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Gammal 2014-05-31, 15:10   #16
Ccs avatar
Reg.datum: maj 2010
Ort: Karon, Phuket - Thailand
Inlägg: 846
Sharp$: 11053

På lilla scenen 16:00 verkar det vara nåt närbesläktat, AKB0048...
"Om det fanns en profitabel marknad skulle det just nu suttit ett team av insatta och tömt allt värde."
- matchingbetisover 2015-09-08
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Gammal 2014-05-31, 15:21   #17
i hate bunnies
booreds avatar
Reg.datum: jan 2010
Ort: Akihabara
Inlägg: 1 452
Sharp$: 1188

mackapär ver.0.8.1
Stats: 2879 - 3456 - 618
ROI: 100.19%
Vinstprocent: 45.45%


Ursprungligen postat av Cc Visa inlägg

På lilla scenen 16:00 verkar det vara nåt närbesläktat, AKB0048...

ojdå det är en postapokalyptisk sci-fi animeserie om AKB48 där dom själva gör rösterna och musiken

AKB0048 Trailer
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"…a soccer match is equivalent to two teams throwing a dice. The number 6 means goal and the number of attempts of both teams is fixed already at the beginning of the match, reflecting their respective fitness in that season."

Senast redigerad av boored den 2014-06-05 klockan 10:31.
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Gammal 2014-06-05, 10:31   #18
i hate bunnies
booreds avatar
Reg.datum: jan 2010
Ort: Akihabara
Inlägg: 1 452
Sharp$: 1188

mackapär ver.0.8.1
Stats: 2879 - 3456 - 618
ROI: 100.19%
Vinstprocent: 45.45%


