Senators are 3-8 in the last 11 meetings in Boston. Senators are 5-18 in the last 23 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 592229 Wild are 1-4 in their last 5 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Red Wings are 6-2 in their last 8 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Wild are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings in Detroit. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 592232 Over is 4-0 in the last 4 meetings in Detroit. Over is 3-1-1 in Wild last 5 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Over is 4-1 in Red Wings last 5 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 592248 Ducks are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-11-02 klockan 06:31. |
2011-11-03, 08:21 | #44 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 595001 Maple Leafs are 22-50 in their last 72 games playing on 0 days rest. Maple Leafs are 1-4 in their last 5 games following a win. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 595002 Ducks are 1-5 in their last 6 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Home team is 4-0 in the last 4 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 595005 |
2011-11-04, 07:49 | #45 | |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
2011-11-04, 08:21 | #46 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Oktober var första månaden med NHL och visade bra siffror. November har inte inletts lika bra, hoppas man kommer upp på spåret snart igen.
Oktober NHL Antal spel: 33 Vinstprocent: 59.38% Vunnet: +77.59 Medelodds: 2.19 Medelinsats: 3.45 Netto: +34.59 Medelvinst: +1.05 ROI: 130.34% |
2011-11-04, 18:27 | #47 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 597835 Flames are 0-4 in their last 4 games playing on 0 days rest. Home team is 10-1 in the last 11 meetings. Flames are 0-7 in the last 7 meetings in Buffalo. |
2011-11-05, 08:24 | #48 | |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ganska cool svensk målvaktsduell mellan Enroth och Karlsson. Karlsson torskade matchen, men blev matchens andra stjärna. |
2011-11-05, 08:40 | #49 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 599329 Canadiens are 1-5 in their last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Home team is 7-2 in the last 9 meetings. Canadiens are 3-7 in the last 10 meetings in New York. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 599345 Maple Leafs are 16-35 in their last 51 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 599305 |
2011-11-06, 07:32 | #50 | |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
2011-11-06, 13:15 | #51 |
Själv står man i skamvrån efter att ha spelat på Toronto, snacka fel ute..
Alltid svårt att tippa serier man kan noll om, men det verkar finnas ganska mycket överodds i NHL för den som har koll. Kul dagbok, ska hålla ett öga öppet här |
2011-11-06, 19:22 | #52 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 602455 Flames are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Matchen lyser grönt i min bok men varningslamporna blinkar. Jag har ingen feeling, men måste spela enligt mina regler. Vinkeln är nämligen inte SÅ stark i och med att Colorados spelschema skiljer sig med en (1) dag (!). Drar därför ner ett 3 u spel till 1 u. Får se imorgon bitti om det var klokt eller dumt. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
zomgarn (+3) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-11-08 klockan 17:03. |
2011-11-08, 17:06 | #53 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 605100 Kings are 3-9 in their last 12 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Kings are 0-4 in their last 4 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Kings are 1-4 in their last 5 games playing on 0 days rest. Predators are 6-1 in the last 7 meetings in Los Angeles. Road team is 5-1 in the last 6 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 605133 Jets are 21-45-1 in their last 67 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Jets are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Favorite is 4-0 in the last 4 meetings. Home team is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Jets are 2-5 in the last 7 meetings. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
Infected (+2) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-11-12 klockan 08:55. |
2011-11-11, 17:03 | #54 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 609260 Oilers are 4-10 in their last 14 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Oilers are 6-20 in their last 26 games playing on 0 days rest. Favorite is 5-0 in the last 5 meetings. Oilers are 8-20 in the last 28 meetings in Detroit. Oilers are 0-5 in the last 5 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-11-12 klockan 08:55. |
2011-11-12, 10:13 | #55 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 610367 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 610369 Det kommer mera. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-11-13 klockan 08:55. |
2011-11-12, 13:16 | #56 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 610587 Flames are 0-5 in their last 5 games playing on 0 days rest. Tänk dock på: Flames are 6-0 in the last 6 meetings in Colorado. Flames are 7-0 in the last 7 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-11-13 klockan 08:55. |
2011-11-13, 08:59 | #57 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Iskall November. Hoppas trenden vänder snart.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 611670 Canucks hemma från låång road trip. Endast 1 dag hemma med familjen. Brukar då kunna bli svårt att ladda om för fullt fokus. Dessutom i en 3/4 situation. Ser värde i Islanders. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 611666 Wild are 16-40 in their last 56 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Wild are 2-6 in their last 8 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Wild are 1-4 in their last 5 games playing on 0 days rest. Home team is 26-9-1 in the last 36 meetings. Wild are 5-14 in the last 19 meetings in Anaheim. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-11-17 klockan 20:09. |
2011-11-15, 18:04 | #58 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 615225 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-11-17 klockan 20:10. |
2011-11-17, 20:10 | #59 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 618314 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 618312 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-11-18 klockan 15:24. |
2011-11-18, 15:24 | #60 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 619597 Avalanche are 6-23 in their last 29 games playing on 0 days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-11-19 klockan 22:32. |
2011-11-19, 22:32 | #61 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 623019 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 623022 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 623026 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 623029 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 623032 "Wake me up, when NOVEMBER ends..." EDIT: ÄNTLIGEN lite medflyt! Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
lordagspippi (+5) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-11-20 klockan 08:18. |
2011-11-20, 08:35 | #62 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Oj, så skönt det var att vända röda spel till gröna i natt. Kvällen/nattens spel går jag emot lagen som var i spel i natt. Förutom Sharks som möter en motståndare med liknande spelschema.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 623480 Maple Leafs are 23-50 in their last 73 games playing on 0 days rest. Maple Leafs are 15-36 in their last 51 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Maple Leafs are 2-5 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 623483 Red Wings are 5-2 in their last 7 games playing on 0 days rest. Red Wings are 1-5 in their last 6 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ducks are 5-1 in their last 6 games as a home underdog. Ducks are 7-2 in their last 9 games playing on 2 days rest. Red Wings are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings in Anaheim. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-11-21 klockan 06:43. |
2011-11-21, 17:55 | #63 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 625489 Hurricanes are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Hurricanes are 2-11 in their last 13 games playing on 0 days rest. Favorite is 8-1 in the last 9 meetings. Home team is 5-2 in the last 7 meetings. Hurricanes are 5-17-3 in the last 25 meetings in Philadelphia. Hurricanes are 8-29-4 in the last 41 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 625500 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-11-26 klockan 09:04. |
2011-11-26, 09:48 | #64 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 632989 Over is 10-1 in Islanders last 11 in the third game of a 3-in-4 days situation. Over is 5-1-1 in Islanders last 7 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Over is 3-0-2 in the last 5 meetings in New Jersey. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 632986 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 632994 Predators are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 632999 Underdog is 7-1 in the last 8 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 633002 Over is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings in Tampa Bay. Over is 8-2 in Lightning last 10 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Over is 11-4-1 in Lightning last 16 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 633008 Oilers are 13-27 in their last 40 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Oilers are 6-21 in their last 27 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 633011 Canucks are 0-4 in their last 4 games playing on 0 days rest. Sharks are 13-3 in their last 16 games playing on 2 days rest. Favorite is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Home team is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Canucks are 3-7 in the last 10 meetings in San Jose. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 633017 Home team is 9-3 in the last 12 meetings. Kings are 7-2 in their last 9 games playing on 2 days rest. Blackhawks are 5-2 in their last 7 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Blackhawks are 37-17 in their last 54 games playing on 0 days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-11-27 klockan 07:39. |
2011-11-27, 07:50 | #65 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 634909 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-11-28 klockan 17:29. |
2011-11-28, 17:35 | #66 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 637231 Wild are 19-40 in their last 59 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Wild are 7-17 in their last 24 games playing on 0 days rest. Road team is 5-2 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 637238 Oilers are 5-12 in their last 17 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Predators are 8-3 in the last 11 meetings in Edmonton. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-11-29 klockan 06:39. |
2011-11-28, 17:38 | #67 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 637243 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-11-29 klockan 06:39. |
2011-11-29, 16:42 | #68 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 638847 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 638854 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-11-30 klockan 06:51. |
2011-11-30, 19:08 | #69 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 640977 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-12-01 klockan 06:10. |
2011-11-30, 19:13 | #70 | |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
November Antal spel: 47 Vinstprocent: 39.13% Vunnet: +59.49 Medelodds: 2.31 Medelinsats: 2.45 Netto: -7.15 Medelvinst: -0.16 ROI: 93.47% NHL TOTALT Antal spel: 80 Vinstprocent: 47.44% Medelodds: 2.26 Medelinsats: 2.86 Netto: +27.08 ROI: 111.83% Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-11-30 klockan 19:16. |
2011-12-01, 19:22 | #71 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 642489 Predators are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 642492 Canadiens are 1-8 in their last 9 games playing on 0 days rest. Home team is 7-0 in the last 7 meetings. Canadiens are 0-5 in the last 5 meetings in San Jose. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-12-02 klockan 16:23. |
2011-12-02, 16:27 | #72 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 643869 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 643874 Blue Jackets are 1-5 in their last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Blue Jackets are 1-10 in their last 11 games following a win. Blue Jackets are 36-75-2 in their last 113 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Blue Jackets are 53-116-6 in their last 175 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Blue Jackets are 2-7 in the last 9 meetings in Edmonton. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-12-03 klockan 18:17. |
2011-12-03, 18:17 | #73 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Nu lägger vi en härlig matta för kvällen:
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 645953 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 645961 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 645997 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 646000 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 646003 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 646006 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 646008 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 646011 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-12-04 klockan 08:34. |
2011-12-04, 08:55 | #74 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Megalampan, Calgary ordnade plusset igår. Inatt torskar Flames.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 646978 Flames are 1-5 in their last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Flames are 1-6 in their last 7 games following a win. Canucks are 103-50-10 in their last 163 games playing on 2 days rest. Favorite is 4-0 in the last 4 meetings. Flames are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-12-05 klockan 06:41. |
2011-12-05, 15:55 | #75 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 648926 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 648911 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 648910 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-12-06 klockan 06:24. |
2011-12-06, 21:34 | #76 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 651122 Lightning are 2-5 in their last 7 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Home team is 9-4 in the last 13 meetings. Lightning are 2-5 in the last 7 meetings. Lightning are 2-7 in the last 9 meetings in New York. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 651125 Maple Leafs are 23-51 in their last 74 games playing on 0 days rest. Maple Leafs are 16-37 in their last 53 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 651130 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 651135 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 651139 Flames are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-12-07 klockan 06:41. |
2011-12-07, 19:42 | #77 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 652584 Hurricanes are 3-11 in their last 14 games playing on 0 days rest. Home team is 6-1 in the last 7 meetings. Hurricanes are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings in Edmonton. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-12-08 klockan 15:52. |
2011-12-08, 16:03 | #78 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 653686 Blue Jackets are 1-4 in their last 5 home games following a road trip of 7 or more days. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 653687 Underdog is 5-1 in the last 6 meetings. Road team is 5-1 in the last 6 meetings. Penguins are 7-1 in the last 8 meetings in Philadelphia. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 653690 Lightning are 2-5 in their last 7 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Lightning are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Lightning are 3-7 in the last 10 meetings in New York. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 653698 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-12-10 klockan 16:14. |
2011-12-10, 16:35 | #79 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 657013 Jets are 21-47 in their last 68 games playing on 0 days rest. Jets are 2-5 in the last 7 meetings in Detroit. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 657021 Senators are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Canucks are 4-0 in the last 4 meetings. Canucks are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings in Ottawa. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 657032 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 657044 Oilers are 6-23 in their last 29 games playing on 0 days rest. Oilers are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Favorite is 10-1 in the last 11 meetings. Oilers are 6-20-1 in the last 27 meetings in Calgary. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-12-11 klockan 09:16. |
2011-12-11, 09:17 | #80 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
2011-12-11, 14:51 | #81 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 659070 Sharks are 59-23 in their last 82 games playing on 0 days rest. Sharks are 2-5 in their last 7 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Home team is 6-1 in the last 7 meetings. Favorite is 21-7 in the last 28 meetings. Sharks are 2-5 in the last 7 meetings in Chicago. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-12-12 klockan 06:28. |
2011-12-14, 18:52 | #82 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 663974 Wild are 8-17 in their last 25 games playing on 0 days rest. Blackhawks are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings in Minnesota. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-12-15 klockan 06:24. |
2011-12-15, 21:28 | #83 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 665705 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 665712 Avalanche are 6-13 in their last 19 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Sharks are 37-17-2 in their last 56 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 665717 Under is 10-2 in the last 12 meetings in San Jose. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-12-16 klockan 16:14. |
2011-12-16, 21:09 | #84 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 667276 Flames are 1-6 in their last 7 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 667282 Stars are 8-20 in their last 28 games playing on 0 days rest. Stars are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings in New Jersey. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-12-17 klockan 09:18. |
2011-12-17, 17:58 | #85 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 668803 Ducks are 12-26 in their last 38 games playing on 0 days rest. Ducks are 2-5 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 668807 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 668813 Canucks are 4-0 in the last 4 meetings in Toronto. Canucks are 8-0 in the last 8 meetings. Maple Leafs are 23-52 in their last 75 games playing on 0 days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-12-18 klockan 08:03. |
2011-12-23, 10:14 | #86 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 678044 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 678045 Panthers are 29-65 in their last 94 games playing on 0 days rest. Panthers are 5-16 in their last 21 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Panthers are 0-4 in their last 4 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Panthers are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 678048 Penguins are 40-17 in their last 57 games playing on 2 days rest. Jets are 21-48 in their last 69 games playing on 0 days rest. Jets are 7-23 in their last 30 games following a win. Jets are 1-6 in their last 7 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Penguins are 33-12 in the last 45 meetings. Penguins are 5-2 in the last 7 meetings in Winnipeg. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 678049 Flames are 1-7 in their last 8 games playing on 0 days rest. Flames are 2-6 in their last 8 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Canucks are 35-16 in their last 51 games playing on 1 days rest. Favorite is 19-7 in the last 26 meetings. Flames are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings in Vancouver. Flames are 0-5 in the last 5 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-12-24 klockan 08:29. |
2011-12-24, 08:29 | #87 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
En helt ok natt, nu firar vi jul!
Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
smak (+5) |
2011-12-27, 09:04 | #88 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 681978 Blue Jackets are 1-7 in their last 8 games playing on 0 days rest. Blue Jackets are 0-4 in their last 4 home games following a road trip of 7 or more days. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 681980 Hurricanes are 4-11 in their last 15 games playing on 0 days rest. Hurricanes are 3-8 in the last 11 meetings in Pittsburgh. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 681981 Avalanche are 7-24 in their last 31 games playing on 0 days rest. Jets are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings in Colorado. Road team is 6-2-1 in the last 9 meetings. Underdog is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-12-28 klockan 07:58. |
2011-12-29, 07:27 | #89 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 685148 Hurricanes are 8-20 in their last 28 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Hurricanes are 3-12 in their last 15 games playing on 1 days rest. Maple Leafs are 4-1 in their last 5 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 685150 Wild are 8-19 in their last 27 games playing on 0 days rest. Wild are 2-5 in their last 7 home games. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 685151 Blue Jackets are 53-118-6 in their last 177 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Blue Jackets are 6-15 in the last 21 meetings in Dallas. Blue Jackets are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 685152 Kings are 2-5 in their last 7 games playing on 0 days rest. Kings are 1-5 in their last 6 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Home team is 6-1 in the last 7 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-12-30 klockan 05:08. |
2011-12-29, 20:21 | #90 |
Reg.datum: okt 2011
Ort: Linköping
Inlägg: 383
Sharp$: 731Elitserien 12/13 Stats: 88 - 78 - 15 ROI: 104.08% Vinstprocent: 53.01% |
Var får du infon med hur lagen spelar efter "back to back"-matcher?
2011-12-29, 20:22 | #91 | |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
joemag (+10) |
2011-12-29, 21:34 | #92 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 685954 9 of 10 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-12-30 klockan 05:08. |
2011-12-30, 05:30 | #93 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 686660 Flames are 2-7 in their last 9 games playing on 0 days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-12-31 klockan 09:32. |
2011-12-30, 07:41 | #94 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 686696 Ottawa leads the NHL with 51 third-period goals -- but has allowed 49, more than any team except Carolina. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-12-31 klockan 09:32. |
2011-12-30, 16:17 | #95 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 687192 7 of 9 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Under is 18-6-3 in the last 27 meetings. Under is 5-0-1 in the last 6 meetings in Florida. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-01 klockan 09:06. |
2011-12-30, 22:40 | #96 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 687780 10 of 13 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Under is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings in St. Louis. Under is 39-12-3 in the last 54 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2011-12-31 klockan 09:32. |
2011-12-31, 09:41 | #97 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 688365 9 of 11 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Under is 5-1 in the last 6 meetings in New Jersey. Detta drar ned insatsen: Over is 3-0-1 in Devils last 4 games playing on 2 days rest. Over is 3-0-1 in Devils last 4 after allowing 2 goals or less in their previous game. Over is 6-0-2 in Devils last 8 when their opponent scores 2 goals or less in their previous game. Over is 3-0-2 in Devils last 5 games following a win. Over is 5-1-2 in Devils last 8 overall. Over is 4-1-2 in Devils last 7 vs. Eastern Conference. Over is 3-1-1 in Devils last 5 Saturday games. Over is 5-2-1 in Devils last 8 vs. a team with a winning record. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-01 klockan 09:06. |
2011-12-31, 16:05 | #98 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 688891 Capitals are 0-4 in their last 4 games playing on 0 days rest. Capitals are 2-8 in their last 10 road games. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 688913 11 of 13 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Over is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings in Detroit. Over is 13-4 in the last 17 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-01 klockan 09:06. |
2011-12-31, 16:52 | #99 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 688973 Panthers are 29-66 in their last 95 games playing on 0 days rest. Canadiens are 6-2 in the last 8 meetings in Florida. Canadiens are 11-4 in the last 15 meetings. Road team is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 688976 6 of 7 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Under is 8-2-1 in Panthers last 11 games playing on 0 days rest. Under is 41-20-4 in Canadiens last 65 road games. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 688982 ANAHEIM is 7-1-0 straight up against COLORADO over the last 3 seasons Avalanche are 4-9 in their last 13 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Avalanche are 6-20 in the last 26 meetings. Avalanche are 3-13 in the last 16 meetings in Anaheim. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-01 klockan 09:07. |
2011-12-31, 17:04 | #100 |
Reg.datum: okt 2011
Ort: Linköping
Inlägg: 383
Sharp$: 731Elitserien 12/13 Stats: 88 - 78 - 15 ROI: 104.08% Vinstprocent: 53.01% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 688982 ANAHEIM is 7-1-0 straight up against COLORADO over the last 3 seasons Avalanche are 4-9 in their last 13 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Avalanche are 6-20 in the last 26 meetings. Avalanche are 3-13 in the last 16 meetings in Anaheim.[/QUOTE] Håller inte alls med dig här! Colorado är ett helt nytt lag iår som spelar mycket bättre än Anaheim. Avalanche are 5-0 in their last 5 games playing on 1 days rest. Ducks are 4-18 in their last 22 games playing on 1 days rest. Last 10: Colorado 7-3-0; Anaheim 3-6-1 Detta utöver matcherna jag har sett tycker jag gör att det lutar åt Colorado! |
2011-12-31, 17:22 | #101 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Håller med om att det är skillnad i form och lag i förhållande till föregående säsong.
Ytterligare ett stort minus (förutom den rent statistiska historien) för Colorado är att deras näst bäste poängplockare, Matt Duchene skadade sig i förra matchen och blir borta några veckor. Hur reagerar laget på detta? http://avalanche.nhl.com/club/news.h...id=DL|COL|home Vi får se hur matchen går. |
2011-12-31, 23:50 | #102 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Dags för månadssummering och det är härligt att se gröna siffror för december.
NHL December Antal spel: 58 Vinster: 28 Förluster: 29 Push: 1 Medelodds: 2.21 Netto: +21.04 ROI: 114.51% NHL TOTALT Antal spel: 138 Vinster: 65 Förluster: 70 Push: 3 Medelodds: 2.24 Netto: +48.12 ROI: 112.87% Gott Nytt År! |
2012-01-01, 09:14 | #103 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Vilken vidrig liten start på det nya året 0-4-1 i baken.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 689462 7 of 8 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-02 klockan 08:41. |
2012-01-02, 13:41 | #104 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 691446 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-02 klockan 18:03. |
2012-01-02, 14:30 | #105 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 691553 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-02 klockan 18:03. |
2012-01-02, 18:03 | #106 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 691991 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-02 klockan 20:24. |
2012-01-02, 18:40 | #107 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 692082 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-03 klockan 00:04. |
2012-01-03, 09:17 | #108 | |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 693085 Oilers are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Oilers are 1-5 in their last 6 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Oilers are 6-24 in their last 30 games playing on 0 days rest. Oilers are 0-5 in the last 5 meetings. Dessutom ber vi en liten bön att Nugent-Hopkins inte kan vara med: Citat:
Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-04 klockan 08:59. |
2012-01-03, 19:26 | #109 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 694010 Maple Leafs are 3-9 in their last 12 home games following a road trip of 7 or more days. Lightning are 5-1 in the last 6 meetings in Toronto. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-04 klockan 08:59. |
2012-01-04, 22:42 | #110 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 696193 Canadiens are 2-5-1 in their last 8 home games following a road trip of 7 or more days. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-05 klockan 14:32. |
2012-01-05, 14:34 | #111 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 696779 Jets are 21-49 in their last 70 games playing on 0 days rest. Favorite is 4-0 in the last 4 meetings. Home team is 4-0 in the last 4 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-06 klockan 03:52. |
2012-01-05, 14:37 | #112 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 696780 Oilers are 17-35 in their last 52 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Oilers are 0-4 in their last 4 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation Oilers are 2-6 in the last 8 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 696799 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-06 klockan 10:54. |
2012-01-06, 11:16 | #113 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 699017 Panthers are 30-66 in their last 96 games playing on 0 days rest. Panthers are 7-19-2 in the last 28 meetings in New Jersey. Panthers are 14-39-3 in the last 56 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-07 klockan 08:59. |
2012-01-07, 09:22 | #114 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 701092 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 701096 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 701097 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-08 klockan 08:29. |
2012-01-08, 08:29 | #115 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
2012-01-08, 08:49 | #116 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 703888 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 703890 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 703897 Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
Perreffs (+1) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-09 klockan 06:44. |
2012-01-08, 10:47 | #117 |
Skön sweep i natt.
Det vore kul om du kunde fortsätta skriva ut den statistik som du tar i beräkning när du lägger betsen. Brukar vara inne och kolla och ha med det i beräkningen när jag själv går igenom matcherna sen. |
2012-01-09, 06:45 | #118 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Woho! Ännu ett sweep!
2012-01-09, 08:04 | #119 |
Snyggt spelat senaste nätterna!
Kanske dags att matcha dina spel i en trippel? |
2012-01-09, 09:24 | #120 |
Reg.datum: jan 2012
Ort: Uppsala
Inlägg: 187
Sharp$: 327Elitserien Bandy 13/14 Stats: 7 - 7 - 0 ROI: 107.41% Vinstprocent: 50.00% |
Snyggt spelat. Det här måste jag följa.
2012-01-09, 17:45 | #121 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ska göra det. Hade jävligt stressigt senast bara.
2012-01-09, 18:53 | #122 |
Ingen fara. Bara glad att du delar med dig!
2012-01-10, 18:24 | #123 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
2012-01-10, 19:03 | #124 |
2012-01-12, 17:58 | #125 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 712291 Senators are 2-5 in their last 7 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 712304 12 of 16 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Over is 5-1 in the last 6 meetings in Detroit. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 712316 Predators are 1-7 in their last 8 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Avalanche are 4-1 in their last 5 road games. Avalanche are 4-1 in their last 5 games as a road underdog. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 712322 Over is 4-0 in Avalanche last 4 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 712327 8 of 10 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Under is 6-0-1 in the last 7 meetings. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
muskali (+3) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-13 klockan 14:41. |
2012-01-13, 14:52 | #126 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Usch vilken natt. Tre torsk och två push.
Nya tag! Ogiltigt spel-ID: 714127 Coyotes are 4-1 in their last 5 games playing on 0 days rest. Coyotes are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Home team is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Kommer även spela Oilers men oddsen är inte släppta ännu. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
Wirre (+1) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-14 klockan 07:52. Anledning: Hade fyllt i fel spelform, ändrade från FT --> FT+OT som spelet var. |
2012-01-13, 15:05 | #127 |
Reg.datum: jan 2012
Ort: Uppsala
Inlägg: 187
Sharp$: 327Elitserien Bandy 13/14 Stats: 7 - 7 - 0 ROI: 107.41% Vinstprocent: 50.00% |
Bet24 har 2.40 på Columbus. Är inte det lite väl stor skillnad?
2012-01-13, 15:55 | #128 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
2012-01-13, 17:08 | #129 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 714349 Ducks are 12-27 in their last 39 games playing on 0 days rest. Ducks are 0-4 in their last 4 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ducks are 0-4 in their last 4 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-14 klockan 07:52. |
2012-01-14, 07:45 | #130 |
Reg.datum: jan 2012
Ort: Uppsala
Inlägg: 187
Sharp$: 327Elitserien Bandy 13/14 Stats: 7 - 7 - 0 ROI: 107.41% Vinstprocent: 50.00% |
2012-01-14, 08:39 | #131 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 715717 Blue Jackets are 0-4 in their last 4 games playing on 0 days rest. Sharks are 6-1 in their last 7 games playing on 1 days rest. Sharks are 27-12 in the last 39 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 715731 Sabres are 0-4 in their last 4 games playing on 0 days rest. Sabres are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings in New York. Sabres are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 715740 Maple Leafs are 24-53 in their last 77 games playing on 0 days rest. Road team is 5-1 in the last 6 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 715749 8 of 9 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Under is 7-2 in Sharks last 9 overall. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-15 klockan 09:53. |
2012-01-14, 09:03 | #132 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
2012-01-15, 06:50 | #133 |
Reg.datum: jan 2012
Ort: Uppsala
Inlägg: 187
Sharp$: 327Elitserien Bandy 13/14 Stats: 7 - 7 - 0 ROI: 107.41% Vinstprocent: 50.00% |
Jag tar av mig hatten och bockar. |
2012-01-15, 09:54 | #134 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
2012-01-15, 10:46 | #135 |
2012-01-15, 16:49 | #136 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 718864 Ducks are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ducks are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Canucks are 106-51-10 in their last 167 games playing on 2 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 719382 Kings are 2-6 in their last 8 games playing on 0 days rest. Kings are 2-6 in their last 8 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Drar ned insatsen då både Nugent-Hopkins och Eberle i Oilers är borta. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 719392 Hurricanes are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Hurricanes are 2-5 in their last 7 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Hurricanes are 4-13 in their last 17 games playing on 0 days rest. Hurricanes are 3-10 in their last 13 games following a win. Capitals are 4-1 in their last 5 games playing on 1 days rest. Hurricanes are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings in Washington. Hurricanes are 1-7 in the last 8 meetings. Spelar vanligtvis inte ATS i NHL. Föredrar SU eller FT+OT, men nu var oddsen där inte så intressanta. Får väl se om man åker på linan då. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-16 klockan 06:34. |
2012-01-15, 17:11 | #137 | |
Anaheim är jag lite orolig för, dem har en uppåtgående trend och: Ducks are 11-5 in the last 16 meetings in Vancouver.
To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. train TJUU TJUUUUU |
2012-01-16, 15:48 | #138 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 721325 7 of 8 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-17 klockan 06:30. |
2012-01-17, 17:16 | #139 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 723517 Islanders are 16-40 in their last 56 games playing on 0 days rest. Islanders are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Islanders are 8-21 in their last 29 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Capitals are 70-33 in their last 103 games as a home favorite. Capitals are 5-1 in their last 6 games playing on 1 days rest. Islanders are 6-19-2 in the last 27 meetings in Washington. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 723524 Hurricanes are 2-6 in their last 8 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Hurricanes are 0-4 in their last 4 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Hurricanes are 16-35 in their last 51 games as a road underdog. Penguins are 4-1 in their last 5 games following a win. Hurricanes are 3-9 in the last 12 meetings in Pittsburgh. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 723529 Jets are 21-50 in their last 71 games playing on 0 days rest. Jets are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Jets are 21-47-1 in their last 69 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Jets are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings. Jets are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings in New Jersey. Favorite is 8-1 in the last 9 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 723539 Kings are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Kings are 5-12 in their last 17 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Canucks are 6-2 in their last 8 after scoring 2 goals or less in their previous game. Kings are 2-7 in the last 9 meetings in Vancouver. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
musse33 (+5) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-18 klockan 18:55. |
2012-01-17, 21:55 | #140 | |
2012-01-17, 23:58 | #141 |
covers.com ser det ut att vara ifrån.
2012-01-18, 00:27 | #142 |
2012-01-18, 18:56 | #143 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 726202 Capitals are 1-4 in their last 5 games playing on 0 days rest. Capitals are 1-5 in their last 6 road games. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-19 klockan 16:40. |
2012-01-18, 21:36 | #144 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
2012-01-19, 14:00 | #145 |
2012-01-19, 16:50 | #146 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 728094 Islanders are 9-21 in their last 30 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Islanders are 6-14 in their last 20 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Islanders are 5-16 in the last 21 meetings in Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA is 13-1 against the spread versus NY ISLANDERS over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 728107 Sabres are 0-5 in their last 5 games playing on 0 days rest. Sabres are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Sabres are 0-4 in their last 4 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Sabres are 2-7 in the last 9 meetings in Winnipeg OBS: Jets are 7-19-1 in their last 27 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Jets are 21-48-1 in their last 70 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 728120 Coyotes spelade match igår. Coyotes are 1-5 in their last 6 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Red Wings are 20-6-3 in the last 29 meetings in Phoenix. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-20 klockan 06:25. |
2012-01-19, 16:57 | #147 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
2012-01-19, 20:45 | #148 |
2012-01-21, 10:51 | #149 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 732682 Panthers are 30-67 in their last 97 games playing on 0 days rest. Panthers are 4-17 in their last 21 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Panthers are 0-5 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Panthers are 3-7 in the last 10 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 732683 Hurricanes are 4-14 in their last 18 games playing on 0 days rest. Hurricanes are 1-4 in their last 5 games following a win. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 732690 Canadiens are 3-13 in their last 16 games playing on 0 days rest. Canadiens are 3-7 in the last 10 meetings. Canadiens are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings in Toronto. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 732695 Sabres are 0-4 in their last 4 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Sabres are 0-5 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Blues are 10-2 in their last 12 games playing on 1 days rest. Sabres are 2-11 in the last 13 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-22 klockan 17:52. |
2012-01-22, 17:52 | #150 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 736932 WASHINGTON is 9-2-0 straight up against PITTSBURGH over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-22 klockan 21:14. |
2012-01-24, 18:53 | #151 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 740973 Jets are 21-51 in their last 72 games playing on 0 days rest. Jets are 3-8 in their last 11 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Jets are 22-49-1 in their last 72 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Rangers are 4-0 in their last 4 games playing on 2 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 740979 Maple Leafs are 1-4 in their last 5 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Islanders are 6-2 in their last 8 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 740981 Over is 6-1-3 in Islanders last 10 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 740990 Blue Jackets are 57-116-4 in their last 177 games playing on 0 days rest. Blue Jackets are 54-120-6 in their last 180 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Blue Jackets are 15-36 in their last 51 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Blue Jackets are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings in Tampa Bay. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 740994 Predators are 0-4 in their last 4 games playing on 0 days rest. Blackhawks are 10-4 in their last 14 games playing on 2 days rest. Predators are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings in Chicago. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 740998 Oilers are 21-43 in their last 64 games playing on 0 days rest. Oilers are 16-35 in their last 51 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Oilers are 16-35 in their last 51 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Oilers are 20-70 in their last 90 games as a road underdog. Canucks are 106-52-10 in their last 168 games playing on 2 days rest. Oilers are 1-6 in the last 7 meetings in Vancouver. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-25 klockan 06:37. |
2012-01-31, 18:01 | #152 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 756156 9 of 10 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Under is 4-0 in the last 4 meetings in San Jose. Under is 5-2-1 in Blue Jackets last 8 games playing on 3 or more days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 756162 11 of 13 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 756165 WINNIPEG is 9-1-0 straight up against PHILADELPHIA over the last 3 seasons Jets are 5-0 in the last 5 meetings in Philadelphia. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-02-01 klockan 06:53. |
2012-01-31, 18:07 | #153 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
NHL Januari
Antal spel: 57 Vinstprocent: 46.3% Medelodds: 2.07 Medelinsats: 2.79 ROI: 96.03% Netto: -6.32 NHL Totalt Antal spel: 192 Vinstprocent: 47.85% Medelodds: 2.19 Medelinsats: 2.73 ROI: 108.55% Netto: +44.8 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-01-31 klockan 18:09. |
2012-02-01, 20:11 | #154 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 759483 Penguins are 2-6 in their last 8 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Home team is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 759487 Under is 6-0 in Maple Leafs last 6 home games. Under is 4-0 in Maple Leafs last 4 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 759492 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 759498 Blue Jackets are 57-117-4 in their last 178 games playing on 0 days rest. Blue Jackets are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 759502 7 of 9 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Under is 41-20-3 in Rangers last 64 games playing on 0 days rest. Under is 5-2 in Sabres last 7 games playing on 0 days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-02-02 klockan 07:00. |
2012-02-02, 15:29 | #155 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 761233 TAMPA BAY is 12-2-0 straight up against WINNIPEG over the last 3 seasons Jets are 0-7 in the last 7 meetings in Tampa Bay. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-02-03 klockan 07:11. |
2012-02-02, 15:34 | #156 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 761246 Stars are 14-37 in their last 51 games playing on 0 days rest. Stars are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-02-03 klockan 07:11. |
2012-02-03, 14:45 | #157 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 763739 Jets are 21-52 in their last 73 games playing on 0 days rest. Jets are 8-20-1 in their last 29 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
muskali (+3) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-02-04 klockan 06:22. |
2012-02-05, 13:05 | #158 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 768625 Philly med 0 dagars vila. Rangers med lång vila i ryggen. Flyers are 0-5 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 768629 Canadiens are 3-10 in their last 13 games playing on 0 days rest. Jets are 13-5 in their last 18 games playing on 1 days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-02-06 klockan 06:20. |
2012-02-07, 19:37 | #159 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 772914 PHILADELPHIA is 13-2 (+9.7 Units) against the spread versus NY ISLANDERS over the last 3 seasons Favorite is 31-3 in the last 34 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 772920 Maple Leafs are 26-54 in their last 80 games playing on 0 days rest. Maple Leafs are 15-36 in their last 51 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Home team is 5-0 in the last 5 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-02-08 klockan 06:40. |
2012-02-09, 18:38 | #160 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 777232 Flames are 2-8 in their last 10 games playing on 0 days rest. Flames are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Flames are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings in Phoenix. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-02-10 klockan 20:08. |
2012-02-10, 20:11 | #161 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 779979 Stars are 14-38 in their last 52 games playing on 0 days rest. Home team is 8-2 in the last 10 meetings. Stars are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings. Stars are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings in Buffalo. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-02-11 klockan 12:24. |
2012-02-11, 15:10 | #162 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 782129 Sabres are 0-7 in their last 7 games playing on 0 days rest. Sabres are 0-5 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-02-12 klockan 09:23. |
2012-02-12, 09:24 | #163 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Från nu ändrar jag mina insatsnivåer från, 1,2,3 till 10,15,20.
2012-02-12, 14:56 | #164 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 785020 Kings are 0-5 in their last 5 games playing on 0 days rest. Kings are 1-4 in their last 5 games following OT on the previous day. Kings are 3-8 in their last 11 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Kings are 6-13 in their last 19 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Stars are 19-7 in their last 26 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 785028 Blue Jackets are 57-118-4 in their last 179 games playing on 0 days rest. Blue Jackets are 55-121-6 in their last 182 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Blue Jackets are 15-37 in their last 52 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 785041 Blues are 0-4 in their last 4 games playing on 0 days rest. Blues are 2-7 in their last 9 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Blues are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Sharks are 24-9 in the last 33 meetings. Sharks are 10-4 in the last 14 meetings in St. Louis. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 785057 Flyers are 4-9 in their last 13 games playing on 0 days rest. Red Wings are 9-3 in their last 12 games playing on 1 days rest. Home team is 14-1 in the last 15 meetings. Flyers are 1-8 in the last 9 meetings in Detroit. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-02-13 klockan 06:19. |
2012-02-14, 17:11 | #165 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 789933 Blackhawks are 1-4 in their last 5 vs. Central. Blackhawks are 1-4 in their last 5 games playing on 2 days rest. Blackhawks are 1-6 in their last 7 Tuesday games. Blackhawks are 1-10 in their last 11 road games. Blackhawks are 0-4 in their last 4 games following a loss of 3 or more goals. Blackhawks are 0-6 in their last 6 games as an underdog. Blackhawks are 0-4 in their last 4 games as an underdog of +110 to +150. Blackhawks are 0-4 in their last 4 games as a road underdog of +110 to +150. Blackhawks are 0-4 in their last 4 vs. a team with a winning record. Blackhawks are 0-6 in their last 6 games as a road underdog. Blackhawks are 0-8 in their last 8 overall. Blackhawks are 0-5 in their last 5 after scoring 2 goals or less in their previous game. Blackhawks are 0-4 in their last 4 road games vs. a team with a home winning % of greater than .600. Blackhawks are 0-8 in their last 8 vs. Western Conference. Home team is 6-2 in the last 8 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 789948 NY RANGERS is 7-2-0 straight up against BOSTON over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-02-15 klockan 06:19. |
2012-02-15, 19:16 | #166 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 793070 Ducks are 2-6 in their last 8 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ducks are 3-7 in their last 10 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 793074 OTTAWA is 9-1-0 straight up against FLORIDA over the last 3 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 793063 Maple Leafs are 26-55 in their last 81 games playing on 0 days rest. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
capital-pb (+5) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-02-16 klockan 09:23. |
2012-02-15, 19:41 | #167 |
Snyggt spelat igår, håller med dig om Edmonton och Ottawa idag men är sugen på att spela på Anaheim till ett riktigt bra odds. Vann ju igår och är kanske stärkta av det? Eller trötta med match igen dagen efter, vem vet...
2012-02-16, 09:23 | #168 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ja det gick dåligt. Tungt med Oilers OT-förlust. :-(
2012-02-16, 16:28 | #169 |
Mmh, det var synd. Men Anaheim gick in iallafall Tur för mig.
2012-02-17, 18:49 | #170 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 798055 Sabres are 0-8 in their last 8 games playing on 0 days rest. Sabres are 0-6 in their last 6 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 798063 Jets are 21-53 in their last 74 games playing on 0 days rest. Bruins are 14-3 in the last 17 meetings. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
Wirre (+5) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-02-18 klockan 08:01. |
2012-02-17, 18:54 | #171 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 798069 12 of 14 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-02-18 klockan 08:01. |
2012-02-18, 15:19 | #172 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 800543 Capitals are 2-7 in their last 9 games playing on 0 days rest. Capitals are 2-5 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 800574 Hurricanes are 5-16 in their last 21 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 800582 12 of 16 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 800622 11 of 15 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Ogiltigt spel-ID: 800626 7 of 9 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-02-19 klockan 07:32. |
2012-02-19, 07:33 | #173 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
Wirre (+5) |
2012-02-19, 10:29 | #174 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 802488 Wild are 9-19 in their last 28 games playing on 0 days rest. Road team is 6-1 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 802493 Stars are 14-39 in their last 53 games playing on 0 days rest. Stars are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Stars are 0-4 in their last 4 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Stars are 2-5 in their last 7 games following OT on the previous day. Predators are 37-14 in their last 51 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 802498 Blue Jackets are 57-119-4 in their last 180 games playing on 0 days rest. Blue Jackets are 16-43 in their last 59 games as a road underdog. Rangers are 5-0 in their last 5 games playing on 2 days rest. Home team is 7-2 in the last 9 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-02-20 klockan 06:32. |
2012-02-19, 22:39 | #175 | |
2012-02-21, 21:05 | #176 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 809481 WINNIPEG is 10-1-0 straight up against PHILADELPHIA over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 809485 9 of 11 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 809489 Islanders are 17-43 in their last 60 games playing on 0 days rest. Islanders are 39-100 in their last 139 games as a road underdog. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 809503 CALGARY is 15-1 (+14.0 Units) against the spread versus EDMONTON over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-02-22 klockan 06:27. |
2012-02-22, 20:13 | #177 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 811982 Kings are 1-5 in their last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-02-23 klockan 06:35. |
2012-02-23, 18:32 | #178 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 814432 Blues are 1-5 in their last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Blues are 5-11 in their last 16 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Blues are 7-19 in the last 26 meetings in Nashville. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 814459 12 of 15 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Under is 5-0-1 in Blues last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 814447 TAMPA BAY is 12-3-0 straight up against WINNIPEG over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 814468 8 of 10 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-02-24 klockan 09:16. |
2012-02-24, 22:45 | #179 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 817715 Stars are 2-5 in their last 7 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Stars are 2-5 in their last 7 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Stars are 14-40 in their last 54 games playing on 0 days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-02-25 klockan 22:53. |
2012-02-25, 23:04 | #180 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 820514 Avalanche are 14-37 in their last 51 games playing on 0 days rest. Avalanche are 5-11 in the last 16 meetings in Detroit. |
2012-03-04, 18:48 | #181 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 838235 Islanders are 17-44 in their last 61 games playing on 0 days rest. Islanders are 8-17 in their last 25 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 838240 Panthers are 33-68 in their last 101 games playing on 0 days rest. Panthers are 6-17 in their last 23 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Senators are 21-6 in the last 27 meetings in Florida. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 838241 Avalanche are 14-37 in their last 51 games playing on 0 days rest. Avalanche are 1-6 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 838248 12 of 16 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons |
2012-03-04, 18:58 | #182 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
NHL Antal spel: 49 Vinster: 26 Förluster: 22 Push: 1 Medelodds: 2.12 Vinstprocent: 54.17% ROI: 106.11% TOTALT NHL Antal spel: 241 Vinster: 115 Förluster: 119 Push: 7 Medelodds: 2.18 ROI: 107.44% |
2012-03-07, 23:06 | #183 |
Fin statistik det där.
2012-06-25, 06:59 | #184 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Efter lite välbehövlig semester från spel är det dags att sätta nya mål.
Startar ett spreadsheet som ska sträcka sig mellan 25/6-12 --> 25/5-13. Till hösten blir det som vanligt fokus på främst NHL där facit är fint, kommer denna säsong även kliva in i fotbollen allt mer. Hur som helst startar vi med lite tennis. Wimbledon inleds i dag och jag väljer att spela några vinnarspel till höga odds. Även en damdubbel skickar igång turneringen. Ana Ivanovic den oemotståndliga, samt Cibulkova. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1049919 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1049917 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1049916 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1049915 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1049914 Spoiler:
Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-06-27 klockan 13:49. |
2012-06-25, 19:19 | #185 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Tar ställning i EM-semifinalerna. Tror inte Italien orkar mobilisera mot den tyska maskinen. Spanien tror jag har ytterligare en växel i sig, hög tid att peta i den nu.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1050572 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1050575 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1050581 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-06-29 klockan 09:16. |
2012-06-26, 06:59 | #186 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ännu ett spel i Wimbledon. Hoppas denna tjej får jubla idag.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1051109 Spoiler:
Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-06-27 klockan 08:51. |
2012-06-26, 15:34 | #187 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Bra start av Robson med 6-2 i första set. Schiavone fick sedan igång sin serve och började sakta men säkert tugga sig in i matchen. Robsons dröm om att flyga vidare på det gröna hemmagräset sprack och så även jag.
Lite senare i dag kliver de andra tjejerna in på banan. |
2012-06-26, 21:10 | #188 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Regn + Wimbledon = Sant.
Vilket medför att dubbelspelet blir uppskjutet till morgondagen. Azarenka såg ut som en furie under första set. I andra set kommer en stund då hon slappnar av och tar allt för givet. Det går kanske på Kalle Anka Cup, men i Wimbledon blir högmod snabbt avslöjat. Dippen blev dock tändvätska för Azarenka och som hon tände. Vildsint så formligen skrek hon in resterande bollar, bröt direkt tillbaka och kunde sedan punktera matchen. Med tanke på vinnarspelet är jag nöjd med vad jag såg. Det hetsiga humöret som tidigare har förstört för henne användes nu till hennes fördel. |
2012-06-27, 08:51 | #189 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1052243 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-06-28 klockan 17:25. |
2012-06-27, 14:55 | #190 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Cibulkova - vilken flopp, viket uselt spel och vilket tråkigt sätt att förlora en dubbel på.
Från en looser till en annan. Nåja så brukar det ju se ut när man snackar Emma Green Tregaro och mästerskap. Men var det inte ett litet medaljblänk vi såg under kvalet idag? Full attack i ansatsen och tekniken med sig hela vägen. Övertygande tyckte Kajsa B - övertygande tyckte jag. 11 gånger degen finner jag värde i för lite svensk guldlycka och investerar en slant. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1052560 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-06-28 klockan 21:05. |
2012-06-28, 06:18 | #191 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1053482 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-06-28 klockan 21:05. |
2012-06-28, 06:25 | #192 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1053486 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-06-28 klockan 17:25. |
2012-06-28, 06:56 | #193 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1053489 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1053490 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-06-28 klockan 17:25. |
2012-06-28, 17:25 | #194 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1054004 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1054002 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-06-28 klockan 21:05. |
2012-06-29, 09:16 | #195 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1054705 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-06-29 klockan 19:50. |
2012-06-29, 12:13 | #196 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1054856 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-06-29 klockan 22:23. |
2012-06-29, 14:33 | #197 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1054984 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-06-29 klockan 22:23. |
2012-06-29, 14:47 | #198 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Lite travspel inför morgondagen:
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1055001 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1055002 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1054996 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1054999 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-06-30 klockan 17:49. |
2012-06-29, 19:31 | #199 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1055325 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-06-30 klockan 16:18. |
2012-06-30, 13:47 | #200 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1056132 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-06-30 klockan 17:49. |
2012-07-01, 19:50 | #201 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1057728 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1057736 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-01 klockan 23:00. |
2012-07-01, 21:45 | #202 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1057871 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1057873 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1057867 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1057868 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-03 klockan 23:34. Anledning: Ändrad starttid |
2012-07-02, 18:52 | #203 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1058728 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1058730 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1058731 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-02 klockan 20:53. |
2012-07-02, 22:19 | #204 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1058965 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-03 klockan 23:34. |
2012-07-03, 08:11 | #205 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1059244 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-03 klockan 23:34. |
2012-07-06, 08:26 | #206 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1062618 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1062619 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1062617 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-10 klockan 09:23. |
2012-07-06, 16:41 | #207 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1062989 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-07 klockan 07:56. |
2012-07-07, 07:56 | #208 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1063608 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-07 klockan 16:52. |
2012-07-07, 14:35 | #209 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1064023 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-07 klockan 15:55. |
2012-07-07, 15:55 | #210 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1064102 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-07 klockan 16:37. |
2012-07-08, 13:01 | #211 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1065082 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1065086 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1065093 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-09 klockan 15:27. |
2012-07-12, 17:54 | #212 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1069217 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-12 klockan 20:48. |
2012-07-13, 15:11 | #213 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1070127 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1070126 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-14 klockan 19:19. |
2012-07-13, 19:20 | #214 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1070382 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-13 klockan 19:36. |
2012-07-13, 19:23 | #215 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1070387 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-13 klockan 19:57. |
2012-07-13, 19:26 | #216 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1070390 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-13 klockan 19:57. |
2012-07-14, 09:24 | #217 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1070851 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1070852 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-14 klockan 19:19. |
2012-07-14, 09:34 | #218 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1070860 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1070864 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1070866 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1070857 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-15 klockan 21:49. |
2012-07-14, 09:51 | #219 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1070876 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1070877 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-14 klockan 19:19. |
2012-07-14, 14:13 | #220 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1071272 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-14 klockan 19:19. |
2012-07-15, 08:32 | #221 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1072009 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-16 klockan 07:40. |
2012-07-16, 22:50 | #222 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1073994 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1073980 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1073998 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1073999 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1073997 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-16 klockan 22:52. |
2012-07-17, 19:26 | #223 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1074836 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-17 klockan 21:06. |
2012-07-17, 19:27 | #224 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1074833 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-17 klockan 21:06. |
2012-07-17, 21:30 | #225 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1074910 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1074914 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1074919 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1074922 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1074908 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-19 klockan 22:04. |
2012-07-19, 22:05 | #226 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1077368 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1077370 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1077372 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1077376 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-21 klockan 19:12. |
2012-07-20, 09:37 | #227 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1077597 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1077598 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-22 klockan 07:01. |
2012-07-20, 10:52 | #228 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1077665 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1077660 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1077661 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1077662 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1077663 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1077664 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-21 klockan 19:11. |
2012-07-20, 20:49 | #229 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1078212 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1078211 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-21 klockan 19:11. |
2012-07-21, 19:12 | #230 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1079355 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1079361 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1079340 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1079347 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1079349 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-23 klockan 06:52. |
2012-07-22, 10:26 | #231 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1079797 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1079800 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1079802 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1079803 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1079804 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1079810 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-22 klockan 17:12. |
2012-07-22, 10:37 | #232 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1079822 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-22 klockan 17:12. |
2012-07-22, 22:08 | #233 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1080774 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1080766 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1080772 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1080780 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1080770 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1080773 |
2012-07-23, 06:58 | #234 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1080954 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-23 klockan 14:32. |
2012-07-23, 06:59 | #235 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1080955 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-23 klockan 14:33. |
2012-07-23, 16:18 | #236 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1081319 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1081317 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-23 klockan 21:11. |
2012-07-23, 18:14 | #237 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1081450 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-23 klockan 20:00. |
2012-07-23, 19:57 | #238 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1081554 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-25 klockan 08:23. |
2012-07-24, 12:19 | #239 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1082040 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-24 klockan 13:21. |
2012-07-24, 16:40 | #240 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1082238 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1082243 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1082223 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1082240 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-24 klockan 21:18. |
2012-07-24, 21:31 | #241 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1082445 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1082454 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-27 klockan 21:47. |
2012-07-24, 22:16 | #242 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1082517 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-25 klockan 08:23. |
2012-07-25, 14:02 | #243 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1083094 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1083102 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1083107 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-25 klockan 21:02. |
2012-07-25, 19:38 | #244 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1083567 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-26 klockan 07:48. |
2012-07-26, 14:44 | #245 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1084265 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1084275 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1084279 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-29 klockan 19:23. |
2012-07-26, 21:51 | #246 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1084683 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-29 klockan 08:23. |
2012-07-27, 15:29 | #247 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1085302 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1085312 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1085313 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-28 klockan 17:59. |
2012-07-27, 22:03 | #248 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1085704 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1085708 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-28 klockan 17:59. |
2012-07-28, 06:21 | #249 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1086029 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1086028 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-28 klockan 22:28. |
2012-07-28, 08:58 | #250 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1086084 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1086085 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1086087 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-28 klockan 17:59. |
2012-07-28, 18:09 | #251 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1086797 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-30 klockan 07:46. |
2012-07-30, 07:46 | #252 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1088701 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-30 klockan 18:26. |
2012-07-30, 13:08 | #253 |
har du någon skön motivering till denna? Tycker den känns riktigt intressant på förhand
Välj ett jobb du älskar och du kommer aldrig att behöva arbeta en dag i hela ditt liv |
2012-07-30, 15:19 | #254 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Skön och skön. Hoppas Lindstedt ska bära upp svenska laget och han behöver ju ingen närmre dubbelpresentation. Djokovic är såklart grym men Troicki verkligen inget vidare. Tycker mig finna lite värde i svenska paret.
2012-07-30, 15:41 | #255 |
Nej Lindstedt är ju hur bra som helst även om jag inte känner igen den andre samtidigt som de större namnen brukar ju inte gå så långt i dubbel även om detta inte är en vanlig turnering.
Visste inte om Troicki var bra eller dålig så det låter ju bra för spelet. Tror det kan bli en mindre insats i rygg här edit: fan så har oddset redan sjunkit till 2.37... hum...
Välj ett jobb du älskar och du kommer aldrig att behöva arbeta en dag i hela ditt liv Senast redigerad av Sprite den 2012-07-30 klockan 15:43. |
2012-07-30, 18:14 | #256 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1089219 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1089225 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-30 klockan 21:28. |
2012-07-30, 20:27 | #257 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1089382 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-31 klockan 07:20. |
2012-07-31, 14:34 | #258 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1090121 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-07-31 klockan 21:18. |
2012-08-01, 06:45 | #259 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1090986 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-01 klockan 21:47. |
2012-08-01, 11:36 | #260 |
De går bra nu !
Det viktigaste är inte att vinna utan deltaga! |
2012-08-01, 15:06 | #261 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ser dock ut som streaken på åtta raka w får sitt slut med detta spel:
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1091152 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-01 klockan 19:09. |
2012-08-01, 22:20 | #262 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1092143 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1092185 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1092172 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1092150 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-05 klockan 22:52. |
2012-08-02, 18:25 | #263 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1093189 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-02 klockan 21:07. |
2012-08-02, 20:53 | #264 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1093356 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1093340 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1093343 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1093344 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-04 klockan 19:08. Anledning: Ipatinga - Goias var ett överspel. |
2012-08-03, 11:28 | #265 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1093864 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-04 klockan 19:09. |
2012-08-03, 14:40 | #266 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1094087 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-06 klockan 22:04. |
2012-08-03, 17:43 | #267 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1094415 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1094419 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-03 klockan 21:46. Anledning: Fel odds. |
2012-08-03, 23:02 | #268 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1094811 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1094758 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1094807 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1094804 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1094798 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1094789 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-04 klockan 19:09. |
2012-08-06, 17:28 | #269 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1098618 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1098621 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1098623 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1098613 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1098625 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1098628 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-06 klockan 22:04. |
2012-08-06, 17:29 | #270 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1098646 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-08 klockan 09:49. |
2012-08-06, 22:04 | #271 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1099028 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1099033 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-12 klockan 19:27. |
2012-08-07, 16:24 | #272 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1099921 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1099919 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-07 klockan 22:13. |
2012-08-07, 22:30 | #273 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1100554 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-11 klockan 18:20. |
2012-08-08, 15:22 | #274 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1101190 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1101163 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1101166 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1101173 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-13 klockan 20:53. |
2012-08-09, 15:31 | #275 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1102425 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-09 klockan 22:35. |
2012-08-10, 15:48 | #276 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1103819 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-10 klockan 21:08. |
2012-08-10, 21:08 | #277 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1104276 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1104266 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1104277 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1104282 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-11 klockan 18:20. |
2012-08-10, 21:19 | #278 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1104294 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1104298 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-12 klockan 19:27. |
2012-08-13, 15:16 | #279 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1108246 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-14 klockan 07:35. |
2012-08-13, 15:22 | #280 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1108265 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-14 klockan 07:35. |
2012-08-13, 15:50 | #281 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1108283 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-14 klockan 07:35. |
2012-08-13, 20:54 | #282 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1108755 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1108758 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-15 klockan 07:55. |
2012-08-13, 20:55 | #283 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1108784 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1108766 |
2012-08-14, 17:15 | #284 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1109688 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1109691 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-14 klockan 21:28. |
2012-08-15, 16:06 | #285 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1111149 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-18 klockan 20:11. |
2012-08-15, 16:50 | #286 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1111218 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1111216 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-15 klockan 21:45. |
2012-08-16, 18:03 | #287 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1112528 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-17 klockan 07:25. |
2012-08-17, 07:25 | #288 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1113196 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1113192 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1113193 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1113194 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1113198 |
2012-08-17, 18:49 | #289 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1114249 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-17 klockan 20:14. Anledning: Lome Odin struken. |
2012-08-18, 09:39 | #290 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1115103 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-18 klockan 20:11. |
2012-08-19, 07:59 | #291 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1117183 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1117184 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-24 klockan 17:43. |
2012-08-20, 17:27 | #292 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1119585 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-21 klockan 22:47. |
2012-08-21, 22:47 | #293 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1122107 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-23 klockan 14:05. |
2012-08-23, 16:41 | #294 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1124715 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-27 klockan 21:58. |
2012-08-23, 19:28 | #295 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1125074 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1125075 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1125079 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-27 klockan 08:23. |
2012-08-24, 08:56 | #296 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1125845 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-25 klockan 07:50. |
2012-08-24, 08:59 | #297 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1125848 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-26 klockan 13:53. |
2012-08-24, 17:42 | #298 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1126816 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1126811 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-24 klockan 22:15. |
2012-08-25, 15:06 | #299 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1129031 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1129035 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-27 klockan 21:58. |
2012-08-27, 22:43 | #300 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1134548 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1134543 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1134532 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-30 klockan 16:48. |
2012-08-27, 22:45 | #301 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1134563 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1134565 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1134600 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1134608 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1134615 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1134579 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1134623 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-09-03 klockan 21:01. |
2012-08-28, 16:32 | #302 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1135827 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-28 klockan 21:12. |
2012-08-29, 20:20 | #303 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1138363 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-09-03 klockan 21:01. |
2012-08-30, 16:48 | #304 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1139381 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-30 klockan 21:05. |
2012-08-30, 16:56 | #305 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1139397 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1139391 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-09-01 klockan 08:16. |
2012-08-30, 18:48 | #306 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1139639 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-08-30 klockan 21:05. |
2012-08-31, 08:46 | #307 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1140512 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-09-02 klockan 17:08. |
2012-09-01, 19:11 | #308 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1144253 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1144256 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1144259 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-09-02 klockan 17:08. |
2012-09-03, 15:42 | #309 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1147708 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1147712 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-09-06 klockan 07:29. |
2012-09-03, 17:41 | #310 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1147916 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-09-03 klockan 21:54. |
2012-09-03, 17:49 | #311 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1147936 |
2012-09-04, 19:24 | #312 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1149403 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-09-04 klockan 22:41. |
2012-09-04, 19:29 | #313 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1149410 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-09-04 klockan 22:40. |
2012-09-05, 14:44 | #314 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1150277 Cowboys are 2-5-1 ATS in their last 8 meetings in New York. Cowboys are 1-5 ATS in their last 6 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-09-06 klockan 07:29. |
2012-09-07, 18:58 | #315 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1153820 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1153826 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-09-07 klockan 21:12. |
2012-09-07, 19:16 | #316 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1153850 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1153854 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1153839 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1153844 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-09-10 klockan 10:40. |
2012-09-08, 21:56 | #317 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1156198 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1156201 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1156210 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1156216 |
2012-09-10, 10:40 | #318 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1158355 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1158358 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1158359 |
2012-09-10, 19:14 | #319 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1159011 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-09-10 klockan 22:58. |
2012-09-18, 12:13 | #320 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1174084 Mariehamn hemma: Won: 7 (58.3%) Drawn: 5 (41.7%) Lost: 0 (0.0%) Undefeated: 12 matches Honka borta: No win: 2 matches Senast redigerad av Misär den 2012-09-18 klockan 21:46. |
2013-01-06, 11:34 | #321 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Äntligen! NHL-lockouten är över och säsongen drar igång igen. En något annorlunda säsong kommer det givetvis att bli men otroligt härligt att få komma igång igen.
I frånvaron av NHL har jag försökt betta på annat, men det är bara att erkänna. Det funkar inte för mig och att fortsätta tro att man kan är bara dumt (och dyrt). Det är NHL som är mitt huvudmål och så kommer det enkom att vara från och med nu. Kommer därför enbart att posta mina spel på NHL och siktar på att överträffa eller nå upp till förra säsongens siffror. TOTALT NHL Antal spel: 241 Vinster: 115 Förluster: 119 Push: 7 Medelodds: 2.18 ROI: 107.44% Game on! |
2013-01-08, 06:12 | #322 |
Mmm det blir intressant att se om flyers får lyckas dänga rangers i år då
Den mätta dagen, den är aldrig störst. Den bästa dagen är en dag av törst. |
2013-01-16, 18:13 | #323 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Laddar upp med lite säsongsspel inför starten av NHL.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1388297 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1388302 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1388304 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1388309 |
2013-01-18, 16:28 | #324 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Startar upp säsongen med några spel med låg insats innan vi kommer in i det och får dom rätta vinklarna. Spelen kommer ligga mellan 1-5 units så ni vet vad ni har att förhålla er till.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1391493 Over is 4-0 in the last 4 meetings in Vancouver. Over is 13-3-1 in the last 17 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1391489 Under is 13-3 in the last 16 meetings. Under is 13-6-3 in Canadiens last 22 home games. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1391487 Under is 5-1 in the last 6 meetings in Los Angeles. Under is 33-13-6 in the last 52 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1391501 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-01-20 klockan 07:48. |
2013-01-20, 14:02 | #325 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Kings magplask strulade till gårdagen. Nya tag idag.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1396314 11 of 15 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Over is 11-4 in Flyers last 15 games playing on 0 days rest. Over is 5-2 in the last 7 meetings in Buffalo. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1396318 Flyers are 2-5 in their last 7 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1396328 Canucks are 23-8 in their last 31 games playing on 0 days rest. Oilers are 1-8 in the last 9 meetings in Vancouver. Oilers are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1396333 41 of 63 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996 Under is 5-1 in Blackhawks last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Under is 5-2 in Blackhawks last 7 after scoring 5 goals or more in their previous game. Under is 20-8-2 in Blackhawks last 30 vs. Pacific. Under is 4-0-2 in Coyotes last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Under is 4-1 in Coyotes last 5 when their opponent scores 5 goals or more in their previous game. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-01-21 klockan 06:30. |
2013-01-21, 06:42 | #326 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1397499 Sabres are 2-12 in their last 14 games playing on 0 days rest. Home team is 13-3 in the last 16 meetings. Sabres are 0-5 in the last 5 meetings in Toronto. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1397500 Flames are 16-37 in their last 53 games playing on 0 days rest. Ducks are 6-2 in the last 8 meetings. Kommer förmodligen fler spel senare mot kvällen. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-01-22 klockan 06:30. |
2013-01-21, 19:05 | #327 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1398192 9 of 11 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons. Under is 24-3-3 in the last 30 meetings in Nashville. Under is 37-18-7 in Blues last 62 road games. Under is 23-8-3 in Blues last 34 after scoring 5 goals or more in their previous game. Under is 29-12-10 in Blues last 51 games following a win. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1398217 6 of 7 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Over is 4-0-1 in the last 5 meetings in Ottawa. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1398233 OTTAWA is 7-1 (+6.2 Units) against the spread versus FLORIDA over the last 3 seasons Panthers are 0-5 in the last 5 meetings in Ottawa. Panthers are 16-39 in the last 55 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1398265 23 of 34 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 5-0-1 in Red Wings last 6 after allowing 5 goals or more in their previous game Under is 18-6-4 in Red Wings last 28 when their opponent allows 2 goals or less in their previous game. Under is 24-9-5 in Red Wings last 38 after scoring 2 goals or less in their previous game. Under is 6-2 in the last 8 meetings in Columbus. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-01-22 klockan 06:30. |
2013-01-22, 07:02 | #328 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1399062 Jets are 22-56 in their last 78 games playing on 0 days rest. Jets are 5-13 in their last 18 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Home team is 11-4 in the last 15 meetings. Jets are 3-10 in the last 13 meetings in Washington. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1399064 Lightning are 4-10 in their last 14 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Hurricanes are 6-1 in their last 7 games playing on 2 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1399066 Panthers are 34-71 in their last 105 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1399067 Red Wings are 2-5 in their last 7 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Red Wings är dessutom b2b. Road team is 5-2 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1399068 Blues är b2b och 3-in-4 situation. Home team is 12-2 in the last 14 meetings. Blues are 7-20 in the last 27 meetings in Chicago. Blues are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1399071 Preds är b2b. Dock är Wild 1-5 in their last 6 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Samt: Predators are 6-1 in the last 7 meetings. Därav 1 u. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-01-23 klockan 06:34. |
2013-01-22, 16:09 | #329 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1399534 11 of 11 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Over is 37-17-1 in Lightning last 55 games playing on 0 days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-01-23 klockan 06:34. |
2013-01-23, 06:40 | #330 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1400628 Flames are 3-7 in their last 10 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Canucks are 89-42-2 in their last 133 games playing on 2 days rest.Flames are 4-10 in the last 14 meetings. Flames are 2-6 in the last 8 meetings in Vancouver. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-01-24 klockan 06:36. |
2013-01-24, 16:18 | #331 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Nu får vi hoppas på lite mer grönt!
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1402706 Islanders are 5-0 in their last 5 games playing on 2 days rest. Maple Leafs are 16-36 in their last 52 games playing on 0 days rest. Maple Leafs are 15-39 in their last 54 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Maple Leafs are 1-6 in their last 7 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Maple Leafs are 2-12 in their last 14 home games. Maple Leafs are 0-5 in their last 5 games following a win. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1402712 Panthers are 0-4 in their last 4 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Panthers are 0-4 in their last 4 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Senators are 21-7 in the last 28 meetings in Florida. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1402719 Blue Jackets are 59-122-4 in their last 185 games playing on 0 days rest. Blue Jackets are 19-40 in their last 59 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Blue Jackets are 59-126-6 in their last 191 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Blue Jackets are 11-32-1 in the last 44 meetings. Blue Jackets are 5-17 in the last 22 meetings in Colorado. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1402722 Coyotes are 1-4 in their last 5 games playing on 0 days rest. Coyotes are 1-7 in the last 8 meetings in San Jose. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1402729 WASHINGTON is 7-1 (+5.7 Units) against the spread versus MONTREAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1402733 6 of 7 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1402736 OTTAWA is 8-1 (+7.2 Units) against the spread versus FLORIDA over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1402742 9 of 12 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Under is 15-5-3 in Blues last 23 in the third game of a 3-in-4 days situation. Under is 24-9-2 in Blues last 35 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 days situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1402745 6 of 7 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Under is 37-15-12 in Kings last 64 games playing on 1 days rest. Under is 8-3-1 in Oilers last 12 games playing on 1 days rest. Under is 16-7 in Oilers last 23 after allowing 5 goals or more in their previous game. Under is 15-5-1 in Oilers last 21 overall. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-01-25 klockan 07:32. |
2013-01-25, 16:24 | #332 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
En underbar natt som lyser grönt! Sharks vändning tackar man för. Men framför allt att storspelet på Colorado satt.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1404518 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1403956 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1404522 Islanders are 19-46 in their last 65 games playing on 0 days rest. Islanders are 2-9 in the last 11 meetings in Boston. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1404526 Capitals är b2b och 3 in 4. Capitals are 5-13 in the last 18 meetings in New Jersey. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1404529 PITTSBURGH is 7-1 (+5.6 Units) against the spread versus WINNIPEG over the last 3 seasons Penguins are 18-8 in their last 26 games playing on 1 days rest. Jets are 15-37 in their last 52 games following a win. Penguins are 36-12 in the last 48 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1404538 8 of 9 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons. Over is 7-1-2 in the last 10 meetings in Anaheim. Over is 14-3-1 in the last 18 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-01-26 klockan 08:42. |
2013-01-26, 08:42 | #333 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Inga större insatser natten som kommer, då inget spel fyller ramen för det. Preds ser ut att vara bästa vinnaren.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1405544 Blue Jackets are 19-41 in their last 60 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Blue Jackets are 59-127-6 in their last 192 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Blackhawks are 20-8 in the last 28 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1405548 Panthers are 0-5 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Flyers are 4-0 in the last 4 meetings in Florida. Flyers are 5-1 in the last 6 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1405549 Kings are 8-2 in their last 10 games playing on 1 days rest. Coyotes are 1-5 in their last 6 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Kings are 5-2 in the last 7 meetings in Phoenix. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1405550 Ducks är b2b. Predators are 6-0 in the last 6 meetings. Predators are 5-1 in the last 6 meetings in Anaheim. Predators are 35-16 in their last 51 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1405551 CHICAGO is 6-0 (+6.0 Units) against the spread versus COLUMBUS over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1405552 27 of 35 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996. 6 of 6 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-01-27 klockan 08:18. |
2013-01-26, 09:11 | #334 |
Reg.datum: mar 2012
Inlägg: 4 858
Sharp$: 604Rektävling 2014 Stats: 0 - 1 - 0 ROI: 0.00% Vinstprocent: 0.00% |
Ni som spelar NHL - glöm inte att Islanders ALLTID spelar bra i början och plockar mycket poäng i början utav serien - visserligen förlust inatt men sanna mina ord! De plockar väldigt mycket poäng i början, till riktigt fina odds!
Gillar dem skarpt!
Win some, lose some...! You´ll Never Walk Alone... |
2013-01-27, 08:54 | #335 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Mycket surt att Preds tappar 2-1 i slutet av tredje och sedan viker ner sig i straffläggningen. Chicago tappar även dem 3-1 i slutet och tappar spreaden. Gav lillminus. Annars helt ok natt.
Natten som kommer är det många spel till låg insats. Enda matchen som sticker ut och får en högre insats är att Tampa Bay ska få ner Flyers på jorden efter dagens överkörning av Panthers. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1407642 Flyers are 3-7 in their last 10 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Flyers are 2-6 in their last 8 games playing on 0 days rest. Flyers are 2-6 in the last 8 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1407643 TAMPA BAY is 6-2 (+6.7 Units) against the spread versus PHILADELPHIA over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1407646 Blues är b2b, 3 in 4 och 4 in 6. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1407647 15 of 21 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 26-10-3 in Blues last 39 games playing on 0 days rest. Under is 16-5-3 in Blues last 24 in the third game of a 3-in-4 days situation. Under is 25-10-2 in Blues last 37 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 days situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1407651 VANCOUVER is 5-1 (+4.6 Units) against the spread versus SAN JOSE over the last 3 seasons Lägg till att Sharks är b2b, 3 in 4 & 4 in 6. Sharks har dock bra stats i detta därför låg insats på spelet. Annars hade detta varit ett 4u spel. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1407652 10 of 12 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Under is 4-1-2 in Red Wings last 7 games playing on 1 days rest. Under is 5-2 in Blackhawks last 7 games playing on 0 days rest. Under is 6-2 in Blackhawks last 8 in the third game of a 3-in-4 days situation. Under is 6-1 in Blackhawks last 7 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 days situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1407653 NEW JERSEY is 45-18 (+22.7 Units) against the spread versus MONTREAL since 1996 Devils are 12-2 in the last 14 meetings in Montreal. Road team is 10-1 in the last 11 meetings. Canadiens are 1-6 in their last 7 games playing on 2 days rest. Devils are 9-2 in their last 11 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1407654 21 of 30 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 19-5-2 in the last 26 meetings in Montreal. Under is 33-14-7 in Canadiens last 54 games playing on 2 days rest. Under is 11-2-3 in Devils last 16 overall. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-01-28 klockan 06:26. |
2013-01-27, 12:12 | #336 |
Vilken sida får du din statistik ifrån?
2013-01-27, 12:36 | #337 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Använder mig främst av covers.com
Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
TheJanko (+1) |
2013-01-28, 06:47 | #338 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Dagens spel med högre insats, på Lightnings satt fint. Dock vek Wilds ner sig i OT och det slutade i lillpluss.
Natten som kommer är det inget spel som sticker ut. Tre spel till låg insats således. -------------------------------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1409455 Blue Jackets are 19-42 in their last 61 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Stars are 15-6 in the last 21 meetings in Columbus. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1409459 Coyotes are 2-5 in their last 7 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Predators are 48-23 in their last 71 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1409462 8 of 10 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Under is 38-16-12 in Kings last 66 games playing on 1 days rest. Under is 3-0-1 in Canucks last 4 games playing on 0 days rest. Under is 4-0-3 in Canucks last 7 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 days situation. -------------------------------------- För övrigt hade Canucks varit ett högt bet MEN man visar overkligt bra statistik när man är i b2b, 3 in 4 och 4 in 6. Bästa på detta i NHL? Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-01-29 klockan 07:14. |
2013-01-29, 06:44 | #339 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Nej, inget av bortalagen lyckades segra. Kings - Canucks ser ut att gå mot under, och lyckligtvis stod man över Kings.
Natten som kommer ser mer intressant ut än på länge. Två stora spel förgyller. Kommer även fylla på med Bruins -1.5 när oddsen släpps. --------------------------------------------------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1410897 Stars are 15-43 in their last 58 games playing on 0 days rest. Stars are 0-4 in their last 4 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Dessutom Stars 3 in 4. Stars are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1410898 Blue Jackets are 59-123-4 in their last 186 games playing on 0 days rest. Blue Jackets are 59-128-6 in their last 193 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Blue Jackets are 19-42 in their last 61 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Blue Jackets are 5-12 in the last 17 meetings in Minnesota. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1410892 Flyers are 1-8 in the last 9 meetings. Flyers are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings in New York. Flyers are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Rangers are 20-8 in their last 28 games playing on 2 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1410901 5 of 6 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
AndreasL (+5) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-01-30 klockan 06:38. |
2013-01-29, 17:56 | #340 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1411635 BOSTON is 7-1 (+5.9 Units) against the spread versus NEW JERSEY over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-01-30 klockan 06:38. |
2013-01-30, 06:37 | #341 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Så skönt att vakna upp till att båda spelen med stor insats, Red Wings & Wilds sitter. En bra natt med rejält plus. Natten som kommer sticker Blackhawks ut något, i övrigt en lugn puls att vänta kommande sömn.
------------------------------------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1412721 Wilds är b2b Wild are 1-6 in their last 7 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Blackhawks are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings in Minnesota. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1412723 PHOENIX is 7-1 (+5.0 Units) against the spread versus EDMONTON over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1412727 VANCOUVER is 11-1 (+9.8 Units) against the spread versus COLORADO over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-01-31 klockan 06:46. |
2013-01-31, 06:45 | #342 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
1-2 för natten och lillminus. Intressantare matcher imorgon. Sharks och Flames fordrar en högre insats.
------------------------------------------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1414427 Oilers are 8-27 in their last 35 games playing on 0 days rest. Oilers are 17-37 in their last 54 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Oilers are 17-37 in their last 54 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Sharks are 4-0 in their last 4 games playing on 1 days rest. Oilers are 4-12 in the last 16 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1414424 Avalanche are 14-37 in their last 51 games playing on 0 days rest. Avalanche är dessutom 4 in 6 och 3 in 4. Avalanche are 2-9 in the last 11 meetings. Flames har vilat i 3 dagar. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1414414 8 of 10 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1414418 Blue Jackets are 20-43 in their last 63 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Blue Jackets are 59-129-6 in their last 194 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Blues are 7-2 in the last 9 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1414426 WINNIPEG is 5-1 (+5.0 Units) against the spread versus FLORIDA over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-01 klockan 06:55. |
2013-02-01, 06:54 | #343 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ajajaj, Flames släpper 3 mål på 2 min i slutet av tredje. Sharks har en 2-0 ledning mot Oilers och tappar denna. Stolpe ut på båda stora spelen och första riktigt tunga dagen på säsongen.
Laddar om pistolen och tar sikte på natten som kommer. Två spel sticker ut med värde att lägga större insatser på. ----------------------------------------------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1416058 Capitals are 3-7 in their last 10 games playing on 0 days rest. Capitals är 3 in 4. Capitals are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Flyers are 8-3 in their last 11 games playing on 2 days rest. Flyers are 5-2 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1416059 Jets are 11-24-1 in their last 36 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Jets are 24-54-1 in their last 79 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Jets are 23-56 in their last 79 games playing on 0 days rest. Lightning are 5-1 in their last 6 games playing on 2 days rest. Jets are 3-14 in the last 17 meetings. Jets are 1-8 in the last 9 meetings in Tampa Bay. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1416060 Wild are 2-6 in their last 8 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Wild är 4 in 6. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-02 klockan 06:35. |
2013-02-01, 19:09 | #344 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
En månad av spelande av den korta säsongen i NHL har gått och det är tid att göra den vanliga månadsvisa summeringen.
Spelen med lägst insats (1u) är dom som gått klart sämst med ett negativt ROI samtidigt som dom stora spelen (3-4u) träffat riktigt bra. Ligger bra värderingsmässigt således. Totalt sett måste jag vara nöjd med den första månaden. Januari Totalt Antal spel: 62 Vinster: 31 Förluster: 31 Netto: +20.95 ROI: 122.05% Insats: 1u Antal spel: 41 Vinster: 16 Förluster: 25 Netto: -4.39 ROI: 89.29% 2u Antal spel: 12 Vinster: 8 Förluster: 4 Netto: +8.22 ROI: 134.25% 3u Antal spel: 6 Vinster: 4 Förluster: 2 Netto: +4.92 ROI: 127.33% 4u Antal spel: 3 Vinster: 3 Netto: +12.2 ROI: 201.67% Över/Under Över Antal spel: 7 Vinster: 3 Förluster: 4 Netto: -1.1 ROI: 84.29% Under Antal spel: 13 Vinster: 7 Förluster: 6 Netto: +2.69 ROI: 117.93% Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
henke111 (+1) |
2013-02-02, 01:34 | #345 |
Baserar du dina spel enbart på den statistiken du motiverar med eller har du fler faktorer?
Det viktigaste är inte att vinna utan deltaga! |
2013-02-02, 06:40 | #346 | |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Konstigt och dumt att låta spelvinklarna ta så stor del av beslutet för spel och insats? Ja, kanske, men det har hittills varit framgångsrikt under tre säsonger av NHL-bettande och jag ser då ingen anledning att ändra. Dock modereras vinklarna med tiden. Ser jag att en vinkel visar sig vara olönsam i längden så dumpas den osv. |
2013-02-02, 07:08 | #347 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
2-1 och lillpluss inatt. Nu tittar vi fram mot lördagens card och som vanligt när det vankas helg är man lite triggerhappy. Tyvärr, faller inte så många spel inom ramen för detta. Inleder med en hemma-hemma serie mellan Coyotes - Stars med spegelvända resultat och där grundinsatsen alltid är 3u.
------------------------------------ Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1417939 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1417940 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1417938 Red Wings are 0-4 in their last 4 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1417937 9 of 10 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Under is 33-15-7 in Canadiens last 55 games playing on 2 days rest. Under is 35-15-7 in the last 57 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-03 klockan 07:45. |
2013-02-02, 11:32 | #348 | |
Det viktigaste är inte att vinna utan deltaga! |
2013-02-03, 08:21 | #349 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Så ska det se ut! 3-1 och spelet till 1u är det som missar och +6.14u, skön natt!
Eventuellt återkommer jag med ytterligare spel idag. ------------------------------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1420307 Sabres are 3-13 in their last 16 games playing on 0 days rest. Sabres are 4-11 in their last 15 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1420304 Canadiens are 7-19 in their last 26 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1420306 7 of 8 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1420308 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-04 klockan 06:12. |
2013-02-04, 06:26 | #350 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1421957 Stars are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Stars are 3-7 in the last 10 meetings in Colorado. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1421958 Coyotes are 2-6 in their last 8 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Wild har 2 dagars vila i kroppen. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1421959 Oilers are 17-39 in their last 56 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Canucks are 90-42-2 in their last 134 games playing on 2 days rest. Canucks are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-05 klockan 07:37. |
2013-02-05, 05:30 | #351 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ser inget bra ut i natt. Här kommer tre spel för morgondagen. Jobbet, återkommer ikväll med resten.
--------------------------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1423023 Maple Leafs are 16-37 in their last 53 games playing on 0 days rest. Maple Leafs are 15-41 in their last 56 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Maple Leafs are 0-4 in their last 4 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Maple Leafs are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings in Washington. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1423024 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1423025 Sabres are 5-11 in their last 16 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Sabres are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-06 klockan 06:19. |
2013-02-05, 18:45 | #352 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1423716 10 of 13 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-06 klockan 21:03. |
2013-02-06, 21:06 | #353 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Nej, ingen lycka igår. Natten som kommer ser inte så superhet ut och det blir ett spel till låg insats.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1425510 7 of 8 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-07 klockan 07:33. |
2013-02-06, 21:14 | #354 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1425524 Stars are 0-6 in their last 6 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Stars are 0-7 in their last 7 games following a win. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-07 klockan 07:33. |
2013-02-07, 05:30 | #355 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1426067 10 of 12 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Trodde jag skulle hinna posta fler spel men jobbet kallar. Återkommer i eftermiddag. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-08 klockan 06:19. |
2013-02-07, 20:13 | #356 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1426884 Maple Leafs are 2-8 in their last 10 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Maple Leafs are 16-41 in their last 57 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Maple Leafs are 2-5 in the last 7 meetings in Winnipeg. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1426878 Canadiens are 6-18 in their last 24 games playing on 0 days rest. Canadiens are 10-21 in the last 31 meetings in Buffalo. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1426898 9 of 11 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1426903 7 of 9 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-08 klockan 06:19. |
2013-02-09, 06:30 | #357 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1429390 BOSTON is 7-1 (+5.5 Units) against the spread versus TAMPA BAY over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1429392 Maple Leafs are 3-8 in their last 11 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1429394 11 of 13 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1429398 Ducks är b2b, 3 in 4 & 4 in 6. Home team is 27-7-1 in the last 35 meetings. Ducks are 0-5 in the last 5 meetings in St. Louis. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-10 klockan 08:50. |
2013-02-10, 09:13 | #358 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Usch nu är jag inne i en riktigt tung period. Får hoppas på en vändning, varför inte i natt? Tycker faktiskt det ser riktigt intressant ut.
---------------------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1432014 Red Wings are 0-5 in their last 5 games playing on 0 days rest. Red Wings are 0-4 in their last 4 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1432016 Oilers are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings in Columbus. Oilers are 16-35 in their last 51 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1432020 Sabres are 5-16 in their last 21 games playing on 0 days rest. Sabres are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Sabres are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1432022 9 of 11 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1432036 Predators are 1-5 in their last 6 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Blackhawks are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-11 klockan 05:21. |
2013-02-11, 05:31 | #359 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Prisa Bruins! Det 4u spelet behövdes.
--------------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1433829 Blue Jackets are 16-35 in their last 51 games playing on 0 days rest. Sharks are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1433828 Kings are 3-8 in their last 11 games playing on 0 days rest. Blues are 35-17 in their last 52 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1433830 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-12 klockan 05:41. |
2013-02-12, 06:09 | #360 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1435467 Hurricanes are 2-7 in their last 9 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Hurricanes are 6-21 in their last 27 games playing on 0 days rest. Hurricanes are 0-6 in the last 6 meetings in New Jersey. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1435468 Sabres are 0-4 in their last 4 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Sabres are 1-5 in their last 6 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Sabres are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1435471 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1435472 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1435473 Flyers are 3-7 in their last 10 games playing on 0 days rest. Flyers are 0-4 in their last 4 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Jets are 4-1 in their last 5 games playing on 2 days rest. Flyers are 1-6 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1435474 WINNIPEG is 6-2 (+7.9 Units) against the spread versus PHILADELPHIA over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1435475 7 of 8 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1435477 Stars are 5-1 in their last 6 games playing on 3 or more days rest. Oilers are 17-39 in their last 56 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Stars are 57-17-3 in the last 77 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1435480 7 of 8 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1435481 Wild are 2-7 in their last 9 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Canucks are 92-42-2 in their last 136 games playing on 2 days rest. Wild are 1-11 in the last 12 meetings in Vancouver. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1435482 VANCOUVER is 6-0 (+6.0 Units) against the spread versus MINNESOTA over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-13 klockan 07:40. |
2013-02-13, 21:44 | #361 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1437317 Senators är b2b. Penguins are 60-26 in their last 86 games playing on 2 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1438451 Stars are 15-45 in their last 60 games playing on 0 days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-14 klockan 06:30. |
2013-02-14, 06:28 | #362 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1439038 10 of 13 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1439039 NY RANGERS is 7-0 (+7.0 Units) against the spread versus NY ISLANDERS over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1439040 Hurricanes är 3 in 4 samt Hurricanes are 3-7 in their last 10 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1439041 Predators are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Coyotes are 5-1 in the last 6 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1439042 Avalanche are 6-1 in their last 7 games playing on 2 days rest. Wild are 2-8 in their last 10 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-15 klockan 05:24. |
2013-02-16, 07:54 | #363 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1442950 Blue Jackets are 60-124-4 in their last 188 games playing on 0 days rest. Blue Jackets are 5-12 in the last 17 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1442952 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1442953 6 of 7 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-17 klockan 07:18. |
2013-02-17, 10:55 | #364 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Börjar med denna, återkommer med spels i matchen Dallas - Calgary när oddsen släpps.
---------------------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1445645 7 of 7 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-18 klockan 10:12. |
2013-02-17, 11:18 | #365 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1445655 5 of 6 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-18 klockan 10:12. |
2013-02-17, 16:53 | #366 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Nattens sista spel:
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1446438 Stars are 1-6 in their last 7 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-18 klockan 10:12. |
2013-02-18, 19:38 | #367 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1448458 Flames are 16-38 in their last 54 games playing on 0 days rest. Flames are 0-4 in their last 4 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Flames are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings in Phoenix. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1448464 Blue Jackets are 59-130-6 in their last 195 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ducks are 5-1 in their last 6 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1448474 NASHVILLE is 8-0 (+8.2 Units) against the spread versus COLORADO over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1448475 5 of 6 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-19 klockan 20:04. |
2013-02-18, 22:48 | #368 |
Vad tror du om Montreal - Carolina?
2013-02-19, 06:31 | #369 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
2013-02-19, 06:44 | #370 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1449095 Canadiens are 7-19 in their last 26 games playing on 0 days rest. Canadiens are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Canadiens are 3-9 in the last 12 meetings in New York. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1449097 Maple Leafs are 28-61 in their last 89 games playing on 0 days rest. Maple Leafs are 17-41 in their last 58 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1449099 6 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1449100 Preds är b2b, 3in4 & 4in6. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1449101 7 of 8 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
Jakob10 (+100) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-20 klockan 06:38. |
2013-02-19, 18:08 | #371 |
2013-02-20, 06:20 | #372 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Tack, Jakob! Själv är jag inte helt nöjd med säsongens spel än, kan bättre!
---------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1450999 Flames are 0-4 in their last 4 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Flames are 0-5 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Kings are 5-2 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1451001 6 of 7 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1451002 Blues är b2b, 3in4 & 4in6. Blues are 6-22-4 in the last 32 meetings in Colorado. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-21 klockan 08:24. |
2013-02-21, 05:40 | #373 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Återkommer senare med fler spel.
----------------------------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1452495 Maple Leafs are 4-9 in their last 13 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Maple Leafs are 17-42 in their last 59 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Sabres are 17-8 in the last 25 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1452497 Islanders are 0-4 in their last 4 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Canadiens are 7-1 in their last 8 games playing on 1 days rest. Islanders are 6-15 in the last 21 meetings in Montreal. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1452498 5 of 6 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1452499 Rangers are 8-2 in the last 10 meetings in Ottawa. Senators are 2-5 in their last 7 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-22 klockan 05:18. |
2013-02-21, 12:47 | #374 |
Reg.datum: okt 2011
Inlägg: 287
Sharp$: 385slapshot ishockey 13-14 Stats: 24 - 55 - 1 ROI: 87.15% Vinstprocent: 30.38% |
Härlig form, även om det går upp och ner så är jag imponerad av volymen spel du hittar. Stadig tillväxt
Ser att många spel hamnar på Marathon, ligger de alltid högst innan oddsen "sätter sig"? |
2013-02-21, 17:21 | #375 | |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ja, många spel hamnar hos Marathon, beror främst på att jag pga jobbsituation kränger ur mig spelen tidigt på morgonen och då är det tyvärr så att alla bolag inte släppt sina spel. Marathon är dock alltid ute och oftast högst av dem som släppt tidigt. Idag tex var det en nackdel att gå ut tidigt då man nu kan få Montreal till 2.10 och över till 2.24. Men samtidigt har oddsen på Sabres och Rangers sänkts så det är både fördelar och nackdelar. Den stora nackdelen är ju att man missar ta del av säkrare skadeinfo och bekräftade målvaktsstarters. Men samtidigt baseras ju spelen till största delen på statistik så det funkar ok men absolut inte optimalt. Sista spelet för natten, får hoppas på hjälp av Markström som ryktas (ej bekräftat) få chansen från start i Panthers i natt: Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1453059 Flyers är b2b 2-3 i den vinkeln i år och 16-17 senaste 3 säsongerna, dessutom 3 in 4 och 4 in 6. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-22 klockan 05:18. |
2013-02-22, 05:25 | #376 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Det var verkligen stolpe ut på Rangers i natt. Synd och det blev drygt 1u back.
-------------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1454400 Panthers are 34-72 in their last 106 games playing on 0 days rest. Penguins are 6-1 in their last 7 games playing on 1 days rest. Panthers are 1-10 in the last 11 meetings in Pittsburgh. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1454401 PITTSBURGH is 7-1 (+5.8 Units) against the spread versus FLORIDA over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-23 klockan 07:27. |
2013-02-23, 07:40 | #377 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Så ska en natt se ut!
----------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1455993 Flyers are 2-5 in their last 7 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Jets are 6-0 in the last 6 meetings in Philadelphia. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1455995 11 of 12 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1455998 Sharks are 1-7 in their last 8 games playing on 0 days rest. Stars are 4-1 in their last 5 games playing on 1 days rest. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
Jakob10 (+50) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-24 klockan 08:02. |
2013-02-23, 11:55 | #378 |
Fortsätt så, vi har en härlig NHL-natt framför oss
Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
Misär (+5) |
2013-02-24, 08:25 | #379 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Helt ok natt. Synd att Jets viker ner sig i tredje perioden.
------------------ Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1457941 Panthers are 0-5 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Bruins are 5-1 in the last 6 meetings in Florida. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1457942 Red Wings are 1-5 in their last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Red Wings are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Canucks are 28-10 in their last 38 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1457950 Blue Jackets are 17-36 in their last 53 games playing on 0 days rest. Blue Jackets are 59-131-6 in their last 196 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Blue Jackets are 7-19 in the last 26 meetings. Blackhawks are 6-2 in their last 8 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1457956 Lightnings är b2b, 3 in 4 och 4 in 6. Penguins are 7-1 in their last 8 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1457957 Avalanche are 15-37 in their last 52 games playing on 0 days rest. Avalanche are 8-21 in the last 29 meetings. Avalanche are 2-9 in the last 11 meetings in Anaheim. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-25 klockan 05:35. |
2013-02-26, 05:40 | #380 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1461497 Jets are 12-25-1 in their last 38 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Jets are 16-36-1 in their last 53 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Rangers are 19-7 in their last 26 games playing on 2 days rest. Jets are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1461501 Islanders are 1-5 in their last 6 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Bruins are 16-5 in the last 21 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1461504 Lightning are 5-11 in their last 16 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Sabres are 36-16-3 in the last 55 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1461507 Panthers are 9-23 in their last 32 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Penguins are 27-11 in their last 38 games playing on 1 days rest. Penguins are 19-7 in the last 26 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1461508 PITTSBURGH is 8-1 (+6.8 Units) against the spread versus FLORIDA over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1461509 Flames are 0-6 in their last 6 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1461510 Coyotes are 6-13 in their last 19 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Coyotes are 5-14-1 in the last 20 meetings in Vancouver. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-27 klockan 07:38. |
2013-02-27, 05:34 | #381 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ok, det var väl väntat att en minusnatt skulle komma snart. Tyvärr gjorde den det på fel spel, Rangers och Penguins var sammanlagt 6u.
------------------------ Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1463415 Capitals är b2b. Capitals are 9-21-1 in the last 31 meetings in Philadelphia. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-02-28 klockan 06:41. |
2013-02-27, 12:39 | #382 |
flyers capitals blir nog en jävligt rolig match intressant odds men capitals spela riktigt bra inatt
2013-02-27, 13:17 | #383 |
Uppskattar verkligen dina rekar. Ny som spelare och hittills ganska risig bettare. Men, igår lyckades jag faktiskt rygga på rätt lag. Äntligen lite plus.
Mot nya tag och lycka till med liret. |
2013-02-27, 17:59 | #384 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Man får alltid räkna med en del minusnätter det är bara gilla läget och hacka vidare med spelen. |
2013-02-28, 08:25 | #385 |
Håller med Abe! Grymt tacksam över dina rek. Har gjort så jag gått plus än så länge! Keep it up!
2013-02-28, 19:39 | #386 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1465864 Maple Leafs are 17-38 in their last 55 games playing on 0 days rest. Maple Leafs are 18-42 in their last 60 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Maple Leafs are 7-17 in the last 24 meetings in New York Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1465865 Lightning are 2-5 in their last 7 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Lightning are 4-9 in the last 13 meetings in New York. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1465868 Jets are 16-35-1 in their last 52 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Devils are 8-2 in the last 10 meetings in Winnipeg. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1465883 Stars are 2-7 in their last 9 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Stars är även 3 in 4. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1465907 Red Wings are 2-5 in their last 7 games playing on 0 days rest. Red Wings är även 4 in 6. Red Wings are 1-6 in the last 7 meetings in San Jose. |
2013-02-28, 19:59 | #387 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Det har blivit dags att summera februari. Kan se direkt att månaden varit klart sämre än januari. Det var främst i början av februari allt gick ner i källaren sedan har det vänt stadigt uppåt och räddar precis grönt ljus. Det som varit dåligt är att 3u spelen dragit ner mycket, samt slask i 1u spelen. Ser man till totalen är 2u, 4u och överspelen säkraste korten att spela hitills.
Ny månad - nya tag. Mot ytterligare en grön månad hoppas vi! Januari Spoiler:
Februari Totalt Antal spel: 101 Vinster: 49 Förluster: 50 Push: 2 Netto: +1.8 ROI: 100.94% 1u Antal spel: 35 Vinster: 14 Förluster: 19 Push: 2 Netto: -4.63 ROI: 86.77% 2u Antal spel: 46 Vinster: 26 Förluster: 20 Netto: +14.8 ROI: 116.09% 3u Antal spel: 16 Vinster: 7 Förluster: 9 Netto: -8.13 ROI: 83.06% 4u Antal spel: 4 Vinster: 2 Förluster: 2 Netto: -0.24 ROI: 98.5% Över Antal spel: 9 Vinster: 7 Förluster: 2 Netto: +9.45 ROI: 172.69% Under Antal spel: 19 Vinster: 8 Förluster: 10 Push: 1 Netto: -0.82 ROI: 96.1% Totalt 2013 Spoiler:
Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
Pekerman (+10) |
2013-03-01, 05:55 | #388 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1466884 CHICAGO is 12-2 (+8.1 Units) against the spread versus COLUMBUS over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1466885 Wild are 1-5 in their last 6 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Wild är b2b. Wild are 7-15 in the last 22 meetings in Anaheim. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-03-02 klockan 07:29. |
2013-03-02, 07:40 | #389 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1468867 BOSTON is 7-1 (+5.5 Units) against the spread versus TAMPA BAY over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1468868 WINNIPEG is 5-1 (+5.4 Units) against the spread versus WASHINGTON over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1468869 6 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-03-03 klockan 12:12. |
2013-03-03, 12:28 | #390 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1471578 11 of 13 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1471582 CHICAGO is 5-1 (+4.8 Units) against the spread versus DETROIT over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1471587 Senators är b2b Islanders are 7-1 in their last 8 games playing on 2 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1471592 Hemma - Hemma serie Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1471596 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1471609 Sabres are 5-17 in their last 22 games playing on 0 days rest. Sabres are 0-5 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Sabres are 1-6 in their last 7 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Rangers are 19-7 in their last 26 games playing on 2 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1471616 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1471621 MINNESOTA is 11-2 (+8.7 Units) against the spread versus EDMONTON over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-03-04 klockan 06:08. |
2013-03-05, 07:14 | #391 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ska alla månader börja med ett källarbesök? En otrevlig vana i så fall tycker jag.
En något onaturlig övervikt i det statistiska underlaget hittar vi mellan Chicago - Minnesota. Gillar inte att spela U när linan ligger på 5 men gör ett undantag i natt. Så här brukar det sannerligen inte se ut i Ö/U stats innan match. --------------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1474283 7 of 9 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1474287 Canadiens are 2-5 in their last 7 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Canadiens are 2-5 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1474288 6 of 7 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1474289 Oilers are 17-40 in their last 57 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Oilers are 2-5 in the last 7 meetings in Columbus. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1474290 Panthers are 0-7 in their last 7 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Panthers are 1-7 in their last 8 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Jets are 5-2 in the last 7 meetings in Florida. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1474291 Under is 3-0-1 in Wild last 4 vs. Central. Under is 3-0-2 in Wild last 5 vs. a team with a winning record. Under is 9-1-1 in Wild last 11 Tuesday games. Under is 6-1-2 in Wild last 9 when their opponent allows 2 goals or less in their previous game. Under is 9-2-2 in Wild last 13 after allowing 2 goals or less in their previous game. Under is 7-2-1 in Wild last 10 when their opponent scores 2 goals or less in their previous game. Under is 10-3-3 in Wild last 16 overall. Under is 10-3-3 in Wild last 16 vs. Western Conference. Under is 12-4-5 in Wild last 21 games following a win. Under is 5-2 in Wild last 7 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 days situation. Under is 9-4-4 in Wild last 17 road games vs. a team with a home winning % of greater than .600. Under is 11-5-4 in Wild last 20 games playing on 1 days rest. Under is 34-16-12 in Wild last 62 road games. Under is 9-1 in Blackhawks last 10 after scoring 2 goals or less in their previous game. Under is 10-2-1 in Blackhawks last 13 games playing on 1 days rest. winning % of less than .400. Under is 5-1 in Blackhawks last 6 games following a win. Under is 10-2-1 in Blackhawks last 13 home games. Under is 5-1 in Blackhawks last 6 vs. Northwest. Under is 10-2 in Blackhawks last 12 vs. a team with a winning record. Under is 12-3-1 in Blackhawks last 16 after allowing 2 goals or less in their previous game. Under is 15-4-2 in Blackhawks last 21 when their opponent allows 2 goals or less in their previous game. Under is 7-2 in Blackhawks last 9 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 days situation. Under is 19-6-1 in Blackhawks last 26 overall. Under is 19-6-1 in Blackhawks last 26 vs. Western Conference. Det enda stödet för över hittar vi i: Over is 5-1-1 in Blackhawks last 7 home games vs. a team with a road winning % of less than .400. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-03-06 klockan 06:56. |
2013-03-05, 11:36 | #392 |
Misär. Jag gillar verkligen att kolla in här i din spelbok för att se statistik på NHL matcherna. Jag undrar vart du får din statistik ifrån, om jag får fråga, skulle gärna vilja se liknande statistik på matcher som du inte spelar.
"We want to follow a dream... yes, it's true, but one thing is to follow the dream, another thing is to follow an obsession... and this is not an obsession, it's just a dream." Jose Mourinho |
2013-03-05, 12:45 | #393 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Covers.com har god statistik, klivka in dig på NHL och sedan matchups --> trends. |
2013-03-05, 13:19 | #394 |
"We want to follow a dream... yes, it's true, but one thing is to follow the dream, another thing is to follow an obsession... and this is not an obsession, it's just a dream." Jose Mourinho |
2013-03-06, 07:10 | #395 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
En hemma-hemma serie som vänder och ett b2b-spel. Två starka kategorier statistiskt.
---------------------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1475858 Sharks are 1-8 in their last 9 games playing on 0 days rest. Flames are 6-0 in their last 6 games playing on 2 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1475862 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1475866 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-03-07 klockan 07:50. |
2013-03-07, 07:50 | #396 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Så ska en natt se ut. Sweeeep!
---------------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1477168 Maple Leafs are 29-62 in their last 91 games playing on 0 days rest. Maple Leafs are 19-42 in their last 61 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1477169 6 of 6 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . (Over=+6.3 Units) Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1477171 Panthers are 2-7 in their last 9 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Panthers are 8-20 in the last 28 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1477182 Coyotes are 3-9 in their last 12 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1477189 DETROIT is 8-1 (+6.5 Units) against the spread versus EDMONTON over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-03-08 klockan 07:13. |
2013-03-08, 07:32 | #397 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ännu en trevlig natt!
---------------------- En hemma-hemma serie som vänder och ett b2b spel: Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1478932 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1478933 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1478929 Oilers are 16-36 in their last 52 games playing on 0 days rest. Oilers are 15-37 in their last 52 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Oilers are 17-41 in their last 58 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Oilers are 4-9 in the last 13 meetings in Nashville. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
hampshizzle (+5) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-03-09 klockan 07:06. |
2013-03-09, 07:23 | #398 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ännu ett sweep. Härligt!
---------------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1480577 BOSTON is 10-2 (+7.8 Units) against the spread versus PHILADELPHIA over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1480579 Maple Leafs are 19-43 in their last 62 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Maple Leafs är även i 4 in 6. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1480581 Lightning are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Canadiens are 5-2 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1480584 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1480586 Flames are 17-39 in their last 56 games playing on 0 days rest. Flames are 0-7 in their last 7 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Flames are 2-6 in the last 8 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-03-10 klockan 07:41. |
2013-03-10, 07:41 | #399 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Att vara inne i liknande heta perioder är bara så skönt. 11 raka spel med vinst nu. Detta kan givetvis inte hålla för evigt och med tanke på den (oroväckande?) mängden spel som faller inom ramen för bet inatt så är det knappast troligt, men jag fortsätter harva på. Det är ju inte läge att backa på sina vinklar och bettingramar bara för att många spel en natt passar in. 12 spel. ---------------------------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1482814 Capitals are 1-4 in their last 5 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1482815 Blue Jackets are 5-14 in their last 19 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Red Wings are 50-23-1 in their last 74 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Blue Jackets are 8-29 in the last 37 meetings in Detroit. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1482816 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1482817 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1482818 Canadiens are 8-19 in their last 27 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1482820 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1482821 Oilers are 17-42 in their last 59 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Oilers are 15-38 in their last 53 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Chicago är också 4 in 6 MEN: Blackhawks are 40-18 in their last 58 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1482822 12 of 16 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1482823 Flyers are 4-9 in their last 13 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1482826 Wild är b2b Canucks are 93-43-2 in their last 138 games playing on 2 days rest. Canucks are 19-7 in the last 26 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1482827 Sharks are 0-4 in their last 4 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1482828 Blues är b2b, 3 in 4 och 4 in 6. Ducks are 5-1 in their last 6 games playing on 1 days rest. Blues are 2-15-1 in the last 18 meetings in Anaheim. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
AbeFroman (+5) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-03-11 klockan 06:11. |
2013-03-10, 08:15 | #400 |
Bra jobbat! Jag ryggar så länge lampan lyser! BOL!
Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
Misär (+1) |
2013-03-11, 19:18 | #402 |
Men skön streak innan dess. Det tackar vi för
Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
Misär (+1) |
2013-03-11, 20:45 | #403 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Det är lugnt, man får räkna med dagar då allt går rätt ner i källaren. Speciellt när man spelar statistiskt. Det är långa loppet som räknas, mars månad lyser grönt än så länge.
Samma nätter väntar alla. --------------------------------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1485457 Bruins are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Det som får mig att dra ner insatsen till 1u är Bostons smått otroliga statistik borta mot Senators, något jag också brukar stödja mig av, dock inte lika starkt. BOSTON is 6-0 (+6.1 Units) against the spread versus OTTAWA over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1485460 7 of 9 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-03-12 klockan 05:37. |
2013-03-11, 20:49 | #404 |
Fan vad fint med lite Krunegård som tröst.
Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
Misär (+2) |
2013-03-11, 21:05 | #405 |
Har oxå lagt mina pengar på Ottawa ikväll. Dock så spelade jag den raka 1:an utan OT.
Nu håller vi tummarna.. Snygg streak by the way.. klart det måste komma en motgång förr eller senare... kolla bara på Chicago.. tror dom kommer att få det motigt ett tag nu. |
2013-03-12, 16:58 | #406 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1486489 10 of 13 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1486496 Panthers are 1-9 in their last 10 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Lightning are 5-2 in their last 7 games playing on 2 days rest. Lightning are 6-0 in the last 6 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1486502 7 of 7 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-03-13 klockan 05:50. |
2013-03-14, 05:29 | #407 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1488841 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1488842 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1488843 Blue Jackets are 60-133-6 in their last 199 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Blackhawks are 21-7 in the last 28 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1488844 6 of 7 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . (Over=+4.8 Units) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-03-15 klockan 05:35. |
2013-03-15, 05:47 | #408 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Hemma-hemma serie:
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1490587 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1490588 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1490589 DETROIT is 9-1 (+7.5 Units) against the spread versus EDMONTON over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-03-16 klockan 06:55. |
2013-03-16, 07:23 | #409 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Hemma-Hemma serie:
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1492246 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1492247 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1492248 Jets are 16-36-1 in their last 53 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Jets are 2-5 in the last 7 meetings in Toronto. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1492249 12 of 13 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1492250 Blue Jackets are 43-88-2 in their last 133 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Coyotes are 13-5 in the last 18 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1492253 Panthers are 11-28 in their last 39 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1492256 8 of 10 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1492262 Red Wings are 2-6 in their last 8 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Red Wings är b2b och 4 in 6. Avslutar med ytterligare en hemma-hemma: Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1492267 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1492270 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-03-17 klockan 06:42. |
2013-03-17, 06:43 | #410 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1494196 Preds är 3 in 4. Predators are 0-4 in their last 4 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-03-18 klockan 05:14. |
2013-03-18, 05:20 | #411 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1495684 6 of 7 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1495685 VANCOUVER is 7-0 (+7.0 Units) against the spread versus MINNESOTA over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1495686 6 of 7 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-03-19 klockan 07:32. |
2013-03-19, 05:41 | #412 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1496993 Rangers are 2-5 in their last 7 games playing on 0 days rest. Rangers are 1-5 in their last 6 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Devils are 6-0 in their last 6 games playing on 2 days rest. Rangers are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings in New Jersey. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1496996 Predators are 0-5 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1496998 Sabres are 5-16 in their last 21 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1496999 9 of 12 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1497002 Jets are 17-37-1 in their last 55 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Jets är i 3 in 4. Bruins are 17-5 in the last 22 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1497003 7 of 8 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
AbeFroman (+2) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-03-20 klockan 05:54. |
2013-03-20, 05:58 | #413 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1498627 8 of 9 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-03-23 klockan 08:53. |
2013-03-21, 05:34 | #414 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1500030 Maple Leafs are 29-63 in their last 92 games playing on 0 days rest. Maple Leafs are 10-28-2 in the last 40 meetings in Buffalo. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1500031 7 of 8 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1500032 BOSTON is 12-2 (+8.6 Units) against the spread versus OTTAWA over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1500033 7 of 7 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1500034 Stars are 16-46 in their last 62 games playing on 0 days rest. Stars are 2-8 in their last 10 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-03-23 klockan 06:10. |
2013-03-22, 05:24 | #415 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1501148 Islanders are 19-50 in their last 69 games playing on 0 days rest. Islanders are 1-7 in their last 8 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Penguins are 62-27 in their last 89 games playing on 2 days rest. Penguins are 21-7 in the last 28 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1501150 Flames are 17-40 in their last 57 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1501151 7 of 7 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-03-23 klockan 06:11. |
2013-03-23, 08:50 | #416 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1502348 Maple Leafs are 19-44 in their last 63 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Bruins are 21-7 in the last 28 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1502350 Blue Jackets are 61-126-4 in their last 191 games playing on 0 days rest. Blue Jackets are 4-28-1 in the last 33 meetings in Nashville. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1502377 NASHVILLE is 30-6 (+16.6 Units) against the spread versus COLUMBUS since 1996 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1502349 10 of 13 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1502380 Stars are 3-8 in their last 11 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Stars är 3 in 4. Avalanche are 7-3 in their last 10 games playing on 2 days rest. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
AbeFroman (+2) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-03-24 klockan 06:55. |
2013-03-24, 08:23 | #417 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1503705 Panthers are 34-75 in their last 109 games playing on 0 days rest. Panthers are 1-11 in their last 12 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Panthers are 20-41 in their last 61 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1503707 Canucks are 9-3 in their last 12 games playing on 0 days rest. Avalanche are 14-38 in their last 52 games playing on 0 days rest. Canucks are 19-7 in the last 26 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1503708 VANCOUVER is 12-1 (+10.8 Units) against the spread versus COLORADO over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-03-25 klockan 05:28. |
2013-03-25, 19:48 | #418 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Hemma-hemma serie:
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1505434 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1505437 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-03-26 klockan 19:39. |
2013-03-26, 19:46 | #419 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1506772 Islanders are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Capitals are 4-1 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Islanders are 7-20-2 in the last 29 meetings in Washington. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1506774 Jets are 19-39-1 in their last 59 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1506777 Lightning are 6-13 in their last 19 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Sabres are 12-3 in the last 15 meetings in Tampa Bay. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1506783 Oilers are 15-36 in their last 51 games playing on 0 days rest. Oilers are 17-38 in their last 55 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Oilers are 0-6 in the last 6 meetings in St. Louis. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1506786 Flames are 1-6 in their last 7 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Flames are 0-11 in the last 11 meetings in Chicago. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1506789 8 of 10 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-03-27 klockan 21:50. |
2013-03-27, 21:52 | #420 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1508240 Flames are 17-41 in their last 58 games playing on 0 days rest. Flames are 2-8 in their last 10 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Flames are 1-7 in their last 8 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Avalanche are 4-0 in the last 4 meetings. |
2013-04-11, 18:59 | #421 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Efter ett ofrivilligt uppehåll tar vi upp tråden och kör fram till slutspelet.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1530533 Hurricanes are 0-5 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Hurricanes are 0-7 in their last 7 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Hurricanes are 5-11 in the last 16 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1530540 12 of 16 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1530546 11 of 14 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1530551 Lightning are 2-6 in their last 8 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Penguins are 5-0 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1530562 Avalanche are 13-41 in their last 54 games playing on 0 days rest. Avalanche are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Avalanche are 1-7 in their last 8 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Avalanche are 2-5 in the last 7 meetings in Los Angeles. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-04-12 klockan 10:05. |
2013-04-13, 13:29 | #422 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1533381 Avalanche are 1-5 in their last 6 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Avalanche are 1-8 in their last 9 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Canucks are 21-5 in the last 26 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1533382 VANCOUVER is 14-1 (+12.8 Units) against the spread versus COLORADO over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1533385 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1533386 11 of 15 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1533391 11 of 15 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1533394 Blue Jackets are 62-128-4 in their last 194 games playing on 0 days rest. Blue Jackets are 5-13 in the last 18 meetings in Minnesota. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1533398 Stars are 17-47 in their last 64 games playing on 0 days rest. Sharks are 7-3 in the last 10 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1533401 Flames are 18-42 in their last 60 games playing on 0 days rest. Flames are 4-10 in their last 14 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Flames are 3-10 in their last 13 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. |
2013-09-20, 09:13 | #423 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Då drar vi snart igång igen! Den nya säsongen knackar på dörren och jag kommer fortsätta spela enligt min modell sedan två säsonger. Jag kommer göra en ändring och det är att övergå till flatbet, 3 u.
Har lagt två säsongsspel, ett på mitt kära Rangers att vinna Stanley Cup och ett på att det talangfulla Oilers ska blomma ut denna säsong och vinna sin conferense. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1717138 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1717144 Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
Pettzon2 (+1) |
2013-10-01, 17:42 | #424 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Då kör vi!
Startar mjukt med 1 spel i natt. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1740466 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-10-02 klockan 08:54. |
2013-10-02, 18:15 | #425 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1741943 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1742358 6 of 7 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Over is 8-3-1 in Maple Leafs last 12 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1742361 Maple Leafs are 16-35 in their last 51 games playing on 0 days rest. Maple Leafs are 2-7 in the last 9 meetings in Philadelphia. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-10-03 klockan 08:21. |
2013-10-03, 16:30 | #426 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1743708 6 of 7 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1743714 16 of 22 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1743718 53 of 78 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-10-04 klockan 14:59. |
2013-10-04, 15:08 | #427 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1745262 Devils are 0-4 in their last 4 games playing on 0 days rest. Road team is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1745266 Flames are 19-43 in their last 62 games playing on 0 days rest. Flames are 2-5 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1745267 Kings 0 days rest Kings are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings in Winnipeg. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1745275 Predators are 1-5 in their last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-10-05 klockan 07:58. |
2013-10-05, 08:09 | #428 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1746653 Ottawa 0 days rest Senators are 1-6 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1746666 Sabres are 7-20 in their last 27 games playing on 0 days rest. Sabres are 3-8 in their last 11 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Penguins are 47-20 in their last 67 games playing on 1 days rest. Sabres are 7-16 in the last 23 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-10-06 klockan 06:58. |
2013-10-05, 18:11 | #429 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1747965 15 of 19 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-10-06 klockan 06:58. |
2013-10-05, 18:31 | #430 |
Tung start på säsongen. Hoppas det vänder för dig!
Väldigt skeptiskt till ditt sätt att spela på trender mellan lag. Har du fler kriterier? Annars, hur får du fram vad som är bra odds? Det är kul att följa dig iallafall!
Det viktigaste är inte att vinna utan deltaga! |
2013-10-05, 21:58 | #431 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Nej, det var ett experiment jag gjorde förra säsongen, det föll ut ok. Men jag själv är också tveksam. Jag kommer att övergå till att enbart spela mina spelschema-angels från och med nu, som strategin var från början.
Tror jag blev lite överexalterad att NHL drog igång igen med en full säsong och slaskade till det. Nu stryper vi åt och spelar enbart efter det tänkta schemat. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
henke111 (+1) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-10-05 klockan 22:13. |
2013-10-06, 07:48 | #432 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1748831 Flames are 5-12 in their last 17 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Canucks are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-10-08 klockan 17:33. |
2013-10-08, 17:39 | #433 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1752615 Devils are 0-5 in their last 5 games playing on 0 days rest. Devils are 2-8 in the last 10 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-10-09 klockan 21:55. |
2013-10-11, 06:59 | #434 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1755786 Coyotes are 5-11 in their last 16 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1755790 Hurricanes are 10-24 in their last 34 games playing on 0 days rest. Hurricanes are 2-6 in their last 8 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Hurricanes are 3-9 in their last 12 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Kings are 9-3 in their last 12 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1755792 Panthers are 35-77 in their last 112 games playing on 0 days rest. Panthers are 2-14 in their last 16 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Penguins are 54-22 in their last 76 games playing on 2 days rest. Penguins are 19-7 in the last 26 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1755794 Stars are 6-2 in their last 8 games playing on 3 or more days rest. Jets are 25-61 in their last 86 games playing on 0 days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-10-12 klockan 08:13. |
2013-10-12, 08:40 | #435 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1757148 Islanders are 20-53 in their last 73 games playing on 0 days rest. Islanders are 1-7 in the last 8 meetings. Islanders are 0-5 in the last 5 meetings in Nashville. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1757150 Stars are 18-48 in their last 66 games playing on 0 days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-10-13 klockan 08:11. |
2013-10-13, 10:01 | #436 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1758816 Hurricanes are 3-10 in their last 13 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Hurricanes are 2-7 in their last 9 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Coyotes are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings in Carolina. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1758821 Panthers are 17-35 in their last 52 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Panthers are 3-14 in their last 17 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Kings are 7-1 in the last 8 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1758831 Jets are 0-4 in their last 4 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Devils are 10-4 in the last 14 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-10-14 klockan 06:30. |
2013-10-14, 21:01 | #437 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Inga spel i natt, men däremot imorgon natt. En rejäl bombmatta, som det har en tendens att kunna bli ibland med dessa vinklar. Trevligt också att det vänt lite uppåt efter den katastrofala starten.
---------------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1761141 Coyotes are 5-11 in their last 16 home games following a road trip of 7 or more days. Senators are 9-3 in the last 12 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1761150 Wild är på 0 days rest. Wild are 6-13 in their last 19 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Wild are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Maple Leafs are 4-1 in their last 5 games playing on 2 days rest. Wild are 3-7 in the last 10 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1761152 Sabres are 7-21 in their last 28 games playing on 0 days rest. Sabres are 3-9 in their last 12 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Sabres are 4-10 in their last 14 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Islanders are 11-4 in their last 15 games playing on 2 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1761155 Oilers are 15-37 in their last 52 games playing on 0 days rest. Oilers are 20-42 in their last 62 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Oilers are 22-46 in their last 68 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Penguins are 54-23 in their last 77 games playing on 2 days rest. Oilers are 1-5-2 in the last 8 meetings in Pittsburgh. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1761161 Hurricanes are 3-11 in their last 14 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Blackhawks are 11-5 in their last 16 games playing on 2 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1761164 Panthers are 16-35 in their last 51 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Panthers are 0-5-1 in the last 6 meetings in Nashville. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1761171 Jets are 21-43-1 in their last 65 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Canadiens are 5-0 in the last 5 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-10-16 klockan 09:15. |
2013-10-17, 20:44 | #438 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1765518 Sabres are 4-9 in their last 13 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1765523 Oilers are 22-47 in their last 69 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Oilers are 20-43 in their last 63 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Oilers are 0-6 in the last 6 meetings in New York. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1765533 Wild are 1-5 in their last 6 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Wild are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-10-18 klockan 08:07. |
2013-10-18, 23:49 | #439 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Mycket skönt Sweeeep, behövdes!
Ett spel på de tidiga matcherna imorgon, återkommer med morgondagens nattspel imorgon eftermiddag. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1767632 Oilers are 22-48 in their last 70 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Oilers are 2-8 in the last 10 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-10-20 klockan 07:34. |
2013-10-19, 09:20 | #440 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1767985 Sabres are 9-20 in their last 29 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Avalanche are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings in Buffalo. Spelet är inte baserat på följande statistik men det sticker ut (alla siffror talar för Colorado): Spoiler:
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1767987 Wild are 1-6 in their last 7 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1767988 Coyotes är på 0 Days rest. Red Wings are 21-7-3 in the last 31 meetings in Phoenix. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1767989 Kings gör sin första hemmamatch efter en roadtrip på mer än 7 dagar. Stars are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings in Los Angeles. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-10-20 klockan 07:34. |
2013-10-20, 04:56 | #442 |
Misär , tack för din info! Uppskattas
2013-10-20, 07:50 | #443 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Tack! Synd bara att det gick dåligt inatt...
2013-10-20, 08:23 | #444 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1770100 Predators are 1-6 in their last 7 games playing on 0 days rest. Predators are 5-16 in their last 21 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Predators are 0-4 in their last 4 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-10-21 klockan 05:58. |
2013-10-20, 10:38 | #445 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1770239 Stars are 18-49 in their last 67 games playing on 0 days rest. Stars are 0-4 in their last 4 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Stars are 5-11 in their last 16 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-10-21 klockan 05:58. |
2013-10-22, 19:29 | #446 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Inget som föll inom spelramen igår, men inatt hoppar vi på tåget igen!
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1774099 Blue Jackets are 64-136-6 in their last 206 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Devils are 5-0 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1774101 Predators are 2-10 in their last 12 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Predators are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Predators are 6-13-2 in the last 21 meetings in Minnesota. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1774103 Flames are 20-43 in their last 63 games playing on 0 days rest. Flames are 5-13 in their last 18 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Flames are 1-6 in the last 7 meetings in Phoenix. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-10-23 klockan 09:38. |
2013-10-24, 16:27 | #447 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1776798 Flames are 0-4 in their last 4 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Flames are 5-12 in their last 17 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1776617 Oilers are 5-16 in their last 21 home games following a road trip of 7 or more days. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1777234 Predators are 2-11 in their last 13 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-10-25 klockan 07:17. |
2013-10-25, 19:03 | #448 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1779377 Hurricanes are 10-25 in their last 35 games playing on 0 days rest. Hurricanes are 0-8 in the last 8 meetings in Colorado. Hurricanes are 3-13-1 in the last 17 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-10-26 klockan 07:36. |
2013-10-26, 08:14 | #449 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1780345 Bruins are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1780348 Sabres are 7-19 in their last 26 games playing on 0 days rest. Sabres are 4-10 in their last 14 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1780350 Islanders are 20-54 in their last 74 games playing on 0 days rest. Flyers are 38-14 in the last 52 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1780351 Flames are 5-13 in their last 18 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Capitals are 9-2-2 in the last 13 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-10-27 klockan 06:27. |
2013-10-27, 07:06 | #450 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Oj, vad dom dogsen var sköna!
------------------------------ Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1782398 Sharks are 3-11 in their last 14 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1782400 Lightning are 0-4 in their last 4 games playing on 0 days rest. Lightning are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1782409 Jets are 25-62 in their last 87 games playing on 0 days rest. Jets are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Jets are 21-44-1 in their last 66 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1782411 Oilers are 14-37 in their last 51 games playing on 0 days rest. Oilers are 20-44 in their last 64 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Oilers are 23-48 in their last 71 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
henke111 (+1) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-10-28 klockan 19:02. |
2013-10-28, 19:10 | #451 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1785520 Sabres are 4-11 in their last 15 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Sabres are 5-12 in their last 17 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1785530 Rangers kommer från en road trip of 7 or more days. Canadiens are 5-1 in the last 6 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1785536 Home-Home Wild are 7-19 in their last 26 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Blackhawks are 6-1 in their last 7 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Blackhawks are 6-2 in the last 8 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1785540 Under is 7-2-3 in Blackhawks last 12 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Under is 7-2-4 in Wild last 13 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Under is 4-0-1 in the last 5 meetings in Minnesota Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
musse33 (+10) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-10-29 klockan 06:29. |
2013-10-29, 20:10 | #452 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1787529 Stars are 18-50 in their last 68 games playing on 0 days rest. Canadiens are 8-0 in their last 8 games playing on 0 days rest. Stars are 0-5 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Stars are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1787533 Lightning are 0-4 in their last 4 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Lightning are 6-20 in the last 26 meetings. Lightning are 3-10 in the last 13 meetings in New Jersey. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1787536 Jets are 1-5 in their last 6 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Jets are 21-45-1 in their last 67 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1787540 Oilers are 20-45 in their last 65 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Oilers are 23-49 in their last 72 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Maple Leafs are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings in Edmonton. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-10-30 klockan 06:29. |
2013-10-30, 15:51 | #453 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Skönt Sweeeep!
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1789018 Kings are 0-4 in their last 4 games playing on 0 days rest. Kings are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-10-31 klockan 08:49. |
2013-11-02, 08:21 | #454 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Efter några nätter utan några matcher som faller inom ramen för spel får man äntligen trycka på avlossaren igen.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1794399 Hurricanes are 10-26 in their last 36 games playing on 0 days rest. Hurricanes are 0-8 in the last 8 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1794401 Blue Jackets are 9-23 in their last 32 games playing on 0 days rest. Penguins are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1794402 Canadiens are 10-1 in their last 11 games playing on 0 days rest. Avalanche are 13-43 in their last 56 games playing on 0 days rest. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
Wirre (+9) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-11-03 klockan 06:24. |
2013-11-03, 08:26 | #455 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ett spel i natt.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1796928 Devils are 0-6 in their last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-11-04 klockan 05:57. |
2013-11-06, 08:56 | #456 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ett spel faller inom ramen för insats till natten.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1801801 Ducks are 2-5 in their last 7 home games following a road trip of 7 or more days. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-11-07 klockan 16:45. |
2013-11-08, 18:31 | #457 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1805161 Devils are 1-10 in their last 11 games playing on 0 days rest. Devils are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1805163 Flames are 20-44 in their last 64 games playing on 0 days rest. Flames are 0-5 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Flames are 6-13 in their last 19 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1805165 Sabres are 6-20 in their last 26 games playing on 0 days rest. Sabres are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-11-09 klockan 07:17. |
2013-11-10, 08:19 | #458 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1808111 Islanders are 21-55 in their last 76 games playing on 0 days rest. Islanders are 3-10 in their last 13 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Islanders are 7-15 in the last 22 meetings in Montreal. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1808112 Devils are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1808113 Panthers are 36-78 in their last 114 games playing on 0 days rest. Panthers are 3-15 in their last 18 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Panthers are 15-36 in their last 51 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Panthers are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings in New York. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1808116 Oilers are 14-38 in their last 52 games playing on 0 days rest. Oilers are 15-36 in their last 51 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Oilers are 23-50 in their last 73 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Blackhawks are 50-21 in their last 71 games playing on 0 days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-11-11 klockan 06:40. |
2013-11-12, 17:34 | #459 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1811983 Islanders are 3-11 in their last 14 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Predators are 8-1 in the last 9 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1811984 Lightning are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Lightning are 0-5 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Lightning are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings in Montreal. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1811986 Panthers are 5-16 in their last 21 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Panthers are 14-37 in their last 51 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ducks are 5-1 in the last 6 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-11-14 klockan 21:09. |
2013-11-14, 21:09 | #460 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1815273 Lightning are 1-5 in their last 6 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ducks are 6-2 in the last 8 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1815288 Stars are 13-38 in their last 51 games playing on 0 days rest. Stars are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings in Calgary Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-11-15 klockan 09:33. |
2013-11-15, 17:26 | #461 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1816271 Kings are 1-4 in their last 5 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1816273 Blue Jackets are 9-24 in their last 33 games playing on 0 days rest. Blue Jackets are 65-136-6 in their last 207 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1816274 Sharks are 4-11 in their last 15 games playing on 0 days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-11-16 klockan 09:39. |
2013-11-16, 09:49 | #462 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Its not how hard you hit, but how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1817142 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1817145 Home -and- home Sabres are 6-21 in their last 27 games playing on 0 days rest. Maple Leafs are 4-1 in their last 5 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Sabres are 1-6 in the last 7 meetings in Toronto. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1817148 Devils are 1-11 in their last 12 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1817149 Hurricanes are 16-35 in their last 51 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1817151 Predators are 2-6 in their last 8 games playing on 0 days rest. Blackhawks are 6-0 in the last 6 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1817153 Lightning are 4-11 in their last 15 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1817156 Panthers are 36-79 in their last 115 games playing on 0 days rest. Panthers are 5-12-1 in the last 18 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1817157 Oilers are 14-39 in their last 53 games playing on 0 days rest. Oilers are 15-37 in their last 52 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Oilers are 7-21-1 in the last 29 meetings in Calgary. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-11-17 klockan 07:11. |
2013-11-17, 07:54 | #463 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1818428 Blue Jackets are 65-137-6 in their last 208 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Blue Jackets are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings in Ottawa. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1818431 Blues 0 days rest. Blues are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1818433 Kings are 2-6 in their last 8 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Rangers are 35-16 in their last 51 games playing on 0 days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-11-18 klockan 20:21. |
2013-11-18, 20:22 | #464 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1820954 Hurricanes are 2-8 in their last 10 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1820955 Jets are 14-37 in their last 51 games playing on 0 days rest. Jets are 1-6 in their last 7 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Flames are 5-2 in the last 7 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-11-19 klockan 18:57. |
2013-11-19, 19:00 | #465 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1822171 Blues are 1-5 in their last 6 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-11-21 klockan 15:54. |
2013-11-21, 16:01 | #466 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1824602 Bruins are 1-6 in their last 7 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Blues are 13-4-1 in the last 18 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1824606 Devils are 1-8 in their last 9 games playing on 0 days rest. Devils are 2-5 in the last 7 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-11-22 klockan 20:20. |
2013-11-22, 20:20 | #467 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1827082 Lightning are 1-5 in their last 6 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ducks are 6-2 in the last 8 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1827087 Panthers are 37-79 in their last 116 games playing on 0 days rest. Panthers are 5-16 in their last 21 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1827101 Blue Jackets are 67-137-6 in their last 210 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Blue Jackets are 3-12 in the last 15 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-11-23 klockan 07:49. |
2013-11-23, 07:51 | #469 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Synd att man hittar 3 vinnare utan att få cash.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1827873 Islanders are 21-56 in their last 77 games playing on 0 days rest. Islanders are 3-15 in the last 18 meetings in Philadelphia. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-11-24 klockan 19:46. |
2013-11-28, 15:52 | #470 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Äntligen faller vinklarna ut för spel igen.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1837963 Senators are 0-5 in their last 5 games playing on 0 days rest. Canucks are 5-1 in the last 6 meetings in Ottawa. Canucks are 35-17 in their last 52 games playing on 2 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1837965 Predators are 3-11 in their last 14 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Predators are 1-5 in their last 6 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2013-11-29 klockan 07:20. |
2013-11-30, 12:48 | #471 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1841451 Rangers are 1-4 in their last 5 home games following a road trip of 7 or more days. Canucks are 9-3 in the last 12 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1841458 Penguins are 2-5 in their last 7 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1841466 Islanders are 21-57 in their last 78 games playing on 0 days rest. Islanders are 4-11 in their last 15 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Capitals are 42-17-3 in the last 62 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1841472 Flames are 20-45 in their last 65 games playing on 0 days rest. Flames are 17-35 in their last 52 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Flames are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1841484 Over is 4-0 in Avalanche last 4 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Over is 5-2 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 1841486 Avalanche are 5-14 in their last 19 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Wild are 5-1 in their last 6 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Avalanche are 14-43 in their last 57 games playing on 0 days rest. Wild are 5-2 in their last 7 games playing on 0 days rest. Wild are 17-8 in the last 25 meetings. |
2014-10-09, 18:48 | #472 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Härligt med en ny säsong! Målet med denna säsong är att köra hela vägen in i kaklet. Förra säsongen slutade jag redan i december. Så denna säsong är målet att hålla lågan uppe.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2243330 Canadiens är b2b efter tät match igår. Canadiens are 2-10 in the last 12 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2243331 Canadians match i går rann iväg med 7 mål, tror på en tätare tillställning i natt. Under is 23-9-3 in Canadiens last 35 games playing on 0 days rest. Under is 16-6-6 in the last 28 meetings in Washington. 42 of 64 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2243347 Flames are 16-35 in their last 51 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2243348 Under is 27-11-3 in the last 41 meetings in Edmonton. 56 of 93 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
Fyran (+1) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-10-10 klockan 08:44. |
2014-10-11, 12:47 | #473 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2245600 26 of 37 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 16-5 in the last 21 meetings in Boston. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2245613 Lagen möttes igår så vi vänder på steken. Islanders are 28-62 in their last 90 games playing on 0 days rest. Islanders are 1-5 in their last 6 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Hurricanes are 6-2 in the last 8 meetings. Hurricanes are 4-0 in the last 4 meetings in New York. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2245615 Under is 3-0-1 in Islanders last 4 games playing on 0 days rest. Under is 4-0 in Hurricanes last 4 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2245640 Flames are 5-13 in their last 18 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Flames are 2-6 in the last 8 meetings. Flames are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings in St. Louis. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2245655 Ännu ett dubbelmöte. Avalanche are 21-9 in their last 30 games playing on 1 days rest. Wild are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings in Colorado. Home team is 8-1 in the last 9 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2245657 6 of 7 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Over is 5-0 in the last 5 meetings in Colorado. Over is 11-4-1 in Avalanche last 16 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Over is 4-0 in Wild last 4 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-10-12 klockan 07:25. |
2014-10-12, 12:40 | #474 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2247113 Maple Leafs are 37-76 in their last 113 games playing on 0 days rest. Rangers are 39-18 in their last 57 games playing on 0 days rest. Maple Leafs are 9-25 in their last 34 road games. Maple Leafs are 2-6 in the last 8 meetings. Lundqvist är confirmed att han startar. Det mesta statistiskt talar emot Maple Leafs: Spoiler:
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2247140 Jets are 13-39 in their last 52 games playing on 0 days rest. Jets are 5-17 in their last 22 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Kings are 4-1 in their last 5 games playing on 0 days rest. Jets are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings in Los Angeles. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-10-13 klockan 06:58. |
2014-10-13, 20:00 | #475 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Blir ett spel i natt:
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2248889 Canadiens är inne på fjärde matchen på 6 dagar, kan sitta i benen. Lightning gick 3-0-1 mot Montreal förra säsongen med just Bishop i målet. Montreals 3 raka win streak på denna bortaturne kan få ett slut i natt. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-10-14 klockan 06:54. |
2014-10-14, 19:13 | #476 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2249954 Rangers är inne i 4:e matchen på 6 dagar. Road team is 7-1 in the last 8 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2250025 Avalanche are 14-43 in their last 57 games playing on 0 days rest. Avalanche are 1-5 in their last 6 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Avalanche are 2-6 in their last 8 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Avalanches is 83-104 when playing on back-to-back days Ett tufft spelschema avslutas alltså i natt för Avalanches och jag går emot laget med maxinsats. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2250038 Lightnings are 92-135 when playing on back-to-back days Devils are 22-7 in the last 29 meetings. Devils are 8-3 in the last 11 meetings in Tampa Bay. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2250050 Sabres are 7-30 in their last 37 games playing on 0 days rest. Sabres are 125-173 when playing on back-to-back days Sabres are 19-43 in their last 62 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Sabres are 16-35 in their last 51 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Sabres are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings. Sabres are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings in Carolina. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2250061 Kings are 4-10 in their last 14 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2250065 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Under is 9-3-6 in Kings last 18 in the third game of a 3-in-4 days situation. Under is 4-0-1 in the last 5 meetings in Los Angeles. Under is 19-6-2 in the last 27 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-10-15 klockan 06:55. |
2014-10-15, 19:18 | #477 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2251398 Flames are 17-35 in their last 52 games playing on 0 days rest. Flames is 93-123 when playing on back-to-back days Blackhawks are 4-1 in their last 5 games playing on 3 or more days rest. Flames are 8-20 in the last 28 meetings. Flames are 5-16 in the last 21 meetings in Chicago. Blackhawks har täckt denna lina fyra av de fem senaste mötena i Chicago. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2251406 Oilers are 13-42 in their last 55 games playing on 0 days rest. Oilers are 3-8 in the last 11 meetings in Arizona. Oilers are 5-16 in the last 21 meetings. Oilers is 81-115 when playing on back-to-back days Arizona went 4-0-1 against Edmonton last season and is 10-0-3 in the last 13 meetings between the Pacific Division rivals. Oilers dras med skador och flera tongivande spelare riskerar att missa nattens match: Eberle has an undisclosed injury and missed Tuesday's game. He is questionable Wednesday against the Coyotes. Nugent-Hopkins is dealing with an undisclosed injury and did not play Tuesday. He is questionable for Wednesday's game against the Coyotes. Fasth left Tuesday's game with a groin injury and is questionable to play Wednesday against the Coyotes. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2251415 45 of 65 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996. Over is 22-8-2 in the last 32 meetings in Arizona. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-10-16 klockan 07:42. |
2014-10-16, 17:40 | #478 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2252362 14 of 20 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL Under is 5-1-1 in the last 7 meetings in New York. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2252379 Rangers are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2252394 Avalanche are 1-6 in their last 7 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Avalanche are 2-7 in their last 9 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Senators are 12-1 in their last 13 games playing on 2 days rest. Tror det lossnar ordentligt för Senators ikväll; Senators is 17-3 after scoring 1 goal or less in their previous game Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2252410 Kings are 4-9 in their last 13 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Blues are 7-3 in their last 10 games playing on 3 or more days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-10-17 klockan 08:40. |
2014-10-16, 17:43 | #479 |
Vet du vad din mall hade gett med flatbetting? Verkar vara jämna siffror annars du börjar få ok volym.
2014-10-16, 18:18 | #480 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Nej, men kanske värt att övergå till flat? Framförallt då värderingen inte funkar så bra.
2014-10-17, 20:14 | #481 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Åkte på två bad beats igår. Carolina torskar på straffar och sedan Blues som vinner skotten med runt 43-18 (!) utan att sätta dit den åker förstås också på straffar.
------------------------------ Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2254018 Flames are 17-35 in their last 52 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2254023 Oilers are 20-41 in their last 61 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Canucks are 27-9 in their last 36 games playing on 3 or more days rest. Canucks are 19-9 in the last 28 meetings. Tycker även det är målvaltsminus hos Oilers. Scrivens är 0-3 på sina matcher hittills och 5.21 GAA and .800 SV% är inget att skryta med. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-10-18 klockan 07:25. |
2014-10-18, 15:11 | #482 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2255496 Blue Jackets is 78-122 when playing on back-to-back days. Tycker också det är ett minus och att det finns frågetecken kring McElhinney som får chansen i Blue Jackets mål i natt. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2255502 Over is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. 61 of 96 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996 Over is 19-8 after scoring 4 goals or more in their previous game (Islanders) Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2255519 Panthers are 41-85 in their last 126 games playing on 0 days rest. Panthers are 7-20 in the last 27 meetings. Panthers are 3-14 in the last 17 meetings in Washington. Om dessutom Holtby får stå för Capitals är det målvaktsplus - Panthers låter andremålvakten, Montoya få chansen i natt. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2255538 Sabres are 8-30 in their last 38 games playing on 0 days rest. Sabres are 17-35 in their last 52 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Sabres is 126-173 when playing on back-to-back days Visst, Bruins är också inne i ett hårt matchande - men brukar kunna klara av det bättre, statistiskt. Om ordinarie målvakter får stå tycker jag också det finns en målvaktsedge för Bruins. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2255552 Avalanche are 0-4 in their last 4 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Home team is 7-3 in the last 10 meetings. Förstemålvakten, Varlamov fortsatt borta för Avalanches. Följande fakta var inte avgörande för spelet men ändå: Spoiler:
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2255561 Hemma-Hemma och vi vänder på resultatet. Red Wings lite hårdare matchade: Red Wings are 1-6 in their last 7 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2255566 Over is 12-6 when Maple Leafs playing on back-to-back days Over is 6-1 in Maple Leafs last 7 games playing on 0 days rest. Over is 5-1 in Red Wings last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Over is 5-2-1 in the last 8 meetings in Detroit. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2255579 Predators are 3-7 in their last 10 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2255592 Canucks are 1-7 in their last 8 games playing on 0 days rest. Canucks are 92-107 when playing on back-to-back days Lightning are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Eddie Läck förväntas få chansen för Canucks (dock ej bekräftat), ett minus enligt mig. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2255599 13 of 17 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996. Over is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings in Vancouver. Over is 12-3-2 in the last 17 meetings. Mycket statistik talar för över (följande ej direkt avgörande statistik för mig): Spoiler:
Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-10-19 klockan 07:00. |
2014-10-19, 15:17 | #483 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2257571 28 of 43 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Wilds manager: “We’re a defensive-minded team and we play solid structurally in our own end and make it tough on teams.” The Kings used a similar strategy to take two of the last three Stanley Cups and have allowed two goals during their three-game winning streak. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2257563 Sharks är inne i ett tufft schema, 3:e matchen på 4 dagar och back-to-back ikväll mot Rangers som har 2 dagars vila med sig in i matchen. Lundqvist är confirmed att starta. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2257578 Flames are 8-24 in their last 32 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Flames are 2-5-1 in the last 8 meetings in Winnipeg. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2257584 Blues are 108-142 when playing on back-to-back days Blues are 0-4 in their last 4 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Home team is 35-17-2 in the last 54 meetings. Blues are 4-17-1 in the last 22 meetings in Anaheim. Blues are 1-6 in the last 7 meetings. The Ducks swept the three-game series between the clubs last season, are 6-0-1 in the last seven overall matchups and have won seven straight home meetings with the Blues. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-10-20 klockan 06:07. |
2014-10-21, 17:11 | #484 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2260430 Sharks are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Sharks är inne i ett tufft spelschema är även 3:e matchen på 4 dagar. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2260453 Lightnings are 92-136 when playing on back-to-back days Flames första hemma sedan säsongsstarten, kan ana taggat lag att få visa upp sig på hemmaplan igen. Flames are 5-1 in their last 6 home games following a road trip of 7 or more days. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-10-22 klockan 10:36. |
2014-10-22, 18:43 | #485 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Torsk i OT för Flames efter att ha tappat ledningen i slutet av 3:e perioden, tungt. Lyckades inte värdera rätt insats heller, kostade gröna siffror. Övergår nu till flatbetting, 3 units.
---------------------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2262724 Maple Leafs are 1-5 in their last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Maple Leafs are 118-142 when playing on back-to-back days Maple Leafs are 0-4 in their last 4 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Tycker även det finns en målvaktsedge för Senators om det matchas Anderson vs. Reimer (Anderson är confirmed). Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2262729 Flyers are 120-125 when playing on back-to-back days Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-10-23 klockan 06:54. |
2014-10-23, 17:28 | #486 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2263944 Penguins are 124-134 when playing on back-to-back days Thomas Greiss står förmodligen för första gången i år för Penguins, minus för mig. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2263951 Sharks are 0-4 in their last 4 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Jag hoppas Bobrovsky matchas mot Stalock (Ej confirmed) då finns en edge där. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2263954 Sabres are 8-31 in their last 39 games playing on 0 days rest. Sabres are 126-174 when playing on back-to-back days LOS ANGELES is 8-2 (+5.7 Units) against the spread versus BUFFALO since 1996 Sabres are 2-7 in the last 9 meetings in Los Angeles. Home team is 16-3 in the last 19 meetings. Mycket statistik emot Sabres inatt (dock ej medräknat): Spoiler:
Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-10-24 klockan 08:25. |
2014-10-24, 16:23 | #487 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Härligt med alla gröna i natt!
-------------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2265697 Canucks are 1-8 in their last 9 games playing on 0 days rest. Canucks are 92-108 when playing on back-to-back days Avalanche are 7-3 in their last 10 games playing on 2 days rest. Varlamov äntligen tillbaka i målet för Avalanche. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2265700 Hurricanes are 17-38 in their last 55 games playing on 0 days rest. Hurricanes are 110-143 when playing on back-to-back days Hurricanes är även i en 3 matcher på 4 dagar situation Hurricanes are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings in Edmonton. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2265708 Blue Jackets are 78-123 when playing on back-to-back days Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-10-25 klockan 07:12. |
2014-10-25, 16:37 | #488 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Skönt stim två senaste nätterna!
------------------ Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2267891 8 of 10 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Under is 7-2-2 in the last 11 meetings in Montreal. Under is 12-4-5 in the last 21 meetings. Price åter för Canadiens, bra! Lunkan hoppas jag startar för Rangers. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2267901 Devils are 3-8 in their last 11 games playing on 0 days rest. Senators are 13-3 in their last 16 games playing on 2 days rest. Devils are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings. Devils are 1-7 in the last 8 meetings in Ottawa. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2267904 51 of 76 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 14-4-3 in the last 21 meetings in Ottawa. Under is 38-18-4 in the last 60 meetings. Under is 14-5-8 in Devils last 27 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2267907 Stars are 16-43 in their last 59 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2267910 Lightning are 93-136 when playing on back-to-back days Lightning are 3-7 in their last 10 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Lightning are 2-6 in the last 8 meetings in Minnesota. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-10-26 klockan 12:26. |
2014-10-25, 22:17 | #489 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2268565 Penguins är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar. Penguins are 2-5 in the last 7 meetings in Nashville. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-10-26 klockan 12:26. |
2014-10-26, 14:16 | #490 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2269834 Blue Jackets är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar. Kings are 5-1 in their last 6 games playing on 2 days rest. Blue Jackets are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings. Blue Jackets are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings in Los Angeles. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2269845 Sharks är back to back Sharks are 0-5 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Sharks are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings in Anaheim. Home team is 19-7 in the last 26 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-10-27 klockan 17:02. |
2014-10-30, 13:54 | #491 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2275313 Canadiens är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar. Canadiens are 3-8 in the last 11 meetings in Vancouver. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-10-31 klockan 07:52. |
2014-10-30, 17:18 | #492 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Kommer att lägga in mina spel i NBA här också. Spreadsheet: https://www.sharps.se/spreadsheet/33911
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2275504 Thunder are 45-32 after a loss by 10 points or more Thunder is 6-1 against the spread versus LA CLIPPERS over the last 3 seasons Thunder are 55-49 ATS when playing on back-to-back days Underdog is 4-0 ATS in the last 4 meetings. Thunder are 4-0 ATS in the last 4 meetings in Los Angeles. Thunder are 4-1 ATS in the last 5 meetings. Clippers are 0-4 ATS in their last 4 games playing on 3 or more days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2275512 Jazz are 4-1 ATS in their last 5 games following a double-digit loss at home. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2275517 Knicks are 4-0 ATS in their last 4 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. Knicks are 179-163 ATS after a loss by 10 points or more Knicks are 42-31 as a road underdog of 9.5 to 12 points Knicks are 4-0 ATS in their last 4 games playing on 0 days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-10-31 klockan 07:52. |
2014-10-31, 08:32 | #493 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2276648 76ers are 5-2 ATS in their last 7 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. 76ers are 196-185 after a loss by 10 points or more Bucks are 57-71 as a home favorite of 6.5 to 9 points Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2276652 Lakers are 28-23 after a loss by 10 points or more Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-01 klockan 06:37. |
2014-10-31, 16:44 | #494 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2277314 Ducks är b2b, 3 matchen på 4 dagar & 4 matchen på 6 dagar. Tufft schema. Ducks are 107-128 when playing on back-to-back days Stars are 143-106 when playing with 2 days rest Ducks are 17-37-2 in the last 56 meetings in Dallas. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2277323 Kings are 98-114 when playing on back-to-back days Kings are 5-23-1 in the last 29 meetings in Detroit. Home team is 7-1 in the last 8 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2277329 5 of 6 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Over is 7-1 in the last 8 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-01 klockan 06:38. |
2014-11-01, 09:11 | #495 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2278381 Nets are 9-3 ATS in their last 12 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. Road team is 9-3 ATS in the last 12 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-02 klockan 07:56. |
2014-11-01, 13:29 | #496 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2278650 10 of 12 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996 Over is 9-1-2 in the last 12 meetings in Toronto. Over is 5-2 in the last 7 meetings. Over is 6-2 in Maple Leafs last 8 games playing on 0 days rest. Over is 6-2-1 in Blackhawks last 9 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2278656 Maple Leafs are 1-5 in their last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Blackhawks are 8-1 in the last 9 meetings. Blackhawks are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings in Toronto. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2278666 6 of 7 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Over is 4-0 in the last 4 meetings in Tampa Bay. Over is 7-1 in the last 8 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2278679 Stars are 16-44 in their last 60 games playing on 0 days rest. Stars are 1-5 in their last 6 games following OT on the previous day. Stars are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings in Minnesota. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-02 klockan 07:54. |
2014-11-01, 15:34 | #497 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2279076 Suns are 1-4 ATS in the last 5 meetings in Utah. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2279083 76ers are 196-186 after a loss by 10 points or more Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-02 klockan 07:54. |
2014-11-02, 14:01 | #498 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2280691 Canucks are 1-9 in their last 10 games playing on 0 days rest. Predators are 9-3 in their last 12 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2280699 Avalanche are 14-44 in their last 58 games playing on 0 days rest. Avalanche are 0-4 in their last 4 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Avalanche are 9-23 in their last 32 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ducks are 5-2 in their last 7 games playing on 1 days rest. Avalanche are 5-16 in their last 21 games following OT on the previous day. Ducks are 20-7 in the last 27 meetings. Ducks are 8-3 in the last 11 meetings in Colorado. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2280708 10 of 11 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996 Under is 4-0 in Coyotes last 4 games playing on 0 days rest. Under is 4-0-1 in Coyotes last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 days situation. Under is 4-0-1 in Coyotes last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 days situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2280711 Hurricanes are 17-39 in their last 56 games playing on 0 days rest. Kings are 5-1 in the last 6 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2280713 Sabres are 17-35 in their last 52 games playing on 0 days rest. Sabres are 17-36 in their last 53 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Sabres are 16-35 in their last 51 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Red Wings are 4-0 in the last 4 meetings in Buffalo. Red Wings are 20-3-1 in the last 24 meetings. DETROIT is 21-3 (+17.2 Units) against the spread versus BUFFALO since 1996 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-03 klockan 12:29. |
2014-11-03, 16:08 | #499 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2282608 Celtics are 162-153 after a loss by 10 points or more Celtics are 7-2 ATS in the last 9 meetings in Dallas. Celtics are 10-5 as a road underdog of 9.5 to 12 points Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2282614 Nuggets are 207-187 after a loss by 10 points or more Nuggets are 4-1 ATS in their last 5 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. Nuggets are 73-58 as a home favorite of 6.5 to 9 points Kings are 3-8-1 ATS in the last 12 meetings. Kings are 155-173 when playing on back-to-back days Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-04 klockan 06:19. |
2014-11-03, 17:18 | #500 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2282682 76ers are 196-187 after a loss by 10 points or more 76ers are 4-0 ATS in their last 4 games following a double-digit loss at home. Rockets are 4-9 ATS in the last 13 meetings. Rockets are 1-5 ATS in the last 6 meetings in Philadelphia. Rockets are 191-211 after a win by 10 points or more Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-04 klockan 06:19. |
2014-11-04, 17:45 | #501 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2284027 Magics are 168-163 after a loss by 10 points or more Bulls are 27-35 as a home favorite of 12.5 or more points Magic are 4-1 ATS in the last 5 meetings in Chicago. Magic are 5-2 ATS in the last 7 meetings. Road team is 7-3 ATS in the last 10 meetings. Underdog is 12-2 ATS in the last 14 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2284041 Pelicans are 132-119 after a loss by 10 points or more Pelicans are 122-106 when playing on back-to-back days NEW ORLEANS is 15-3 against the spread versus CHARLOTTE since 1996 Hornets are 2-8-1 ATS in the last 11 meetings. Hornets are 1-9 ATS in the last 10 meetings in New Orleans. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2284048 Thunder are 46-32 after a loss by 10 points or more Thunder are 56-49 when playing on back-to-back days Thunder are 9-4 ATS in the last 13 meetings in Toronto. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-05 klockan 06:27. |
2014-11-04, 18:04 | #502 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2284065 Hurricanes är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar. Hurricanes are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings in Columbus. Hurricanes are 2-8 in the last 10 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2284068 Capitals are 3-10 in their last 13 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2284079 Blackhawks are 2-5 in their last 7 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Blackhawks är också inne på sin fjärde match på sex dagar. Blackhawks are 0-6 in the last 6 meetings in Montreal. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2284091 Blues are 108-143 when playing on back-to-back days Blues are 0-5 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Blues are 0-5 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Devils are 151-138 when playing with 2 days rest Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2284098 Jets are 26-55-1 in their last 82 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Jets are 7-19 in their last 26 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Predators are 6-2 in the last 8 meetings. Predators are 5-2 in the last 7 meetings in Winnipeg. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2284106 Kings are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Stars are 9-4 in their last 13 games playing on 2 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2284108 Coyotes är inne på både tredje matchen på fyra dagar & fjärde matchen på sex dagar. Leafs kommer från två dagars vila. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2284113 Avalanche are 0-5 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Avalanche are 9-24 in their last 33 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Canucks are 5-0 in their last 5 games playing on 1 days rest. Canucks are 20-7 in the last 27 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-05 klockan 06:27. |
2014-11-04, 23:02 | #503 |
Ryggar några av matcherna. Hoppas på lite skön klöver.
2014-11-05, 19:39 | #504 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2285882 Heat are 145-141 after a loss by 10 points or more Heat are 12-5 ATS in their last 17 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. Heat are 7-3 ATS in their last 10 games following a double-digit loss at home. Hornets are 19-43 ATS in their last 62 games playing on 0 days rest. Heat are 6-0 ATS in the last 6 meetings in Charlotte. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2285885 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-06 klockan 15:50. |
2014-11-05, 19:51 | #505 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2285903 Canadiens are 114-134 when playing on back-to-back days Canadiens är även i sin tredje match på fyra dagar Sabres are 141-119 when playing with 2 days rest Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2285912 55 of 89 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 10-4-2 in the last 16 meetings in Buffalo. Under is 40-18-8 in the last 66 meetings. Under is 4-14 when Canadiens play back-to-back Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2285917 Red Wings are back-to-back Red Wings are 2-6 in their last 8 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Red Wings are 2-5 in their last 7 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Red Wings are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-06 klockan 15:50. |
2014-11-06, 16:06 | #506 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2287004 Jets are 27-55-1 in their last 83 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Penguins are 65-29 in their last 94 games playing on 1 days rest. Penguins are 40-13 in the last 53 meetings. Penguins are 8-3 in the last 11 meetings in Winnipeg. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2287006 Devils are 4-1 in their last 5 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Blues are 1-5 in their last 6 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Blues are 1-5 in their last 6 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Devils are 171-136 revenging a loss versus opponent Devils are 73-56 revenging a home loss versus opponent Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2287007 Vänder på steken från förra mötet. Over is 5-2 in the last 7 meetings in St. Louis. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2287009 34 of 54 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 5-1 in the last 6 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2287013 Avalanche are 9-25 in their last 34 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Road team is 7-1 in the last 8 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2287016 Cunucks är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar Sharks are 23-5 in their last 28 games playing on 3 or more days rest. Canucks are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings in San Jose. Canucks are 1-10 in the last 11 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2287018 Islanders are 115-143 when playing on back-to-back days Islanders are 29-62 in their last 91 games playing on 0 days rest. Home team is 5-1 in the last 6 meetings. Islanders are 2-8 in the last 10 meetings. Islanders are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings in Los Angeles. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-07 klockan 07:43. |
2014-11-07, 16:08 | #507 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2288703 Thunder are 46-33 after a loss by 10 points or more Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2288705 Suns are 9-1-1 ATS in their last 11 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. Kings are 3-8 ATS in the last 11 meetings. Kings are 4-11 ATS in the last 15 meetings in Phoenix. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2288708 Nuggets are 207-188 after a loss by 10 points or more Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-08 klockan 08:04. |
2014-11-07, 16:19 | #508 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2288719 Oilers are 81-116 when playing on back-to-back days Oilers are 13-43 in their last 56 games playing on 0 days rest. Oilers are 20-42 in their last 62 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Oilers are 1-7 in the last 8 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2288722 Vänder på hemma-hemma serien. Blue Jackets are 12-7 revenging a home loss versus opponent Hurricanes are 0-6 in their last 6 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Blue Jackets are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings in Carolina. Blue Jackets are 8-3 in the last 11 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2288726 Under is 5-2 in the last 7 meetings in Carolina. Under is 4-0 in Hurricanes last 4 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Under is 4-1 in Blue Jackets last 5 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-08 klockan 08:04. |
2014-11-08, 16:32 | #509 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2290524 Clippers are 5-1 ATS in their last 6 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. Trail Blazers are 1-4 ATS in their last 5 games following a SU win of more than 10 points. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2290529 Wizards are 6-2 ATS in the last 8 meetings in Indiana. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2290531 Knicks are 6-0 ATS in their last 6 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. Knicks are 10-3 ATS in the last 13 meetings in Atlanta. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2290532 Spurs are 125-86 after a loss by 10 points or more Spurs are 12-5 ATS in their last 17 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. Spurs are 131-101 as a home favorite of 6.5 to 9 points Pelicans are 4-12 ATS in the last 16 meetings in San Antonio. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-09 klockan 07:30. |
2014-11-08, 16:57 | #510 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2290549 Sabres are 9-32 in their last 41 games playing on 0 days rest. Sabres are 127-175 when playing on back-to-back days Sabres are 16-35 in their last 51 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Penguins are 66-29 in their last 95 games playing on 1 days rest. Penguins are 5-1 in the last 6 meetings in Buffalo. Penguins are 39-19-4 in the last 62 meetings. PITTSBURGH is 47-25 (+22.9 Units) against the spread versus BUFFALO since 1996 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2290567 Blue Jackets are 78-125 when playing on back-to-back days Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2290571 13 of 15 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996 Under is 4-0 in the last 4 meetings in Columbus. Under is 15-5-2 in Blue Jackets last 22 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2290574 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Under is 16-7 in the last 23 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2290578 Blues are 2-5 in their last 7 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Predators are 11-4 in their last 15 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2290580 54 of 82 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996 Under is 45-17-5 in the last 67 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2290588 Coyotes är back-to-back Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-09 klockan 07:31. |
2014-11-09, 13:43 | #511 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2292026 Jazz are 17-8 ATS in their last 25 games following a double-digit loss at home. Jazz are 8-1 ATS in the last 9 meetings in Detroit. Jazz are 4-1 ATS in the last 5 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-10 klockan 06:15. |
2014-11-09, 17:25 | #512 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2292444 Sharks är back-to-back & tredje matchen på fyra dagar. Sharks are 1-6 in the last 7 meetings in Chicago. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2292445 Lightnings are 93-137 when playing on back-to-back days Lightning are 2-9-1 in the last 12 meetings in Detroit. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2292447 Canucks are 92-110 when playing on back-to-back days Canucks are 1-10 in their last 11 games playing on 0 days rest. Canucks inne på fjärde matchen på sex dagar Canucks are 0-6 in the last 6 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-10 klockan 06:15. |
2014-11-10, 16:09 | #513 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2293440 Hurricanes är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar. Flames are 4-0 in the last 4 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-11 klockan 07:07. |
2014-11-11, 17:11 | #514 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2294283 Warriors are 21-9 after a loss by 10 points or more Warriors are 13-2-2 ATS in their last 17 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2294286 Hornets are 5-1 ATS in their last 6 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-12 klockan 13:26. |
2014-11-11, 17:57 | #515 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2294318 Devils are 4-9 in their last 13 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2294319 8 of 9 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996 Over is 6-0-1 in the last 7 meetings in New York. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2294320 Rangers are 0-4 in their last 4 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Penguins are 38-15 in their last 53 games playing on 2 days rest. Penguins are 12-5 in the last 17 meetings in New York. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2294326 Sharks are 2-6 in their last 8 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Sharks are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2294327 Oilers är på fjärde matchen på sex dagar. Oilers are 5-11 in the last 16 meetings in Nashville. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2294331 Lightning are 3-8 in their last 11 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Lightning är också i sin tredje match på fyra dagar Lightning are 3-7 in the last 10 meetings in Chicago. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-12 klockan 13:26. |
2014-11-12, 20:41 | #516 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2295630 Jazz are 4-1 ATS in their last 5 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2295631 Nuggets are 207-189 after a loss by 10 points or more Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-13 klockan 21:44. |
2014-11-13, 21:47 | #517 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2296965 76ers are 197-187 after a loss by 10 points or more 76ers are 18-13 as a road underdog of 12.5 to 18 points Mavericks are 31-47 as a home favorite of 12.5 to 18 points Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-14 klockan 09:10. |
2014-11-13, 22:17 | #518 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2296974 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Under is 5-2 in the last 7 meetings in Carolina. Under is 13-6-1 in Hurricanes last 20 games playing on 2 days rest. Under is 9-2 in Jets last 11 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2296976 Bruins är back-to-back och på sin tredje match på fyra dagar. Bruins are 2-5 in the last 7 meetings in Montreal. Bruins are 4-11 in the last 15 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2296990 55 of 83 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 46-17-5 in the last 68 meetings. Under is 15-5-1 in Predators last 21 overall. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2296994 Senators are 2-9 in their last 11 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2296995 Kings are 98-115 when playing on back-to-back days Stars are 5-2 in the last 7 meetings in Los Angeles. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-14 klockan 09:11. |
2014-11-14, 16:16 | #519 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2297665 Nuggets are 207-190 after a loss by 10 points or more Nuggets are 7-3 ATS in the last 10 meetings in Indiana. Nuggets are 13-6 ATS in the last 19 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2297673 Celtics are 163-153 after a loss by 10 points or more Underdog is 5-1 ATS in the last 6 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2297676 T-Wolves are 193-178 after a loss by 10 points or more Timberwolves are 20-5-1 ATS in their last 26 games following a double-digit loss at home. Timberwolves are 36-17 ATS in their last 53 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. Timberwolves are 4-1 ATS in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2297683 76ers are 197-188 after a loss by 10 points or more 76ers are 10-4 ATS in the last 14 meetings. 76ers are 4-2 as a road underdog of 15.5 to 18 points Rockets are 12-26 as a home favorite of 12.5 or more points Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-15 klockan 11:01. |
2014-11-14, 16:20 | #520 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2297691 Coyotes är back-to-back och på sin tredje match på fyra dagar. Coyotes are 6-17-1 in the last 24 meetings in Vancouver. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-15 klockan 11:00. |
2014-11-15, 16:36 | #521 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2299299 Bruins are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Bruins are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2299303 Kings are 1-5 in their last 6 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ducks are 5-1 in the last 6 meetings in Los Angeles. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2299306 Penguins are 124-135 when playing on back-to-back days Rangers are 4-0 in the last 4 meetings. Rangers are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings in Pittsburgh. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2299307 Devils are 12-13 when playing on back-to-back days Devils är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar Avalanche are 5-1 in the last 6 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2299309 Flyers are 121-125 when playing on back-to-back days Home team is 15-5 in the last 20 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2299314 Leafs are 120-142 when playing on back-to-back days Leafs är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Maple Leafs are 10-31-2 in the last 43 meetings in Buffalo. Home team is 21-5 in the last 26 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2299316 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Under is 6-1-1 in the last 8 meetings. All övrig statistik pekar på under: Spoiler:
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2299317 Blue Jackets are 78-126 when playing on back-to-back days Blue Jackets are 0-4 in their last 4 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2299318 Islanders are 116-143 when playing on back-to-back days Islanders are 30-62 in their last 92 games playing on 0 days rest. Home team is 7-3 in the last 10 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2299319 Capitals are 107-155 when playing on back-to-back days Capitals are 3-7 in their last 10 games playing on 0 days rest. Blues are 43-19 in their last 62 games playing on 1 days rest. Capitals are 2-8 in the last 10 meetings in St. Louis. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-16 klockan 06:59. |
2014-11-15, 16:51 | #522 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2299328 Pacers are 26-17 after a loss by 10 points or more Pacers are 5-1 ATS in their last 6 games following a double-digit loss at home. Pacers are 5-1 ATS in their last 6 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2299333 193-179 after a loss by 10 points or more Timberwolves are 19-7 ATS in the last 26 meetings in Dallas. T-Wolves are 37-28 as a road underdog of 9.5 to 12 points Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-16 klockan 07:00. |
2014-11-16, 14:27 | #523 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2300549 Canadiens are 115-134 when playing on back-to-back days Canadiens är också på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Home team is 5-2 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2300550 Coyotes är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar och fjärde match på sex dagar. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2300551 46 of 66 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996 Over is 44-17-3 in the last 64 meetings. Over is 15-6-1 in the last 22 meetings in Edmonton. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-17 klockan 06:26. |
2014-11-16, 18:31 | #524 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2300908 Stars are 16-45 in their last 61 games playing on 0 days rest. Stars är också på fjärde matchen på sex dagar Blackhawks are 4-1 in their last 5 games playing on 1 days rest. Stars are 1-9 in the last 10 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2300913 Ducks are 108-128 when playing on back-to-back days Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-17 klockan 06:26. |
2014-11-17, 21:36 | #525 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2302116 Hornets are 6-1 ATS in their last 7 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. Mavericks are 1-4 ATS in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2302119 Nets are 23-17 ATS after a loss by 10 points or more Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2302120 Suns are 9-2-1 ATS in their last 12 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. Suns are 4-1 ATS in the last 5 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-18 klockan 21:50. |
2014-11-18, 21:53 | #526 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2303933 Jazz are 89-71 as a home favorite of 3.5 to 6 points Jazz are 5-1 ATS in their last 6 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. Thunder are 1-4 ATS in the last 5 meetings in Utah. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-19 klockan 05:58. |
2014-11-18, 22:13 | #527 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2303947 Lightnings are 94-137 when playing on back-to-back days Lightning are 0-4 in their last 4 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Lightnings är också på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Lightning are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings in New York. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2303958 Sharks är både på sin tredje match på fyra dagar & fjärde match på sex dagar Sabres are 141-121 when playing with 2 days rest Sharks are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings in Buffalo. Sharks are 0-7 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2303966 Canadiens är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Penguins are 39-16 in their last 55 games playing on 2 days rest. Penguins are 7-3 in the last 10 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2303979 Jets are 7-19 in their last 26 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Jets are 27-57-1 in their last 85 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Devils are 152-140 when playing with 2 days rest Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2303990 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Under is 5-0 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2304005 Hurricanes är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar och sin tredje på fyra dagar. Hurricanes are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings. Hurricanes are 0-9-1 in the last 10 meetings in Dallas. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2304014 Ducks är på din tredje match på fyra dagar Flames are 129-112 when playing with 2 days rest Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2304022 Coyotes är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-19 klockan 06:21. |
2014-11-19, 20:16 | #528 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2305058 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2305062 76ers are 198-188 after a loss by 10 points or more Celtics are 3-8 ATS in the last 11 meetings in Philadelphia. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2305067 Hornets are 6-2 ATS in their last 8 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points., Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2305070 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2305073 Nets are 10-3 ATS in their last 13 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. Bucks are 0-4 ATS in the last 4 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2305075 T-Wolves are 27-19 after a loss by 10 points or more Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2305077 Thunder are 47-33 after a loss by 10 points or more Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2305078 Rockets are 142-128 after a loss by 10 points or more Lakers are 1-5 ATS in the last 6 meetings in Houston. Lakers are 0-4 ATS in the last 4 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-20 klockan 11:01. |
2014-11-19, 20:23 | #529 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2305101 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Under is 7-2-1 in Canucks last 10 games playing on 3 or more days rest. Under is 5-0 in Oilers last 5 games playing on 2 days rest. Under is 5-2 in the last 7 meetings in Edmonton. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-20 klockan 11:01. |
2014-11-20, 19:32 | #530 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2306223 Flyers are 1-4 in their last 5 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2306227 Lightning are 0-5 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Lightning är även på sin tredje match på fyra dagar. Lightning are 8-20-1 in the last 29 meetings in Toronto. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2306232 Canadiens är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar Blues are 4-0 in the last 4 meetings in Montreal. Blues are 5-0 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2306236 Jets are 28-57-1 in their last 86 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2306238 7 of 7 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996. Over is 7-0 in the last 7 meetings in Winnipeg. Over is 9-2 in the last 11 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2306241 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Under is 7-1 in the last 8 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2306244 Canucks are 2-10 in their last 12 games playing on 0 days rest. Canucks are 93-110 when playing on back-to-back days Ducks are 4-0 in the last 4 meetings in Vancouver. Ducks are 6-1 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2306248 Sharks är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar Panthers are 6-1 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2306253 Hurricanes är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar Hurricanes are 2-5 in the last 7 meetings. Hurricanes are 1-6 in the last 7 meetings in Los Angeles. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-21 klockan 10:28. |
2014-11-21, 16:44 | #531 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2307499 76ers are 198-189 after a loss by 10 points or more 76ers are 6-0 ATS in their last 6 games following a double-digit loss at home. Suns are 6-14 as a road favorite of 9.5 to 12 points Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2307503 Magic are 169-163 after a loss by 10 points or more Magic are 9-4 ATS in the last 13 meetings in Charlotte. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2307506 Warriors are 4-1 ATS in their last 5 games following a SU win of more than 10 points. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-22 klockan 07:22. |
2014-11-21, 18:55 | #532 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2307662 Bulls are 206-176 after a loss by 10 points or more Bulls are 9-3-1 ATS in their last 13 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-22 klockan 07:22. |
2014-11-21, 19:04 | #533 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2307671 61 of 97 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996 Over is 7-3 in the last 10 meetings. Over is 38-17 in Islanders last 55 games playing on 2 days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-22 klockan 07:22. |
2014-11-22, 16:46 | #534 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2309268 9 of 11 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 8-0 in the last 8 meetings in Ottawa. Under is 11-3-2 in the last 16 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2309270 Lightning are 0-6 in their last 6 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Wild are 7-3 in the last 10 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2309272 Bruins are 0-5 in their last 5 games playing on 0 days rest. Canadiens are 6-2 in the last 8 meetings in Boston. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2309274 Blue Jackets are 79-126 when playing on back-to-back days Blue Jackets are 1-4 in their last 5 games playing on 0 days rest. Blue Jackets are 11-30-2 in their last 43 games following OT on the previous day. Blue Jackets are 2-5 in the last 7 meetings in Philadelphia. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2309276 Hemma-Hemma, vi vänder på steken Penguins are 11-4 in their last 15 games playing on 0 days rest. Islanders are 30-63 in their last 93 games playing on 0 days rest. Islanders are 0-5 in their last 5 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Penguins are 172-152 revenging a loss versus opponent Penguins are 37-16 in the last 53 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2309278 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2309287 8 of 10 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996. Over is 4-0 in the last 4 meetings in Colorado. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2309289 Oilers are 82-116 when playing on back-to-back days Oilers are 14-43 in their last 57 games playing on 0 days rest. Blackhawks are 4-0 in their last 4 games playing on 1 days rest. Blackhawks are 8-2 in the last 10 meetings in Edmonton. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2309294 Devils are 12-14 when playing on back-to-back days Devils are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings in Calgary. Devils are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-23 klockan 07:04. |
2014-11-22, 18:09 | #535 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2309377 Heat are 145-143 after a loss by 10 points or more Heat are 4-1-1 ATS in the last 6 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2309385 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2309393 T-Wolves are 194-180 after a loss by 10 points or more Timberwolves are 20-6-1 ATS in their last 27 games following a double-digit loss at home. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2309401 Bucks are 178-171 after a loss by 10 points or more Bucks are 4-0-1 ATS in their last 5 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-23 klockan 07:04. |
2014-11-23, 16:58 | #536 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2311000 Celtics are 164-153 after a loss by 10 points or more Trail Blazers are 5-13 ATS in the last 18 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2311009 Lakers are 30-24 after a loss by 10 points or more Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-24 klockan 21:12. |
2014-11-23, 19:04 | #537 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2311241 Blues are 109-143 when playing on back-to-back days Blues are 2-5 in their last 7 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Blues are 2-6 in their last 8 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2311244 Canadiens are 116-134 when playing on back-to-back days Canadiens är också på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2311248 9 of 11 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Under is 27-9-3 in Canadiens last 39 games playing on 0 days rest. Under is 2-9 when Rangers playing with 3 or more days rest Under is 13-4-5 in the last 22 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2311254 Coyotes är back-to-back, tredje matchen på fyra dagar och fjärde matchen på sex dagar. Ducks are 8-3 in their last 11 games playing on 2 days rest. Coyotes are 2-6 in the last 8 meetings in Anaheim. Coyotes are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2311256 Blackhawks is back-to-back Canucks are 145-94 when playing with 2 days rest Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-24 klockan 06:13. |
2014-11-24, 21:23 | #538 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2312464 CLEVELAND is 8-0 against the spread versus ORLANDO over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2312472 Clippers are 6-2 ATS in their last 8 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. Hornets are 20-44 ATS in their last 64 games playing on 0 days rest. Clippers are 7-2 ATS in the last 9 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2312479 Pacers are 4-0 ATS in their last 4 games following a double-digit loss at home. Pacers are 6-1 ATS in their last 7 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. Pacers are 5-1 ATS in the last 6 meetings in Dallas. Pacers are 6-2 ATS in the last 8 meetings. Pacers are 11-4 as a road underdog of 12.5 to 15 points Mavericks are 27-40 as a home favorite of 12.5 to 15 points Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
bokis29 (+5) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-25 klockan 08:58. |
2014-11-24, 21:28 | #539 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2312492 6 of 7 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Over is 4-0 in the last 4 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-25 klockan 08:58. |
2014-11-25, 09:33 | #540 |
Snyggt NBA-tippat!
Du nämnde i början av tråden att du bara tänkte köra en site, kör du fler nu? vilken är din favorit just nu? Mvh |
2014-11-25, 19:48 | #541 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ja, det var för några år sedan. Nu försöker jag välja marknadshögsta odds. Tycker Pinnacle passar fint när man spelar amerikanska sporter och ligger oftast högt i oddsen.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2313713 Senators are 5-13 when playing on back-to-back days Senators are 3-9 in their last 12 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Blues are 45-20 in their last 65 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2313717 14 of 19 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996 Under is 7-1 in Senators last 8 games playing on 0 days rest. Under is 11-3-3 in the last 17 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2313719 Coyotes är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar och tredje match på fyra dagar. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-26 klockan 09:30. |
2014-11-26, 19:57 | #542 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2315051 Magic are 170-163 after a loss by 10 points or more Warriors are 1-4 ATS in the last 5 meetings in Orlando. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2315064 Hornets are 6-2-1 ATS in their last 9 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2315065 Mavericks are 20-9 after a loss by 10 points or more Mavericks are 26-7 ATS in their last 33 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2315069 Timberwolves are 20-7-1 ATS in their last 28 games following a double-digit loss at home. Bucks are 5-16 ATS in their last 21 games following a SU win of more than 10 points. Bucks are 1-6 ATS in the last 7 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-27 klockan 06:47. |
2014-11-26, 20:20 | #543 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2315086 Islanders är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar. Capitals are 44-18-3 in the last 65 meetings. Capitals are 9-2 in the last 11 meetings in New York. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2315092 Jets are 14-41 in their last 55 games playing on 0 days rest. Jets are 5-21 when playing on back-to-back days Jets are 7-18 in their last 25 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Sabres are 97-74 when playing with 3 or more days rest Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2315102 Penguins är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2315111 Kings are 98-116 when playing on back-to-back days Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2315119 16 of 22 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 30-14-7 in the last 51 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2315128 Avalanches are 83-106 when playing on back-to-back days Avalanche are 14-45 in their last 59 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2315134 Flames are 94-123 when playing on back-to-back days Sharks are 80-59 when playing with 3 or more days rest Sharks are 23-6 in their last 29 games playing on 3 or more days rest. Flames are 1-7 in the last 8 meetings in San Jose. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2315138 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Under is 4-0 in the last 4 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-27 klockan 08:05. |
2014-11-28, 16:41 | #544 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2317371 Vänder på steken. Islanders are 0-4 in their last 4 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Capitals are 6-1 revenging a loss versus opponent Islanders are 9-22-2 in the last 33 meetings in Washington. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2317376 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2317380 56 of 90 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996 Under is 11-4-2 in the last 17 meetings in Buffalo. Under is 41-18-8 in the last 67 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2317381 9 of 11 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. ( Under is 8-2 in the last 10 meetings in New Jersey. Under is 4-0 in Devils last 4 games playing on 2 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2317385 Jets är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Jets are 28-58-1 in their last 87 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Bruins are 18-8 in their last 26 games playing on 3 or more days rest. Jets are 6-17 in the last 23 meetings. Jets are 4-17-1 in the last 22 meetings in Boston. Home team is 22-8 in the last 30 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2317400 Oilers are 3-12 when playing on back-to-back days Oilers are 14-44 in their last 58 games playing on 0 days rest. Oilers are 11-27-5 in their last 43 games following OT on the previous day. Oilers are 3-14 in the last 17 meetings. Oilers are 1-7 in the last 8 meetings in St. Louis. Blues are 140-118 when playing with 2 days rest ST LOUIS is 5-1 (+2.7 Units) against the spread versus EDMONTON over the last 3 seasons Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-29 klockan 06:54. |
2014-11-28, 21:11 | #545 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2317952 Magic are 170-164 after a loss by 10 points or more Magic are 5-2 ATS in their last 7 games following a double-digit loss at home Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2317958 Kings are 200-179 after a loss by 10 points or more Kings are 74-66 as a road underdog of 6.5 to 9 points Kings are 6-0 ATS in their last 6 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. Kings are 4-1 ATS in the last 5 meetings in San Antonio. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2317960 T-Wolves are 194-182 after a loss by 10 points or more Timberwolves are 20-8-1 ATS in their last 29 games following a double-digit loss at home. Timberwolves are 11-5-1 ATS in the last 17 meetings in Los Angeles. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-29 klockan 06:56. |
2014-11-29, 13:01 | #546 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2319011 Vänder på steken från gårdagsmatchen. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2319014 Over is 5-1 in Flyers last 6 in the third game of a 3-in-4 days situation. Over is 9-2-1 in Flyers last 12 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 days situation. Over is 8-2-1 in Flyers last 11 games playing on 0 days rest. Over is 5-2-3 in Rangers last 10 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-29 klockan 21:38. |
2014-11-29, 21:00 | #547 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2319892 Serien vänder. Penguins are 11-5 in their last 16 games playing on 0 days rest. Penguins are 7-1 in their last 8 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Hurricanes are 18-41 in their last 59 games playing on 0 days rest. Hurricanes are 9-25 in their last 34 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Penguins are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings in Carolina. Penguins are 8-3 in the last 11 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2319896 Under is 7-1 in Penguins last 8 games playing on 0 days rest. Under is 5-1 in Hurricanes last 6 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2319900 Capitals are 3-8 in their last 11 games playing on 0 days rest. Capitals are 107-156 when playing on back-to-back days Capitals are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2319903 Sabres are 16-35 in their last 51 games playing on 0 days rest. Canadiens are 4-1 in their last 5 games playing on 0 days rest. Sabres are 15-36 in their last 51 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Canadiens are 5-2 in their last 7 home games following a road trip of 7 or more days. Sabres are 1-6 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2319905 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2319909 Senators are 6-13 when playing on back-to-back days Senators are 4-9 in their last 13 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Lightning are 10-5 when playing with 2 days rest Home team is 17-8 in the last 25 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2319912 Columbus are 79-127 when playing on back-to-back days Blue Jackets are 1-5 in their last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Predators are 15-6 in their last 21 games playing on 1 days rest. Blue Jackets are 15-39 in the last 54 meetings. Blue Jackets are 6-29-1 in the last 36 meetings in Nashville. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2319917 Stars are 4-12 when playing on back-to-back days Avalanche are 134-104 when playing with 2 days rest Stars are 1-6 in their last 7 games following OT on the previous day. Stars are 4-10 in the last 14 meetings in Colorado. Stars are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2319922 26 of 38 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 20-8-2 in the last 30 meetings in Colorado. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2319926 Blackhawks är back-to-back Kings are 146-124 when playing with 2 days rest Kings are 7-2 in their last 9 games playing on 2 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2319929 6 of 7 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Over is 4-0-1 in the last 5 meetings in Los Angeles. Over is 6-0 in the last 6 meetings. Over is 7-1-4 in Kings last 12 games playing on 2 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2319930 Ducks are 108-129 when playing on back-to-back days Sharks are 9-0 in their last 9 games playing on 2 days rest. Ducks are 2-6 in the last 8 meetings. Ducks are 0-5 in the last 5 meetings in San Jose. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-30 klockan 09:06. |
2014-11-29, 21:17 | #548 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2319950 Wizards are 19-15 after a loss by 10 points or more Pelicans are 1-5 ATS in the last 6 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2319955 Rockets are 142-129 after a loss by 10 points or more Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2319957 Jazz are 5-1 ATS in their last 6 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. Clippers are 8-20-1 ATS in the last 29 meetings. Clippers are 4-17-1 ATS in the last 22 meetings in Utah. UTAH is 23-10 against the spread versus LA CLIPPERS since 1996 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-11-30 klockan 09:30. Anledning: UTAH is 23-10 against the spread versus LA CLIPPERS since 1996 |
2014-11-30, 09:19 | #549 |
8-3 på NHL, riktigt grymt!
Wizards - Pelicans blev väl loss tyvärr? |
2014-12-01, 20:14 | #550 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2322427 Rangers are 2-5 in their last 7 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Rangers är också på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Lightning are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2322432 Canadiens är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Avalanche are 4-1 in their last 5 games playing on 1 days rest. Canadiens are 5-11-1 in the last 17 meetings. Canadiens are 1-6 in the last 7 meetings in Colorado. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-02 klockan 06:29. |
2014-12-01, 20:26 | #551 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2322443 Jazz are 4-1 ATS in their last 5 games following a double-digit loss at home. Jazz are 5-2 ATS in their last 7 games following a SU loss of more than 10 points. |
2014-12-01, 20:30 | #552 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2322448 46 of 67 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996 Over is 44-18-3 in the last 65 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-02 klockan 06:29. |
2014-12-02, 19:50 | #553 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2323710 Lightning are 94-138 when playing on back-to-back days Lightning är också på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Sabres are 142-121 when playing with 2 days rest Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2323713 6 of 7 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2323715 Panthers are 109-139 when playing on back-to-back days Panthers are 41-86 in their last 127 games playing on 0 days rest. Red Wings are 4-0 in their last 4 games playing on 1 days rest. Panthers are 5-12-4 in the last 21 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2323718 Coyotes är back-to-back och på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Flames are 131-113 when playing with 2 days rest Home team is 17-5 in the last 22 meetings. Coyotes are 0-6 in the last 6 meetings in Calgary. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2323721 Bruins are 0-6 in their last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Kings are 7-3 in their last 10 games playing on 2 days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-03 klockan 08:54. |
2014-12-03, 19:15 | #554 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2325139 Canadiens är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2325141 5 of 6 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996. Over is 4-0-1 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2325146 Flyers are 1-6 in their last 7 games playing on 0 days rest. Flyers are 0-5 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ducks are 37-15 in their last 52 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Flyers are 1-6 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2325151 10 of 12 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996. Over is 6-0 in the last 6 meetings in Anaheim. Over is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Over is 9-2-1 in Flyers last 12 games playing on 0 days rest. Over is 20-8-2 in Flyers last 30 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 days situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-04 klockan 21:10. |
2014-12-03, 19:25 | #555 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2325156 Heat are 147-143 after a loss by 10 points or more Heat are 121-113 after allowing 105 points or more Heat are 3-1-1 ATS in their last 5 when their opponent allows 100 points or more in their previous game. Hawks are 8-20 ATS in the last 28 meetings in Miami. MIAMI is 26-12 against the spread versus ATLANTA since 1996 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2325163 Timberwolves are 195-183 after a loss by 10 points or more 76ers are 2-5 ATS in the last 7 meetings in Minnesota. 76ers are 1-4 ATS in the last 5 meetings. |
2014-12-04, 20:07 | #556 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2326759 24 of 32 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. ( Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2326761 Vänder på steken från gårdagen Senators are 6-3 revenging a loss versus opponent Islanders are 9-22-3 in the last 34 meetings in Ottawa. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2326763 Over is 14-6 in Islanders last 20 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Over is 5-0 in Senators last 5 home games following a road trip of 7 or more days. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2326766 Panthers are 9-27 in their last 36 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Blue Jackets are 4-0 in the last 4 meetings in Florida. Blue Jackets are 10-1 in the last 11 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2326774 Blues are 111-143 when playing on back-to-back days Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2326780 30 of 40 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. ( Under is 26-5-4 in the last 35 meetings in Nashville. Under is 46-18-5 in the last 69 meetings. Under is 3-1-1 in Blues last 5 games playing on 0 days rest. Under is 12-3-1 in Predators last 16 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2326785 Coyotes är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar och tredje match på fyra dagar Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
coffpoff (+10) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-05 klockan 06:26. |
2014-12-04, 20:41 | #557 |
Nu kör vi!
Felrättning på match 2 igår, gissar på en stabil 5-3 idag! |
2014-12-04, 21:08 | #558 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
2014-12-05, 16:41 | #559 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2327768 Avalanches are 83-107 when playing on back-to-back days Avalanche are 14-46 in their last 60 games playing on 0 days rest. Avalanche are 7-19 in their last 26 games following OT on the previous day. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2327770 6 of 7 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 5-1-2 in the last 8 meetings in Chicago. Under is 5-1-1 in the last 7 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-06 klockan 07:32. |
2014-12-06, 17:43 | #560 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2329364 10 of 12 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996. Over is 4-0 in the last 4 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2329366 Blues är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Home team is 5-2 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2329368 Canadiens are 116-136 when playing on back-to-back days Canadiens are 2-5 in their last 7 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Canadiens är också på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Canadiens are 2-5-1 in the last 8 meetings in Dallas. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2329370 20 of 30 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 6-1 in the last 7 meetings in New Jersey. Under is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2329372 Panthers are 18-44 in their last 62 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2329374 Lightning are 2-6 in their last 8 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2329377 13 of 16 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. ( Under is 6-1-1 in the last 8 meetings in Tampa Bay. Under is 8-3 in Lightning last 11 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 days situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2329381 8 of 10 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996 Under is 9-1 in the last 10 meetings in Arizona. Under is 13-4-2 in Coyotes last 19 games playing on 1 days rest. Under is 12-3-2 in Coyotes last 17 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 days situation. Under is 3-1-1 in Bruins last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 days situation. Under is 9-4-2 in Bruins last 15 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2329384 6 of 7 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Under is 4-0-3 in the last 7 meetings in Calgary. Under is 5-0 in the last 5 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-07 klockan 06:50. |
2014-12-07, 15:27 | #561 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2330812 Hurricanes är back-to-back Red Wings are 3-7 in their last 10 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Red Wings are 3-7 in their last 10 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2330821 Sharks är back-to-back och på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Sharks are 4-9 in their last 13 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-08 klockan 05:57. |
2014-12-08, 20:05 | #562 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2332454 Hurricanes are 111-147 when playing on back-to-back days Hurricanes are 18-42 in their last 60 games playing on 0 days rest. Devils are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings in Carolina. Devils are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2332457 5 of 6 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Over is 6-1-2 in the last 9 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2332461 Blues are 3-7 in their last 10 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2332462 16 of 21 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996 Under is 5-1-1 in the last 7 meetings in St. Louis. Under is 14-3-1 in the last 18 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-09 klockan 08:46. |
2014-12-09, 19:25 | #563 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2333268 5 of 6 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Over is 6-1 in the last 7 meetings. Over is 5-1-1 in Blue Jackets last 7 games playing on 2 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2333277 Devils are 12-16 when playing on back-to-back days Devils are 1-4 in their last 5 games playing on 0 days rest. Blackhawks are 5-2 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2333281 Canucks är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar och sin fjärde match på sex dagar Canadiens are 15-9 when playing with 2 days rest Canadiens are 4-1 in their last 5 games playing on 2 days rest. Home team is 17-8-1 in the last 26 meetings. Canucks are 2-6 in the last 8 meetings. Canucks are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings in Montreal. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2333287 7 of 8 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Over is 5-0 in the last 5 meetings in Tampa Bay. Over is 13-3 in the last 16 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2333441 Vänder på steken från natten. Sharks are 171-139 revenging a loss versus opponent Oilers are 6-18 in the last 24 meetings. Oilers are 2-8 in the last 10 meetings in San Jose. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2333443 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-10 klockan 08:05. |
2014-12-10, 19:36 | #564 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2334832 Maple Leafs are 120-143 when playing on back-to-back days Maple Leafs are 5-11 in their last 16 games playing on 0 days rest. Red Wings are 6-1 in their last 7 games playing on 2 days rest. Red Wings are 180-136 when playing with 2 days rest Maple Leafs are 2-5 in the last 7 meetings in Detroit. Maple Leafs are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2334835 Oilers are 82-118 when playing on back-to-back days Oilers are 14-45 in their last 59 games playing on 0 days rest. Ducks are 19-12 when playing with 2 days rest Ducks are 9-4 in their last 13 games playing on 2 days rest. Oilers are 7-19 in the last 26 meetings. Oilers are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings in Anaheim. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
kingofding (+5) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-11 klockan 06:49. |
2014-12-11, 20:24 | #565 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2336199 Devils are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Devils är också på sin fjärde match på sex dagar Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2336205 17 of 22 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996 Over is 3-1-1 in the last 5 meetings in St. Louis. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-12 klockan 05:56. |
2014-12-12, 18:54 | #566 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2337499 Flames are 95-123 when playing on back-to-back days Flames are 16-35 in their last 51 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Flames are 3-13-1 in the last 17 meetings. Flames are 1-7 in the last 8 meetings in Pittsburgh. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2337503 Kings are 99-116 when playing on back-to-back days Kings are 2-5 in their last 7 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Canadiens are 16-9 when playing with 2 days rest Kings are 2-7 in the last 9 meetings. Kings are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings in Montreal. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2337510 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2337512 Vänder på steken. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-13 klockan 06:30. |
2014-12-13, 14:37 | #567 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2338744 Red Wings är back-to-back Maple Leafs are 4-1 in their last 5 games playing on 2 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2338748 8 of 9 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons. Over is 16-5 in the last 21 meetings. Over is 5-2 in the last 7 meetings in Washington. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2338749 Panthers are 110-139 when playing on back-to-back days Panthers are 42-86 in their last 128 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2338759 Ducks are 108-130 when playing on back-to-back days Ducks är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Jets are 16-9 revenging a home loss versus opponent Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2338767 Devils är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar Stars are 11-4 in their last 15 games playing on 3 or more days rest. Home team is 11-4 in the last 15 meetings. Devils are 2-5 in the last 7 meetings in Dallas. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2338771 10 of 13 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996 Under is 4-1-1 in the last 6 meetings. Under is 4-0-1 in Stars last 5 games playing on 3 or more days rest. Under is 13-5-8 in Devils last 26 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 days situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-14 klockan 10:50. |
2014-12-13, 18:16 | #568 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2339226 Penguins are 126-136 when playing on back-to-back days Blue Jackets are 17-8 in their last 25 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2339229 10 of 13 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996. Over is 5-1 in the last 6 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-14 klockan 10:50. |
2014-12-14, 11:07 | #570 |
Grymma tips! Fortsätt rocka loss! Tack för kaffet
2014-12-14, 18:58 | #571 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Tack! Det har varit några trevliga nätter. Tycker nattens lir är lite svagare då Oilers oftast inte är så trygga att hålla i handen. Men skam den som ger sig.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2340821 Rangers är back-to-back Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2340822 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 3-0-1 in the last 4 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-15 klockan 06:04. Anledning: stavfel. |
2014-12-15, 20:59 | #572 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2341863 5 of 6 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Over is 5-0 in the last 5 meetings in Pittsburgh. Over is 8-1 in the last 9 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-16 klockan 05:49. |
2014-12-16, 20:22 | #573 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2342749 Lightning are 94-139 when playing on back-to-back days Lightning are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Lightning are 2-7 in their last 9 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2342752 Maple Leafs är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Ducks are 20-12 when playing with 2 days rest Ducks are 10-4 in their last 14 games playing on 2 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2342756 Sabres are 128-176 when playing on back-to-back days Sabres are 16-35 in their last 51 games playing on 0 days rest. Jets are 18-13 when playing with 2 days rest Sabres are 16-36 in their last 52 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Sabres are 9-24 in their last 33 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Sabres are 5-17 in the last 22 meetings in Winnipeg. Sabres are 1-8 in the last 9 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2342760 Kings are 2-5 in their last 7 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Blues are 5-1 in their last 6 games playing on 2 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2342763 Blackhawks är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar och sin fjärde match på sex dagar Wild are 103-91 when playing with 2 days rest Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2342766 24 of 33 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996. Over is 23-8-2 in the last 33 meetings in Arizona. Over is 45-18-3 in the last 66 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-17 klockan 05:56. Anledning: Skrev att Flyers var B2B ska givetvis vara Lightnings. |
2014-12-17, 17:47 | #574 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2343775 27 of 39 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996 Under is 39-18-4 in the last 61 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-18 klockan 06:24. |
2014-12-18, 16:27 | #575 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2344802 Toronto är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar Maple Leafs are 2-6 in the last 8 meetings. Maple Leafs are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings in Carolina. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2344803 Vänder på steken Kings are 8-1 in their last 9 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Blues are 5-17 in the last 22 meetings. Blues are 1-10 in the last 11 meetings in Los Angeles. Kings are 8-5 revenging a loss versus opponent Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2344804 Under is 4-0-3 in Kings last 7 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Under is 3-1-1 in the last 5 meetings in Los Angeles. Under is 5-2-4 in the last 11 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-19 klockan 08:13. |
2014-12-19, 17:40 | #576 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2346065 Ducks are 109-130 when playing on back-to-back days Ducks är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2346067 Bruins are 2-6 in their last 8 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Jets are 19-13 when playing with 2 days rest Bruins are 1-6 in the last 7 meetings in Winnipeg. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-20 klockan 07:05. |
2014-12-20, 15:37 | #577 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2347386 Senators are 7-14 when playing on back-to-back days Senators är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar och sin fjärde match på sex dagar Home team is 12-5 in the last 17 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2347391 Devils are 12-17 when playing on back-to-back days Devils are 0-4 in their last 4 games playing on 0 days rest. Devils are 1-5 in their last 6 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Devils are 0-4 in their last 4 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Capitals are 5-1 in their last 6 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2347401 20 of 30 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. ( Under is 16-6-6 in Devils last 28 games playing on 0 days rest. Under is 3-0-1 in the last 4 meetings in New Jersey. Under is 4-1-1 in the last 6 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2347413 28 of 38 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996. Over is 41-18 in the last 59 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2347422 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Under is 6-1-2 in the last 9 meetings. Under is 4-1-1 in Predators last 6 games playing on 3 or more days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2347426 Flames are 95-124 when playing on back-to-back days Canucks are 147-94 when playing with 2 days rest Flames are 17-38 in the last 55 meetings. Flames are 7-21 in the last 28 meetings in Vancouver. Home team is 10-4 in the last 14 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2347432 5 of 6 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Over is 6-2 in the last 8 meetings in San Jose. Over is 5-0 in the last 5 meetings. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
coffpoff (+20) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-21 klockan 07:32. |
2014-12-21, 18:29 | #578 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2349133 Avalanche are 83-108 when playing on back-to-back days Avalanche are 14-47 in their last 61 games playing on 0 days rest. Avalanche are 0-6 in their last 6 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Red Wings are 6-2 in their last 8 games playing on 1 days rest. Avalanche are 18-37 in the last 55 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2349137 Vänder på steken. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2349139 13 of 17 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 6-1 in the last 7 meetings in Chicago. Under is 5-0-1 in Blackhawks last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2349142 Sabres are 128-177 when playing on back-to-back days Sabres are 15-36 in their last 51 games playing on 0 days rest. Bruins are 41-19 in their last 60 games playing on 1 days rest. Sabres are 4-10 in the last 14 meetings in Boston. Sabres are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2349145 Flyers are 0-4 in their last 4 games playing on 0 days rest. Flyers are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Flyers are 0-6 in their last 6 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Flyers are 5-12 in the last 17 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-22 klockan 06:39. |
2014-12-22, 17:48 | #579 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2350084 Senators are 5-11 in their last 16 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Senators är också på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Capitals are 6-1 in their last 7 games playing on 1 days rest. Home team is 22-8 in the last 30 meetings. Senators are 4-11 in the last 15 meetings in Washington. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2350086 En stekvändning. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2350089 Over is 6-2 in Penguins last 8 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Over is 4-1 in Panthers last 5 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Over is 3-1-1 in the last 5 meetings in Florida. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2350090 Flames are 16-37 in their last 53 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
coffpoff (+10) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-23 klockan 07:51. |
2014-12-22, 21:35 | #580 |
Vart hittar du infon?, tex
Senators are 5-11 in their last 16 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Senators är också på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Capitals are 6-1 in their last 7 games playing on 1 days rest. Home team is 22-8 in the last 30 meetings. Senators are 4-11 in the last 15 meetings in Washington |
2014-12-22, 21:39 | #581 | |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
2014-12-23, 15:48 | #582 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2351162 Hurricanes är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar och sin fjärde på sex dagar. Devils are 153-144 when playing with 2 days rest Hurricanes are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings. Hurricanes are 2-7 in the last 9 meetings in New Jersey. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2351165 Maple Leafs are 2-6 in their last 8 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Maple Leafs är också på sin fjärde match på sex dagar Stars are 5-1 in their last 6 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2351166 Flyers are 1-6 in their last 7 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Flyers är också på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Wild are 103-93 when playing with 2 days rest Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2351169 Capitals are 107-157 when playing on back-to-back days Capitals are 1-4 in their last 5 games playing on 0 days rest. Capitals are 1-5 in their last 6 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Capitals are 2-7 in their last 9 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Rangers are 4-1 in their last 5 games playing on 1 days rest. Capitals are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings in New York. Home team is 8-3 in the last 11 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2351172 51 of 82 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. 8 of 10 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Under is 29-14-10 in the last 53 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2351174 Sabres are 15-36 in their last 51 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. DETROIT is 21-4 (+14.7 Units) against the spread versus BUFFALO since 1996 Sabres are 4-20-1 in the last 25 meetings. Sabres are 1-11 in the last 12 meetings in Detroit. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2351176 Avalanche are 1-6 in their last 7 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Avalanche are 10-25 in their last 35 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Blues are 143-118 when playing with 2 days rest Blues are 6-1 in their last 7 games playing on 2 days rest. Blues are 9-24-4 in the last 37 meetings in Colorado. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2351182 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Under is 4-1-2 in the last 7 meetings in Colorado. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2351186 Coyotes är back-to-back Coyotes are 0-4 in their last 4 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2351187 47 of 69 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996. Over is 45-19-3 in the last 67 meetings. Over is 16-7-1 in the last 24 meetings in Edmonton. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2351191 Blackhawks är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Road team is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. -------------------- Många spel idag. Återkommer dessutom senare med spel på både Predators - Bruins och Penguins - Lightning när fler odds är släppta i dessa matcher. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-24 klockan 07:24. |
2014-12-23, 20:24 | #583 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2351529 Penguins are 126-137 when playing on back-to-back days Penguins är även såväl på sin fjärde match på sex dagar och sin tredje på fyra dagar. Lightning are 11-7 when playing with 2 days rest Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2351533 6 of 7 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons. Over is 12-3-2 in the last 17 meetings. Over is 19-7-3 in Lightning last 29 home games following a road trip of 7 or more days. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2351538 Predators are 6-10 when playing on back-to-back days Predators are 3-8 in their last 11 games playing on 0 days rest. Preds är även på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Bruins are 42-19 in their last 61 games playing on 1 days rest. Home team is 8-1 in the last 9 meetings. Predators are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings in Boston. ---------------- Hela 14 spel föll inom ramen för bet inatt. Nu tar NHL juluppehåll och nästa omgång matcher spelas den 27:e. God jul! Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-24 klockan 07:27. |
2014-12-27, 08:47 | #584 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2354246 5 of 6 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Over is 7-1 in the last 8 meetings. |
2014-12-28, 15:50 | #585 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2356194 Ducks are 109-131 when playing on back-to-back days Canucks are 36-17 in their last 53 games playing on 3 or more days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-29 klockan 15:28. |
2014-12-29, 15:38 | #586 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2357221 38 of 56 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 8-2 in the last 10 meetings in Ottawa. Under is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2357222 Toronto are 122-144 when playing on back-to-back days Home team is 7-2 in the last 9 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2357223 6 of 7 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Under is 5-0-1 in the last 6 meetings. Under is 4-1-2 in the last 7 meetings in St. Louis. -------- Återkommer med spel i matchen Minnesota - Winnipeg när fler odds släpps. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-30 klockan 07:42. |
2014-12-29, 21:02 | #587 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2357693 Blir en stekvändning från senast här. Minnesota are 31-27 revenging a loss versus opponent Wild are 5-2 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2357695 Under is 4-0 in Jets last 4 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-30 klockan 07:42. |
2014-12-30, 15:34 | #588 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2358532 30 of 41 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 26-6-4 in the last 36 meetings in Nashville. Under is 46-19-5 in the last 70 meetings. Under is 6-1-1 in Predators last 8 games following OT on the previous day. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2358535 Kings are 99-117 when playing on back-to-back days Kings are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. ------------------- Återkommer med spel på Panthers - Canadiens när fler odds släpps. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-31 klockan 07:27. |
2014-12-30, 20:56 | #589 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2358848 Canadiens are 116-137 when playing on back-to-back days Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2358850 35 of 56 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 19-5-3 in Canadiens last 27 games playing on 0 days rest. Under is 19-7-7 in the last 33 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2014-12-31 klockan 07:27. |
2014-12-31, 15:26 | #590 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2359596 7 of 8 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Under is 8-1 in the last 9 meetings. Under is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings in Buffalo. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2359601 Maple Leafs är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Maple Leafs are 7-16 in the last 23 meetings. Maple Leafs are 5-14 in the last 19 meetings in Boston. Bruins are 44-19 in their last 63 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2359606 Sharks är back-to-back Ducks are 11-5 in their last 16 games playing on 2 days rest. Sharks are 2-6 in the last 8 meetings in Anaheim. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2359622 Oilers are 82-119 when playing on back-to-back days Oilers are 14-46 in their last 60 games playing on 0 days rest. Oilers are 21-44-1 in the last 66 meetings. Oilers are 4-12 in the last 16 meetings in Calgary. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2359624 57 of 95 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996 ------------------------ Återkommer med spel i Rangers - Panthers. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-01 klockan 08:30. |
2014-12-31, 17:03 | #591 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2359709 Panthers are 110-140 when playing on back-to-back days Panthers are 42-87 in their last 129 games playing on 0 days rest. Panthers are 9-28 in their last 37 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Panthers are 6-23-1 in their last 30 games following OT on the previous day. Rangers are 5-2 in their last 7 games playing on 1 days rest. Rangers are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Gott nytt år! Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-01 klockan 08:30. |
2015-01-01, 15:16 | #592 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2360515 Kings are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Kings are 1-5 in their last 6 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Canucks are 13-4 in their last 17 games playing on 1 days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-02 klockan 21:44. |
2015-01-02, 21:50 | #593 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2362388 7 of 8 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Over is 6-0 in the last 6 meetings in Pittsburgh. Over is 15-5-3 in the last 23 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2362392 Panthers are 19-44 in their last 63 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Panthers are 17-35 in their last 52 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2362403 Oilers are 22-46 in their last 68 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Avalanche are 7-3 in their last 10 games playing on 1 days rest. Home team is 9-4 in the last 13 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-03 klockan 07:39. |
2015-01-03, 16:23 | #594 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2364000 Kings är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar. Predators are 6-0 in their last 6 games playing on 3 or more days rest. Predators are 5-2 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2364002 Sabres are 14-37 in their last 51 games playing on 0 days rest. Sabres are 15-37 in their last 52 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Sabres are 17-35 in their last 52 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. NY RANGERS is 4-1 (+2.5 Units) against the spread versus BUFFALO over the last 3 seasons Sabres are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings in New York. Sabres are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2364007 Maple Leafs are 122-145 when playing on back-to-back days Maple Leafs are 3-7 in their last 10 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Maple Leafs är också på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Jets are 20-13 when playing with 2 days rest Home team is 8-3 in the last 11 meetings. Maple Leafs are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings in Winnipeg. Maple Leafs are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2364013 Wild are 75-107 when playing on back-to-back days Wild är också på sin tredje match på fyra dagar och sin fjärde match på sex dagar Stars are 145-111 when playing with 2 days rest Home team is 35-16-1 in the last 52 meetings. Wild are 5-21-1 in the last 27 meetings in Dallas. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2364018 Blues are 111-145 when playing on back-to-back days Blues är också på sin fjärde match på sex dagar Blues are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings. Sharks are 11-1 in their last 12 games playing on 2 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2364022 5 of 6 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Over is 6-2-1 in the last 9 meetings in San Jose. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
coffpoff (+20) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-04 klockan 07:13. |
2015-01-04, 16:51 | #595 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2366372 Bruins are 1-7 in their last 8 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2366376 24 of 33 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996 Over is 20-5-4 in the last 29 meetings in Carolina. Over is 4-1-2 in the last 7 meetings. Over is 11-4-3 in Bruins last 18 games playing on 0 days rest. Over is 10-2-2 in Bruins last 14 games following OT on the previous day. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2366382 Panthers are 20-44 in their last 64 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Panthers are 7-20 in the last 27 meetings. Panthers are 5-16 in the last 21 meetings in Washington. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2366385 Senators are 7-15 in their last 22 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2366387 Blue Jackets are 79-128 when playing on back-to-back days Blue Jackets are 1-6 in their last 7 games playing on 0 days rest. Avalanche are 4-1 in their last 5 games playing on 1 days rest. Blue Jackets are 13-35-1 in the last 49 meetings. Blue Jackets are 6-19 in the last 25 meetings in Colorado. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2366393 Predators are 4-9 in their last 13 games playing on 0 days rest. Ducks are 9-0 in their last 9 games playing on 1 days rest. Predators are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2366399 Stars are 16-47 in their last 63 games playing on 0 days rest. Stars are 4-13 when playing on back-to-back days CHICAGO is 8-1 (+5.8 Units) against the spread versus DALLAS over the last 3 seasons Stars are 1-10 in the last 11 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-05 klockan 07:10. |
2015-01-04, 16:55 | #596 |
Du har en ganska trevlig mall måste jag säga, snart får man nog också godkänna volymen spel för att mallen fungerar. Keep it up!
2015-01-04, 22:45 | #597 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Tack, jag svingar vidare så får vi se hur siffrorna ser ut när grundserien är över.
2015-01-06, 13:30 | #598 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2370071 19 of 27 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 12-3-1 in the last 16 meetings in New Jersey. Under is 30-14-8 in the last 52 meetings. Under is 6-1 in Devils last 7 games playing on 2 days rest. Under is 19-7-4 in Sabres last 30 games playing on 2 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2370074 Predators är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Hurricanes are 4-0 in the last 4 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2370081 Sharks är B2B Wild are 103-94 when playing with 2 days rest Sharks are 0-7 in the last 7 meetings in Minnesota. Home team is 20-6 in the last 26 meetings. ------------- Återkommer med spel i Flyers - Senators när fler odds släppts. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-07 klockan 10:33. |
2015-01-06, 17:36 | #599 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2370744 Senators är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Home team is 20-8 in the last 28 meetings. Senators are 2-5 in the last 7 meetings in Philadelphia. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-07 klockan 10:33. |
2015-01-07, 20:13 | #600 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2373175 Red Wings är B2B Flames are 70-60 when playing with 3 or more days rest Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-08 klockan 08:06. |
2015-01-08, 21:47 | #601 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2375005 Bruins are 1-8 in their last 9 games playing on 0 days rest. Boston är också på sin fjärde match på sex dagar Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2375011 Capitals are 107-158 when playing on back-to-back days Capitals are 1-5 in their last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Capitals are 10-25-1 in the last 36 meetings in Philadelphia. Capitals are 3-8 in the last 11 meetings. Home team is 7-2 in the last 9 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2375018 25 of 35 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996. Over is 20-6 in the last 26 meetings in Philadelphia. Over is 6-0 in the last 6 meetings. Over is 35-16-3 in Flyers last 54 games playing on 1 days rest. Over is 5-1 in Capitals last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2375028 5 of 6 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Over is 5-0 in the last 5 meetings in Carolina. Over is 4-0-1 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2375034 Sharks är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar Blues are 49-23 in their last 72 games playing on 1 days rest. Blues are 7-0 in their last 7 home games following a road trip of 7 or more days. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2375038 6 of 7 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2375043 34 of 54 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 6-1 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2375047 Senators are 5-12 in their last 17 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Avalanche are 5-2 in their last 7 games playing on 1 days rest. Senators are 2-5 in the last 7 meetings in Colorado. Senators are 1-7 in the last 8 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2375049 8 of 10 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996 Over is 5-1 in the last 6 meetings in Colorado. Over is 5-1 in the last 6 meetings. Over is 5-2-2 in Senators last 9 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 days situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2375056 Rangers är back-to-back Home team is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Rangers are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings in Los Angeles. Rangers are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
coffpoff (+10) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-09 klockan 16:05. |
2015-01-09, 15:13 | #603 |
Det blev bara 5 mål i filly matchen.
Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
Misär (+1) |
2015-01-09, 16:01 | #604 |
Vilken sjuk säsong du gör! Hatten av för dig
Det viktigaste är inte att vinna utan deltaga! |
2015-01-09, 16:22 | #605 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Tack! Det var en skön bounce back efter senaste dagarnas svacka. Kör vidare så får vi se var det tar vägen resultatmässigt. Borde lura en svacka snart.
----------------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2376344 Devils are 1-5 in their last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Devils are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Islanders are 5-2 in their last 7 games playing on 2 days rest. Islanders are 4-0 in the last 4 meetings in New Jersey. Islanders are 4-0 in the last 4 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2376354 Sabres are 128-179 when playing on back-to-back days Sabres are 13-38 in their last 51 games playing on 0 days rest. Sabres are 15-38 in their last 53 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Lightning are 7-3 in their last 10 games playing on 2 days rest. Sabres are 2-5 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2376363 7 of 9 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Under is 5-0 in the last 5 meetings in Tampa Bay. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2376372 Panthers are 110-141 when playing on back-to-back days Panthers are 42-88 in their last 130 games playing on 0 days rest. Panthers are 3-7 in the last 10 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2376376 Blackhawks är back-to-back, tredje match på fyra dagar och fjärde matchen på sex dagar. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2376378 5 of 6 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Over is 4-0 in the last 4 meetings. Over is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings in Edmonton. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-10 klockan 09:16. |
2015-01-10, 13:04 | #606 |
Vem hade kunnat tro att Oilers skulle rädda natten?
Riktigt snyggt hittat, nån gång ska dom ju vinna och det hjälper ju att motståndarna är trötta. |
2015-01-10, 14:55 | #607 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ja, Oilers satt fint! Lite surt att man har två vinnare i Islanders och Lightning men Islanders behöver OT för att vinna och Lightning vinner bara med ett måls marginal.
-------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2378571 Bruins are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2378583 Capitals are 3-13 in their last 16 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Red Wings are 181-140 when playing with 2 days rest Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2378594 Flames are 95-125 when playing on back-to-back days Flames are 17-37 in their last 54 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Canucks are 14-6 in their last 20 games playing on 1 days rest. Home team is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Flames are 17-39 in the last 56 meetings. Flames are 6-20 in the last 26 meetings in Vancouver. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-11 klockan 08:42. |
2015-01-11, 15:04 | #608 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2381589 Panthers are 10-29 in their last 39 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Panthers are 1-6-1 in the last 8 meetings in Edmonton. Panthers are 0-5 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2381627 Wild are 75-108 when playing on back-to-back days Wild är även på sin tredje match på fyra dagar och sin fjärde på sex dagar Blackhawks are 11-3 in their last 14 games playing on 1 days rest. Home team is 9-2 in the last 11 meetings. Wild are 3-13 in the last 16 meetings in Chicago. Wild are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2381634 Jets are 6-21 when playing on back-to-back days Jets are 8-19 in their last 27 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ducks are 4-2 when playing with 3 or more days rest Jets are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-12 klockan 06:59. |
2015-01-12, 19:02 | #609 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2383513 Capitals are 2-8 in their last 10 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Avalanche are 5-1 in their last 6 games playing on 1 days rest. Avalanche are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Road team is 5-2 in the last 7 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-13 klockan 08:50. |
2015-01-13, 21:23 | #610 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2385175 Lightning are 95-140 when playing on back-to-back days Bruins are 130-120 when playing with 2 days rest Home team is 21-8 in the last 29 meetings. Lightning are 18-45-5 in the last 68 meetings. Lightning are 4-27-4 in the last 35 meetings in Boston. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2385179 Avalanches are 84-108 when playing on back-to-back days Avalanche are 15-47 in their last 62 games playing on 0 days rest. Avalanche are 3-9 in their last 12 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Avalanche are 2-7 in their last 9 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Avalanche are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings in Carolina. Home team is 14-3-1 in the last 18 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2385184 Wild är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar och sin fjärde på sex dagar. Penguins are 177-128 when playing with 2 days rest Penguins are 43-17 in their last 60 games playing on 2 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2385187 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Under is 5-0 in Canucks last 5 games playing on 2 days rest. Under is 33-12-6 in Predators last 51 games playing on 2 days rest. Under is 4-0 in the last 4 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-14 klockan 21:19. |
2015-01-14, 21:22 | #611 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2387053 17 of 24 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 5-1 in the last 6 meetings in Los Angeles. Under is 16-6-5 in the last 27 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-15 klockan 08:36. |
2015-01-15, 21:16 | #612 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2389032 Wild are 0-4 in their last 4 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2389034 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2389041 Flyers are 122-130 when playing on back-to-back days Flyers are 1-5 in their last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Flyers are 2-7 in their last 9 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Road team is 6-2 in the last 8 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2389044 Lightning är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Oilers are 5-2 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2389049 Avalanche are 2-7 in their last 9 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Avalanche are 2-8 in their last 10 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2389057 Canadiens are 118-137 when playing on back-to-back days Home team is 13-5 in the last 18 meetings. Canadiens are 2-6 in the last 8 meetings in Ottawa. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2389066 Jets are 29-59-1 in their last 89 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Jets are 3-7 in the last 10 meetings in Dallas. Jets are 6-14 in the last 20 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2389075 Maple Leafs are 122-146 when playing on back-to-back days Leafs är också på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Sharks are 7-3 in their last 10 games playing on 1 days rest. Maple Leafs are 1-7 in the last 8 meetings. Maple Leafs are 1-4-1 in the last 6 meetings in San Jose. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-16 klockan 07:17. |
2015-01-16, 21:14 | #613 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2391542 Rangers är b2b och sin tredje match på fyra dagar Blue Jackets are 6-2 in their last 8 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2391556 Canucks are 93-112 when playing on back-to-back days Canucks are 2-12 in their last 14 games playing on 0 days rest. Home team is 9-1 in the last 10 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2391569 Jets are 6-22 when playing on back-to-back days Jets are 9-20 in their last 29 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Blackhawks are 11-6 when playing with 3 or more days rest Blackhawks are 6-2 in their last 8 games playing on 3 or more days rest. Jets are 3-7 in the last 10 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-17 klockan 09:07. |
2015-01-16, 21:27 | #614 |
Reg.datum: mar 2010
Inlägg: 101
Sharp$: 1263Sharps.se VM-tävling 2014 Stats: 49 - 31 - 3 ROI: 115.35% Vinstprocent: 61.25% |
Carolina ska vara FT+OT va?
"It's a numbers game, but shit don't add up somehow" To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. |
2015-01-16, 21:40 | #615 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ja, det stämmer, oddset är för FT+OT och så ska också spelet vara.
Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
zorba (+5) |
2015-01-17, 22:06 | #616 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2394415 Flyers are 2-8 in their last 10 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Flyers är också på sin tredje match på fyra dagar. Home team is 7-1 in the last 8 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2394425 Maple Leafs are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Leafs är också på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Blues are 51-24 in their last 75 games playing on 1 days rest. Maple Leafs are 4-10 in the last 14 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2394430 Hurricanes are 111-149 when playing on back-to-back days Hurricanes are 18-44 in their last 62 games playing on 0 days rest. Hurricanes are 3-9 in the last 12 meetings in Ottawa. Home team is 21-6 in the last 27 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2394444 Predators are 4-10 in their last 14 games playing on 0 days rest. Red Wings are 9-4 in their last 13 games playing on 1 days rest. Predators are 15-35-2 in the last 52 meetings in Detroi Home team is 5-2 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2394449 Blue Jackets are 80-129 when playing on back-to-back days Blue Jackets are 2-7 in their last 9 games playing on 0 days rest. Blue Jackets är också på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Bruins are 37-16 in their last 53 games playing on 1 days rest. Blue Jackets are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings in Boston. Blue Jackets are 1-7 in the last 8 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2394454 Capitals are 107-159 when playing on back-to-back days Capitals are 0-4 in their last 4 games playing on 0 days rest. Capitals are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Capitals are 3-8 in their last 11 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Capitals are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings in Dallas. Capitals are 0-5 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2394459 7 of 8 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Under is 7-1-3 in the last 11 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2394462 Ducks are 110-131 when playing on back-to-back days Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-18 klockan 08:44. |
2015-01-17, 23:13 | #617 |
Hoppas det vänder för dej nu med så mycket spel ute lycka till
2015-01-18, 18:57 | #618 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2396691 Stars are 16-48 in their last 64 games playing on 0 days rest. Stars are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Stars are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Blackhawks are 12-3 in their last 15 games playing on 1 days rest. Stars are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings in Chicago. Stars are 1-11 in the last 12 meetings. CHICAGO is 9-1 (+6.8 Units) against the spread versus DALLAS over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2396701 Coyotes är B2B Coyotes are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Coyotes are 0-5 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Coyotes are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings. Home team is 6-2 in the last 8 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-19 klockan 06:42. |
2015-01-19, 22:20 | #619 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2399058 Blue Jackets är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Home team is 28-13 in the last 41 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2399061 8 of 10 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Under is 5-1-2 in the last 8 meetings in St. Louis. Under is 10-2-4 in the last 16 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-20 klockan 08:16. |
2015-01-20, 20:26 | #620 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2400755 Rangers är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar Senators are 148-103 when playing with 2 days rest Senators are 11-3 in their last 14 games playing on 2 days rest. Senators are 25-8 in the last 33 meetings in New York. Road team is 20-7 in the last 27 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2400761 41 of 63 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996 23 of 34 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996.Under is 23-8-2 in the last 33 meetings in New York. Under is 34-13-9 in the last 56 meetings. Under is 23-8-2 in the last 33 meetings in New York. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2400766 Wild are 75-109 when playing on back-to-back days Wild are 0-4 in their last 4 games playing on 0 days rest. Wild are 0-4 in their last 4 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Wild are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Red Wings are 4-1 in their last 5 games playing on 1 days rest. Wild are 7-16-1 in the last 24 meetings in Detroit. Wild are 13-31-3 in the last 47 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2400768 Canucks are 94-112 when playing on back-to-back days Canucks are 3-12 in their last 15 games playing on 0 days rest. Canucks är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar Lightning are 13-8 when playing with 2 days rest Canucks are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2400772 14 of 18 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996 7 of 8 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996. Over is 6-1-2 in the last 9 meetings in Tampa Bay. Over is 13-3-2 in the last 18 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2400777 Flyers are 122-131 when playing on back-to-back days Flyers are 1-6 in their last 7 games playing on 0 days rest. Flyers are 3-9 in their last 12 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Penguins are 74-35 in their last 109 games playing on 1 days rest. Road team is 5-1 in the last 6 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2400779 Stars är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2400781 Coyotes are 1-5 in their last 6 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Coyotes are 0-6 in their last 6 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Blackhawks are 12-4 in their last 16 games playing on 1 days rest. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
coffpoff (+10) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-21 klockan 06:05. |
2015-01-20, 20:46 | #621 |
Lycka till inatt, vore ju fan om det inte vänder snart.
Har lagt märke till att du aldrig spelar 60 minuters spelen på Pinnacle, någon orsak till det? Både Tampa (2.09) och Detroit (2.02) är rejält mkt högre hos Pinnacle än Betsafe. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
Misär (+1) |
2015-01-21, 20:55 | #622 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Tack, det beror bara på slarv av mig!
----------------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2402610 Senators are 7-16 when playing on back-to-back days Senators are 0-5 in their last 5 games following OT on the previous day. Maple Leafs are 7-1 in the last 8 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2402616 Blue Jackets är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar Jets are 21-14 when playing with 2 days rest Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2402623 Bruins are 2-8 in their last 10 games playing on 0 days rest. Bruins are 5-12-1 in the last 18 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-22 klockan 08:46. |
2015-01-22, 02:04 | #623 |
Infon du skriver under varje spel, som exempel.
"Bruins are 2-8 in their last 10 games playing on 0 days rest. Bruins are 5-12-1 in the last 18 meetings." Är det saxat nånstans, eller är det något du kollat upp själv? Bara nyfiken vart du hittar info och statistik från NHL. Lyckat till med spelen. Mvh
Trav är kul. |
2015-01-22, 08:47 | #624 | |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
För övrigt äntligen en grön natt. Var på tiden! Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
softpojk (+5) |
2015-01-27, 06:32 | #625 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2412404 7 of 9 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-28 klockan 08:20. |
2015-01-28, 21:27 | #626 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2415349 6 of 7 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Over is 4-0-2 in the last 6 meetings in Los Angeles. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-29 klockan 07:20. |
2015-01-29, 16:19 | #627 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2416285 9 of 11 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Under is 13-4-6 in the last 23 meetings. Under is 15-6-5 in the last 26 meetings in New York. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2416292 Maple Leafs are 122-147 when playing on back-to-back days Maple Leafs are 1-5 in their last 6 games following OT on the previous day. Maple Leafs are 0-4 in their last 4 games playing on 0 days rest. Coyotes are 7-2 in the last 9 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2416297 55 of 85 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996 Under is 46-19-6 in the last 71 meetings. Under is 15-6-2 in Predators last 23 games playing on 1 days rest. Under is 77-52 when Blues playing with 3 or more days rest Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-30 klockan 06:10. |
2015-01-30, 18:11 | #628 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2418322 Penguins är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Home team is 22-4 in the last 26 meetings. Penguins are 3-14 in the last 17 meetings in New Jersey. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2418326 Blues are 112-145 when playing on back-to-back days Blues are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings in Carolina. Home team is 5-0 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2418329 Predators are 7-13 when playing on back-to-back days Avalanches are 135-105 when playing with 2 days rest Predators är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2418332 Ducks are 111-131 when playing on back-to-back days Ducks är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Blackhawks are 13-4 in their last 17 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2418337 Sabres are 128-181 when playing on back-to-back days Canucks are 150-95 when playing with 2 days rest Sabres are 15-40 in their last 55 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Sabres are 1-6-1 in the last 8 meetings in Vancouver. Home team is 11-3-1 in the last 15 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-01-31 klockan 09:29. |
2015-01-31, 08:08 | #629 |
Snygg natt. Synd att dem röda blev på straffar, kunde varit en fenomenal natt annars. Du verkar ha hittat formen igen.
Trav är kul. |
2015-01-31, 09:30 | #630 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Tack, ja surt med OT-förlusterna. Tycker ju en av dom kunde ha studsat in iaf...
2015-01-31, 15:08 | #631 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2419983 43 of 66 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996 6 of 7 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2420014 6 of 7 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Over is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings in Philadelphia. Over is 39-19-3 in Flyers last 61 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2420029 Hurricanes are 112-149 when playing on back-to-back days Hurricanes are 19-44 in their last 63 games playing on 0 days rest. Hurricanes are 10-25-2 in their last 37 games following OT on the previous day. Rangers are 7-3 in their last 10 games playing on 1 days rest. Hurricanes are 8-20-1 in the last 29 meetings in New York. Hurricanes are 7-20 in the last 27 meetings. Home team is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2420037 Devils are 13-19 when playing on back-to-back days Devils are 1-6 in their last 7 games playing on 0 days rest. Devils are 1-6 in their last 7 games following OT on the previous day. Devils are 1-5 in their last 6 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2420046 14 of 17 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996 7 of 8 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 14-3-1 in the last 18 meetings Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2420051 Blackhawks är B2B och på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Blackhawks are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings in San Jose. Home team is 14-3 in the last 17 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-01 klockan 07:03. |
2015-02-01, 15:51 | #632 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2422104 Capitals are 108-160 when playing on back-to-back days Capitals are 1-5 in their last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Capitals are 1-6 in their last 7 games following OT on the previous day. Capitals are 3-9 in their last 12 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Blues are 53-24 in their last 77 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2422105 14 of 18 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996. ( Over is 9-2-2 in the last 13 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2422107 Predators är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar Penguins are 75-36 in their last 111 games playing on 1 days rest. Predators are 0-5 in the last 5 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-02 klockan 08:42. |
2015-02-01, 16:05 | #633 |
Snacka om att hittat formen igen.
Trav är kul. |
2015-02-03, 16:14 | #634 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2425020 28 of 40 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996 Under is 40-18-4 in the last 62 meetings. Under is 4-1 in Senators last 5 games playing on 2 days rest. Under is 6-2-1 in Devils last 9 games playing on 2 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2425024 Coyotes are 1-7 in their last 8 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Coyotes are 2-6 in their last 8 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Home team is 7-1 in the last 8 meetings. Coyotes are 0-5 in the last 5 meetings in Columbus. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2425027 Capitals are 1-5 in their last 6 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Kings are 7-0 in the last 7 meetings. Kings are 7-1-1 in the last 9 meetings in Washington. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2425036 Panthers are 111-141 when playing on back-to-back days Panthers are 43-88 in their last 131 games playing on 0 days rest. Panthers are 11-29 in their last 40 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Panthers are 20-46 in their last 66 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Islanders are 8-2 in their last 10 games playing on 2 days rest. Panthers are 2-6 in the last 8 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2425039 6 of 7 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Over is 5-0 in the last 5 meetings. Over is 3-1-1 in the last 5 meetings in New York. Over is 35-16-1 in Islanders last 52 games playing on 2 days rest. Over is 15-5-1 in Panthers last 21 games playing on 0 days rest. Over is 8-2 in Panthers last 10 in the third game of a 3-in-4 days situation. Over is 3-1-1 in Panthers last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 days situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2425041 Canadiens are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Canadiens är också på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Sabres are 98-78 when playing with 3 or more days rest Sabres are 8-3 in the last 11 meetings in Montreal. Road team is 7-3 in the last 10 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2425058 30 of 45 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 19-7-4 in the last 30 meetings in Montreal. Under is 7-2-1 in Sabres last 10 games playing on 3 or more days rest. Under is 5-2-3 in Canadiens last 10 in the third game of a 3-in-4 days situation. Under is 4-0-5 in Canadiens last 9 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 days situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2425062 Blues är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar Lightning are 14-8 when playing with 2 days rest Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2425067 Predators är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar Maple Leafs are 4-1 in their last 5 games playing on 2 days rest. Road team is 5-2 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2425071 Jets are 13-39 in their last 52 games playing on 0 days rest. Jets är också på sin tredje match på fyra dagar och sin fjärde match pås ex dagar Home team is 5-2 in the last 7 meetings. Jets are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings. Jets are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings in Vancouver. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2425073 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 4-0-1 in the last 5 meetings in Vancouver. Under is 4-1-1 in the last 6 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-04 klockan 06:40. |
2015-02-04, 13:03 | #635 |
Intressant sätt att nästan gå +-0 på en natt.
Lirar man marathonbet (vilket småspelare som jag kan göra) gick man i princip helt neutral från slagfältet. Pinsamt dålig hockey av alla (Förutom Buffalo ). |
2015-02-04, 18:34 | #636 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ja, där kom man undan med blotta förskräckelsen. Ett spel till natten.
------------------ Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2427051 7 of 9 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Under is 6-1 in the last 7 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-05 klockan 06:35. |
2015-02-05, 18:55 | #637 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2428614 6 of 7 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Under is 5-2 in the last 7 meetings in Ottawa. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2428617 Capitals are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Capitals are 1-7 in the last 8 meetings. Capitals are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings in Ottawa. Home team is 23-8 in the last 31 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2428623 Panthers are 12-29 in their last 41 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Panthers are 21-46 in their last 67 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Kings are 10-1 in the last 11 meetings. Kings are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings in Florida. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2428630 5 of 6 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Over is 6-2-1 in the last 9 meetings in Nashville. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2428638 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2428644 Coyotes are 2-7 in their last 9 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Road team is 6-1 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2428651 Sharks är b2b och på sin tredje match på fyra dagar. Sharks are 2-5 in their last 7 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-06 klockan 06:48. |
2015-02-06, 21:26 | #638 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2430546 Blues are 113-145 when playing on back-to-back days Blues är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar och sin fjärde på sex dagar. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-07 klockan 08:20. |
2015-02-07, 17:08 | #639 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2432703 Blue Jackets are 81-129 when playing on back-to-back days Blue Jackets are 2-5 in the last 7 meetings in Ottawa. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2432713 Maple Leafs are 122-148 when playing on back-to-back days Maple Leafs are 0-5 in their last 5 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2432723 Devils are 2-6 in their last 8 games playing on 0 days rest. Canadiens are 8-2 in their last 10 games playing on 3 or more days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2432743 Penguins are 126-141 when playing on back-to-back days Penguins are 0-5 in their last 5 games playing on 0 days rest. Penguins är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-08 klockan 06:55. |
2015-02-08, 09:50 | #640 |
Jag personligen tycker att nhl är bland det svåraste som finns att tippa,alla slår alla och ingen statistik hjälper
Kollat dina spel ett tag och du verkar oxå ha svårt för den serien som alla andra men lycka till. Kommer så klart ta något spel av dig då och då |
2015-02-08, 11:12 | #641 |
Svårt? Han har ju 105 i roi. Vad begär folk egentligen.
2015-02-08, 11:34 | #642 |
Tycker inte att det sett imponerande ut på slutet! sätter 50 procent av sina spel!
Det gör ju vilken människa som helst och ingenting som man behöver läsa sig till i min värld |
2015-02-08, 14:40 | #643 |
Titta på det totala resultatet istället för toppar och dalar. 105 % efter 800+ på NHL är bra. Finns inte mycket stora felsatta odds på sådana stora ligor som du kan finna i turkisk div 2-fotboll.
2015-02-08, 14:53 | #644 |
Vilket skitsnack, NHL är min bästa marknad, handlar om att vara påläst precis som alla andra ligor/sporter.
2015-02-08, 15:07 | #645 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Jag kör vidare på min linje och ser var det landar. Jag är nöjd med att ligga på 107 i ROI denna säsong även om senaste veckorna gått klart sämre än inledningen av säsongen.
------------------------------ Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2434783 Blues är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar och sin fjärde på sex dagar. Blackhawks are 5-1 in the last 6 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2434812 Predators are 7-14 when playing on back-to-back days Predators are 1-5 in their last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Preds är också inne på sin tredje match på fyra dagar och sin fjärde på sex dagar. Home team is 10-2 in the last 12 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2434818 Capitals are 6-14 in their last 20 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Flyers are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2434832 Lightning are 95-141 when playing on back-to-back days Lightning are 1-4 in their last 5 games playing on 0 days rest. Ducks are 41-20 in their last 61 games playing on 1 days rest. Ducks are 7-3 in the last 10 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2434844 Avalanches are 84-109 when playing on back-to-back days Avalanche are 15-48 in their last 63 games playing on 0 days rest. Avalanche are 4-10 in their last 14 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Avalanche are 3-9 in their last 12 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Avalanche are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings in Winnipeg. Home team is 5-0 in the last 5 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-09 klockan 05:41. |
2015-02-08, 16:07 | #646 |
Kör alla matcher du kör ikväll men rakt emot dig. Lycka till
2015-02-08, 16:09 | #647 |
Om det är din bästa marknad gör mig absolut ingenting! Klart att man ska vara påläst men när det gäller nhl så fungerar det inte för mig! Kör på känslan just för dagen och det har gett mig galet mycket utdelning vill jag lova. Antar att du är lika påläst som sporttjänsten hahaha.
2015-02-08, 18:17 | #648 |
Leta något annat ställe att trolla på nu än i hans spelbok.
2015-02-08, 18:34 | #649 |
Då kör vi! Gå och läs statistik med dig istället. always walk alone
2015-02-08, 18:41 | #650 |
Otroligt tråkig attityd
Kärlek, frihet och demokrati är inte ärftligt! Det måste erövras och vårdas varje dag! Det är bättre att vara en optimist som har fel ibland, än att vara en pessimist som alltid har rätt To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. |
2015-02-08, 19:10 | #651 |
Vad lider du av Dalle82? Om du ny går emot en person betyder ju inte att du vinner på kunskap utan en annans person otur/miss i dagens spel.
Gör om gör rätt! Om du är bitter på något eller någon i livet, va lite tuffare och ta ut det i verkliga livet istället för på nätet.
Trav är kul. |
2015-02-09, 12:11 | #652 |
En fundering, är dina spela enbart statsbaserade eller har du även skador mm med i dina beräkningar?
2015-02-09, 20:55 | #653 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
2015-02-09, 21:03 | #654 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2437308 Devils are 2-5 in their last 7 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2437311 Blue Jackets är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar. Kings are 5-1 in the last 6 meetings. Kings are 5-2 in the last 7 meetings in Columbus. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2437323 Blackhawks är b2b. Coyotes are 6-2 in the last 8 meetings in Chicago. Road team is 9-3 in the last 12 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2437329 5 of 6 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2437336 8 of 10 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
Rejs (+1) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-10 klockan 08:30. |
2015-02-10, 00:00 | #655 |
Välkommen tillbaka Dalle när du bevisat bättre statistik än Misär eller har något vettigt och konstruktivt att skriva.
Bra jobb Misär!
To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
coffpoff (+1), Misär (+3), sirlarsson (+1), lars (+1) |
2015-02-10, 21:37 | #656 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2439286 Sabres are 15-42 in their last 57 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Sabres are 14-37 in their last 51 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Senators are 148-105 when playing with 2 days rest Senators are 10-4 in the last 14 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2439297 Canadiens are 2-5 in their last 7 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2439305 Rangers är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2439309 Ducks är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2439317 Coyotes är b2b. Coyotes are 2-8 in their last 10 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Blues are 56-25 in their last 81 games playing on 1 days rest. ST LOUIS is 7-1 (+5.2 Units) against the spread versus ARIZONA over the last 3 seasons Coyotes are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2439326 Wild are 75-110 when playing on back-to-back days Wild are 0-5 in their last 5 games playing on 0 days rest. Wild are 0-5 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-11 klockan 05:50. |
2015-02-11, 10:36 | #657 |
Shit, små marginaler...nära succé.
2015-02-11, 20:33 | #658 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ja, det var verkligen stolpe ut igår.
-------------------- Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2440898 Blackhawks är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-12 klockan 06:03. |
2015-02-12, 18:36 | #659 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2442507 9 of 11 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 6-1-1 in the last 8 meetings in Carolina. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2442508 Islanders är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar. Maple Leafs are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings in New York. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2442509 7 of 7 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons. Over is 11-1 in the last 12 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2442513 Penguins are 126-142 when playing on back-to-back days Penguins are 0-6 in their last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Home team is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2442520 Lightning är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar. Blues are 57-25 in their last 82 games playing on 1 days rest. Blues are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2442524 Predators är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2442528 6 of 7 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Under is 4-0 in the last 4 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2442532 Wild are 1-5 in their last 6 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Wild are 0-6 in their last 6 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2442534 Rangers är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar. Rangers are 5-16 in the last 21 meetings. Rangers are 1-7 in the last 8 meetings in Colorado. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-13 klockan 05:43. |
2015-02-13, 15:41 | #660 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2444140 Panthers are 112-141 when playing on back-to-back days Stars are 147-112 when playing with 2 days rest Panthers are 22-46 in their last 68 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2444144 Blackhawks är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar Devils are 104-63 when playing with 3 or more days rest Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-14 klockan 17:34. |
2015-02-14, 17:40 | #661 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Hinner tyvärr inte skriva ut statistiken ikväll.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2447104 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2447110 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2447115 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2447116 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2447118 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2447125 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2447128 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2447129 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-15 klockan 08:20. |
2015-02-15, 14:52 | #662 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2449105 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-15 klockan 23:41. |
2015-02-15, 17:27 | #663 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2449692 Panthers är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar och sin fjärde på sex dagar. Blues are 8-3 in their last 11 games playing on 2 days rest. Blues are 5-0 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2449698 8 of 10 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 11-3-1 in the last 15 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2449728 Capitals are 109-161 when playing on back-to-back days Capitals are 2-6 in their last 8 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2449736 8 of 10 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996. Over is 4-0 in the last 4 meetings in San Jose. Over is 7-1 in the last 8 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-16 klockan 07:05. |
2015-02-16, 15:53 | #664 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2451460 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Under is 7-1-1 in the last 9 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2451463 Coyotes are 3-7 in their last 10 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Coyotes are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2451471 Canucks are 0-4 in their last 4 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Wild are 5-0 in their last 5 games playing on 1 days rest. Wild are 6-1 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2451473 Lightning are 96-141 when playing on back-to-back days Lightning are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-17 klockan 07:00. |
2015-02-17, 18:08 | #665 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2453317 Capitals are 6-15 in their last 21 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Penguins are 76-37 in their last 113 games playing on 1 days rest. Capitals are 2-8 in the last 10 meetings. Capitals are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings in Pittsburgh. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2453321 Panthers are 22-48 in their last 70 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2453322 19 of 27 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 7-2-2 in Devils last 11 games playing on 2 days rest. Under is 4-0 in Sabres last 4 games playing on 1 days rest. Under is 12-3-2 in the last 17 meetings in New Jersey. Under is 30-14-9 in the last 53 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2453326 6 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Under is 32-13-6 in Predators last 51 games playing on 2 days rest. Under is 7-0-1 in the last 8 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-18 klockan 08:06. |
2015-02-18, 19:11 | #666 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2455165 Lightning är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar. Ducks are 22-16 when playing with 2 days rest Home team is 5-0 in the last 5 meetings. Lightning are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings in Anaheim. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2455168 Oilers are 4-22 in their last 26 home games following a road trip of 7 or more days. Oilers are 27-59 in their last 86 games playing on 1 days rest. Bruins are 47-22 in their last 69 games playing on 1 days rest. Bruins are 5-0 in the last 5 meetings in Edmonton. Bruins are 16-2-1 in the last 19 meetings. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
Rejs (+1) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-19 klockan 08:30. |
2015-02-19, 21:58 | #667 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2457306 19 of 26 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2457317 Islanders är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar och sin fjärde på sex dagar. Predators are 28-11 in their last 39 games playing on 1 days rest. Predators are 8-2 in the last 10 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2457324 Canadiens are 119-139 when playing on back-to-back days Canadiens are 1-6 in their last 7 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2457327 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons 22 of 31 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996 Under is 19-5-3 in the last 27 meetings in Montreal. Under is 28-13-10 in the last 51 meetings. Under is 7-2-1 in Panthers last 10 games playing on 1 days rest. Under is 32-14-6 in Canadiens last 52 games playing on 0 days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-20 klockan 06:52. |
2015-02-20, 20:02 | #668 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2459152 Canucks are 94-114 when playing on back-to-back days Canucks are 3-14 in their last 17 games playing on 0 days rest. Devils are 5-0 in their last 5 games playing on 2 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2459160 22 of 33 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 6-1-2 in the last 9 meetings in Edmonton. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-21 klockan 06:56. |
2015-02-21, 19:47 | #669 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2461715 Canadiens are 0-4 in their last 4 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Canadiens är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2461723 Maple Leafs are 123-148 when playing on back-to-back days Maple Leafs are 1-5 in their last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Jets are 4-1 in their last 5 games playing on 1 days rest. Jets are 5-0 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2461730 5 of 6 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Over is 18-6-2 in Jets last 26 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2461739 42 of 68 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 12-5-1 in the last 18 meetings. Under is 7-3 in the last 10 meetings in Edmonton. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2461743 Blues are 113-146 when playing on back-to-back days Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-22 klockan 07:06. |
2015-02-22, 16:35 | #670 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2463859 25 of 36 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996. Over is 20-6 in the last 26 meetings in Philadelphia. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2463872 6 of 7 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2463885 Islanders are 122-145 when playing on back-to-back days Canucks are 4-1 in their last 5 games playing on 1 days rest. Canucks are 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2463892 Lightning are 96-142 when playing on back-to-back days Lightning are 2-5 in their last 7 games playing on 0 days rest. Lightning are 3-8 in the last 11 meetings. Lightning are 0-5 in the last 5 meetings in Colorado. Home team is 6-0 in the last 6 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2463900 Blue Jackets are 82-130 when playing on back-to-back days Rangers are 21-8 in their last 29 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2463908 Stars are 18-49 in their last 67 games playing on 0 days rest. Stars are 6-15 when playing on back-to-back days Stars are 0-4 in their last 4 games following OT on the previous day. Wild are 7-1 in their last 8 games playing on 1 days rest. Home team is 36-16-1 in the last 53 meetings. Stars are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings in Minnesota. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-23 klockan 06:58. |
2015-02-23, 19:19 | #671 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2465800 52 of 85 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 9-3-2 in the last 14 meetings in Anaheim. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
Rejs (+1) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-24 klockan 08:19. |
2015-02-24, 08:20 | #672 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
2 mål gjorda i matchen när det är 10 min kvar. Då ska spelet sitta.
2015-02-24, 09:26 | #673 |
Är Anaheim i underläge så blir det lätt så. Har aldrig sett ett lag som kan forcera och vända matcher som dem. Ligger de under med några mål är det som att dem trycker på en knapp och börjar mala och mala. Ofta spelvärt att livespela dem i underläge alltså.
2015-02-24, 18:49 | #674 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2467338 Canucks are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Home team is 9-2 in the last 11 meetings. Canucks are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings in Boston. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2467345 Coyotes are 2-5 in their last 7 games playing on 0 days rest. Coyotes are 3-8 in their last 11 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Home team is 7-3 in the last 10 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2467347 Panthers are 13-32 in their last 45 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Panthers are 23-49 in their last 72 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Blackhawks are 17-7 in their last 24 games playing on 1 days rest. Panthers are 2-7-1 in the last 10 meetings in Chicago. Panthers are 0-5 in the last 5 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2467350 17 of 24 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996 Under is 6-1 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2467355 149-129 when playing with 2 days rest Home team is 8-1 in the last 9 meetings. Red Wings är b2b. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-25 klockan 07:17. |
2015-02-25, 15:42 | #675 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2468962 Flames are 96-125 when playing on back-to-back days Home team is 6-1 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2468966 9 of 12 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-26 klockan 16:41. |
2015-02-26, 17:52 | #676 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2470840 11 of 15 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996 Under is 4-1-1 in the last 6 meetings in Columbus. Under is 7-2 in Blue Jackets last 9 games playing on 1 days rest. Under is 6-2-1 in Canadiens last 9 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2470846 Stekvänding. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2470847 17 of 24 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996 Under is 5-0 in the last 5 meetings in Florida. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2470855 Senators are 8-16 when playing on back-to-back days Kings are 5-0 in their last 5 games playing on 1 days rest. Home team is 8-3 in the last 11 meetings. Senators are 3-13-1 in the last 17 meetings. Senators are 0-6 in the last 6 meetings in Los Angeles. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-27 klockan 14:37. |
2015-02-27, 17:57 | #677 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2473129 Blackhawks är b2b, tredje matchen på fyra dagar och fjärde på sex dagar. Lightning are 5-1 in their last 6 games playing on 3 or more days rest. Home team is 5-2 in the last 7 meetings. Blackhawks are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings in Tampa Bay. Blackhawks are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2473138 Kings are 1-4 in their last 5 games playing on 0 days rest. Kings are 3-8 in their last 11 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Ducks are 15-4 in their last 19 games playing on 1 days rest. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
Kaviatar (+5) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-02-28 klockan 06:58. |
2015-02-28, 15:27 | #678 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2475343 Bruins are 2-10 in their last 12 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2475360 Avalanche are 84-110 when playing on back-to-back days Avalanche are 15-49 in their last 64 games playing on 0 days rest. Wild are 9-2 in their last 11 games playing on 1 days rest. Wild are 5-0 in the last 5 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-03-01 klockan 06:58. |
2015-02-28, 19:54 | #679 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2475916 Devils are 3-8 in their last 11 games playing on 0 days rest Devils are 2-6 in their last 8 games following OT on the previous day. Devils are 1-6 in their last 7 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-03-01 klockan 06:58. |
2015-03-01, 19:26 | #680 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2478134 Panthers are 112-143 when playing on back-to-back days Panthers are 44-90 in their last 134 games playing on 0 days rest. Panthers are 13-33 in their last 46 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Panthers are 23-51 in their last 74 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Lightning are 8-3 in their last 11 games playing on 1 days rest. Lightning are 12-2 in the last 14 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2478141 Blue Jackets are 82-131 when playing on back-to-back days Blue Jackets are 4-9 in their last 13 games playing on 0 days rest. Blue Jackets are 0-4 in their last 4 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Blue Jackets are 4-10 in the last 14 meetings. Blue Jackets are 3-8 in the last 11 meetings in Pittsburgh. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2478146 19 of 27 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996. Over is 6-2 in the last 8 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2478150 Maple Leafs are 124-148 when playing on back-to-back days Maple Leafs are 2-5 in their last 7 games playing on 0 days rest. Maple Leafs are 0-4 in their last 4 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Capitals are 19-7 in their last 26 games playing on 1 days rest Maple Leafs are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings in Washington. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2478151 Blues are 113-147 when playing on back-to-back days Canucks are 152-95 when playing with 2 days rest Canucks are 10-2 in their last 12 home games following a road trip of 7 or more days. Blues are 8-21-2 in the last 31 meetings in Vancouver. Blues are 0-4 in the last 4 meetings. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
Kaviatar (+10) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-03-02 klockan 07:46. |
2015-03-03, 15:36 | #681 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2480648 Predators are 9-14 when playing on back-to-back days Preds är på sin tredje match på fyra dagar och sin fjärde på sex dagar Devils are 159-145 when playing with 2 days rest Home team is 5-2 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2480654 8 of 10 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Under is 6-0 in the last 6 meetings in Tampa Bay. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2480658 Sharks är b2b. Sharks are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Canucks are 5-1 in their last 6 games playing on 1 days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-03-04 klockan 07:08. |
2015-03-04, 16:58 | #682 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2482784 Senators are 9-16 when playing on back-to-back days Senators are 1-5 in their last 6 games following OT on the previous day. Jets are 24-16 when playing with 2 days rest Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2482797 Ducks are 112-133 when playing on back-to-back days Ducks är på sin fjärde match på sex dagar och sin tredje på fyra dagar. Canadiens are 10-4 in their last 14 games playing on 1 days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-03-05 klockan 14:44. |
2015-03-05, 14:54 | #683 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2484554 11 of 14 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 4-0 in the last 4 meetings in Washington. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2484556 9 of 10 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2484559 Canadiens are 119-140 when playing on back-to-back days Canadiens are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Kings are 6-2 in their last 8 games playing on 1 days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-03-06 klockan 14:37. |
2015-03-06, 14:43 | #684 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2486152 Wild are 75-111 when playing on back-to-back days Wild are 0-6 in their last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Wild are 1-6 in their last 7 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Wild are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings in Carolina. Home team is 11-3-1 in the last 15 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2486154 38 of 57 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 8-3 in the last 11 meetings in Ottawa. Under is 5-2 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2486158 Flames are 97-125 when playing on back-to-back days Flames are 18-38 in their last 56 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Red Wings are 9-3 in their last 12 games playing on 1 days rest. Flames are 5-12 in the last 17 meetings in Detroit. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
Kaviatar (+5) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-03-07 klockan 12:09. |
2015-04-14, 15:57 | #685 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Då är grundserien slut och detsamma för mitt spelande på NHL för denna säsong. Bettar inte playoff. Är hyffsat nöjd med resultatet för säsongen. Gick knackigare efter nyår men totalt ändå bra med plus.
Summerar säsongen 14/15: 321 - 305 - 22 ROI: 106.00% Netto: 115.14 Jag kommer betta vidare på NHL kommande säsong. Jag får se om jag fortsätter föra detta spreadsheet vidare här på Sharps eller inte, det visar sig till hösten. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
kingofding (+10), Pettzon2 (+100), UncleScrooge (+100), NiLu (+10), Filmtokig (+5), the_mirage (+25), eystege (+100) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-04-14 klockan 15:58. |
2015-10-07, 18:41 | #686 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Äntligen startar NHL igen!
Jag kommer precis som tidigare år att spela hela grundserien. Börjar med ett underspel i år. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2828420 Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
the_mirage (+10) |
2015-10-07, 20:05 | #687 |
Kul att se! Kör du vidare på att du använder trender eller går du på egen "känsla"?
Twitter: @EmanresuSharp |
2015-10-07, 20:33 | #688 | |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Dock kommer jag nog använda dagboken mindre och mer lägga spelen enbart i mitt spreadsheet. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-10-07 klockan 20:35. |
2015-10-07, 20:40 | #689 | |
BOL i säsongen iallafall
Twitter: @EmanresuSharp |
2015-10-08, 20:42 | #690 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Tack detsamma! Kommer nog skriva ut de flesta trenderna vad det lider skulle jag tro.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2830141 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2830148 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-10-09 klockan 05:30. |
2015-10-09, 14:14 | #691 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2831488 Jets are 13-40 in their last 53 games playing on 0 days rest. Jets are 2-7 in the last 9 meetings in New Jersey. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-10-10 klockan 08:35. |
2015-10-10, 15:16 | #692 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2833321 Maple Leafs are 3-8 in their last 11 games playing on 0 days rest. Maple Leafs are 2-8 in their last 10 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Senators are 17-5 in their last 22 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2833323 11 of 14 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 6-0-1 in the last 7 meetings in Carolina.¨ Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2833326 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Under is 13-5-2 in Flyers last 20 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2833342 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Stekvänding Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2833345 Flames are 7-3 in their last 10 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. ---- Börjar med detta, kommer mer senare i några matcher som inte alla bolag släppt oddsen på ännu. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-10-11 klockan 07:12. |
2015-10-12, 20:56 | #693 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2836574 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2836576 Går tvärtemot resultatet i föregående möte. Panthers are 1-10 in their last 11 in the second game of a home-and-home situation. Under is 7-1 in the last 8 meetings in Philadelphia. Under is 11-4 in the last 15 meetings. Under is 13-6-2 in Flyers last 21 games playing on 1 days rest. Under is 5-1-4 in Panthers last 10 games playing on 1 days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-10-13 klockan 07:04. |
2015-10-13, 17:02 | #694 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2838709 Jets are 14-40 in their last 54 games playing on 0 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2838713 Panthers are 114-145 when playing on back-to-back days Panthers are 15-38 in their last 53 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Hurricanes are 4-0 in their last 4 games playing on 2 days rest. Home team is 46-19-2 in the last 67 meetings. Panthers are 7-25-1 in the last 33 meetings in Carolina. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2838725 Lightning are 96-145 when playing on back-to-back days Lightning are 1-4 in their last 5 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Lightning are 1-4 in their last 5 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Detroit are 184-143 when playing with 2 days rest Lightning are 5-11-1 in the last 17 meetings in Detroit. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2838743 23 of 33 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2838752 Canucks are 96-115 when playing on back-to-back days Canucks are 5-15 in their last 20 games playing on 0 days rest. Canucks are 3-7 in the last 10 meetings. Canucks are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings in Los Angeles. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-10-14 klockan 07:56. |
2015-10-15, 18:41 | #695 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2842787 7 of 9 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Under is 14-4-6 in the last 24 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2842794 Coyotes are 6-8 when playing on back-to-back days Wild are 8-3 in their last 11 games playing on 3 or more days rest. Wild are 4-0 in the last 4 meetings in Arizona. Wild are 5-0 in the last 5 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-10-16 klockan 06:58. |
2015-10-16, 14:24 | #696 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2844363 5 of 6 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Over is 7-1 in the last 8 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2844368 Blues are 115-149 when playing on back-to-back days Canucks are 155-97 when playing with 2 days rest Canucks are 10-3 in their last 13 games playing on 2 days rest. Blues are 8-22-2 in the last 32 meetings in Vancouver. Blues are 0-6 in the last 6 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2844372 Wilds are 80-111 when playing on back-to-back days Kings are 5-1 in their last 6 games playing on 2 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2844373 31 of 46 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 5-0-1 in Wild last 6 games playing on 0 days rest. Under is 7-3-2 in Kings last 12 games playing on 2 days rest. Under is 30-13-8 in the last 51 meetings. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-10-17 klockan 07:25. |
2015-10-17, 17:50 | #697 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2847649 9 of 11 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 16-6-8 in Panthers last 30 games playing on 1 days rest Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2847653 Flames are 99-126 when playing on back-to-back days Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-10-18 klockan 06:45. |
2015-10-21, 20:37 | #698 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2857028 Flyers are 5-11 in their last 16 games playing on 0 days rest. Bruins are 89-68 when playing with 3 or more days rest Flyers are 8-22 in the last 30 meetings. Flyers are 0-5 in the last 5 meetings in Boston. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2857040 9 of 11 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL since 1996 Over is 5-0 in the last 5 meetings in Colorado. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-10-22 klockan 17:44. |
2015-10-22, 19:11 | #699 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2858410 25 of 38 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996 Under is 16-6-6 in Devils last 28 games playing on 1 days rest. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2858714 6 of 6 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons Over is 15-4-3 in the last 22 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2858721 18 of 25 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL since 1996. Under is 15-5-2 in the last 22 meetings. Under is 7-2-4 in Panthers last 13 games playing on 1 days rest. Under is 2-0-2 in Blackhawks last 4 games playing on 3 or more days rest. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-10-23 klockan 07:14. |
2015-10-26, 19:59 | #700 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2867730 Flames are 99-127 when playing on back-to-back days Flames are 9-20 in their last 29 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation Islanders are 21-6 in their last 27 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Flames are 2-5 in the last 7 meetings. Flames are 1-4 in the last 5 meetings in New York. Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-10-27 klockan 07:14. |
2015-10-27, 15:01 | #701 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2869148 Coyotes are 2-5 in their last 7 games playing on 0 days rest. Coyotes are 1-7 in their last 8 in the third game of a 3-in-4 situation. Coyotes are 4-13 in their last 17 in the fourth game of a 4-in-6 situation. Bruins are 89-69 when playing with 3 or more days rest Coyotes are 0-7 in the last 7 meetings. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2869154 5 of 6 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons . Ogiltigt spel-ID: 2869155 Ducks are 114-133 when playing on back-to-back days Stars are 153-113 when playing with 2 days rest Senast redigerad av Misär den 2015-10-28 klockan 07:22. |
2017-08-08, 09:22 | #702 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4061321 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4061320 Units i dagboken: 1-5. Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
Pettzon2 (+1) Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-09 klockan 04:52. |
2017-08-09, 08:49 | #703 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Shui Peng svek dubbeln igår. Idag riktar jag åter blickarna mot WTA i Toronto.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4062753 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-09 klockan 23:18. |
2017-08-09, 15:22 | #704 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
MLB till natten och väljer att köpa in mig på 1 unit till på Cibulkova.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4063245 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4063240 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-10 klockan 08:43. |
2017-08-10, 08:45 | #705 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Sätter min tillit till att Woz ger dagboken dess blott andra vinst.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4064395 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-11 klockan 09:23. |
2017-08-10, 15:51 | #706 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Fyller på med MLB och ett tennisspel inför kvällen/natten.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4064809 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4064806 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4064811 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4064812 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-11 klockan 09:23. |
2017-08-11, 09:24 | #707 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Lutar mig mot Safarova i WTA-tennisen idag.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4065837 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-12 klockan 08:49. |
2017-08-11, 13:12 | #708 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Nattens MLB.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4066238 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4066248 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-12 klockan 08:49. |
2017-08-12, 09:53 | #709 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Inleder dagen med en dubbel från WTA.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4067534 Samt ett fotbollsspel. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4065461 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-12 klockan 20:57. |
2017-08-13, 13:50 | #710 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Bra dag igår.
Idag blir det två fotbollsspel Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4070287 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4070301 och ett ATP. Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4070295 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-14 klockan 09:29. |
2017-08-13, 14:03 | #711 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Lägger även till en trippel från Nigeria.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4070371 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-13 klockan 20:33. |
2017-08-14, 09:29 | #712 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Inleder med ett WTA-spel.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4072103 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-15 klockan 08:11. |
2017-08-15, 08:43 | #713 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Keys gjorde jobbet i natt. Lite mer action idag:
WTA Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4073311 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4073317 Fotboll Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4072365 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4072367 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4072368 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-16 klockan 09:13. |
2017-08-16, 09:36 | #714 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Inleder en regnig onsdag med dessa två spel.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4074872 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4074875 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-17 klockan 17:12. |
2017-08-17, 17:13 | #715 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Kör ett spel idag:
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4076900 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-18 klockan 22:05. |
2017-08-18, 08:53 | #716 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4077835 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4077836 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4077838 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-19 klockan 19:35. |
2017-08-18, 14:45 | #717 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Dagens två sista spel:
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4078593 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4078609 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-19 klockan 08:42. |
2017-08-18, 22:16 | #718 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Lördagens fotboll:
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4079548 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4079523 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4079518 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4079511 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-20 klockan 09:34. |
2017-08-19, 08:50 | #719 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Köper in mig med 1u till på Arsenal.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4080155 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-20 klockan 09:34. |
2017-08-19, 21:24 | #720 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Nattens spel:
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4082437 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-20 klockan 09:34. |
2017-08-19, 21:38 | #721 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Morgondagens fotboll:
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4082484 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4082458 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-20 klockan 23:37. |
2017-08-20, 18:48 | #722 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Tennisspel för ikväll och morgondagen:
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4084830 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4084834 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4084835 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-22 klockan 06:36. |
2017-08-21, 18:48 | #723 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4086403 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-22 klockan 06:36. |
2017-08-21, 19:00 | #724 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4086410 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-22 klockan 06:36. |
2017-08-22, 06:43 | #725 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4087079 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-23 klockan 06:47. |
2017-08-23, 06:47 | #726 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4088567 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-24 klockan 22:22. |
2017-08-24, 22:23 | #727 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4091498 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4091497 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4091491 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4089349 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4091496 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-27 klockan 07:01. |
2017-08-25, 17:58 | #728 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Lägger till ytterligare två spel för kvällen
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4092846 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4092898 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-26 klockan 13:12. |
2017-08-26, 13:13 | #729 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Mycket på fotboll på kortet idag.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4093747 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4094246 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4093748 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4094250 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4093750 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4094270 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4094257 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4094277 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4094263 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-27 klockan 07:01. |
2017-08-27, 07:18 | #730 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4096346 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-28 klockan 19:03. |
2017-08-27, 18:41 | #731 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Morgondagens tennis
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4097759 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4097762 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4097763 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-29 klockan 17:49. |
2017-08-28, 19:04 | #732 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Nattens MLB:
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4099958 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4099959 Senast redigerad av Misär den 2017-08-29 klockan 17:49. |
2017-08-29, 17:49 | #733 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Kämpar vidare:
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4100933 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4100935 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4100938 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4100939 |
2017-09-03, 15:23 | #734 |
Reg.datum: jun 2010
Inlägg: 1 358
Sharp$: 5619Winter - VS Stats: 73 - 53 - 7 ROI: 116.79% Vinstprocent: 57.94% |
Dags att vända den negativa formen.
Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4108907 Ogiltigt spel-ID: 4108920 |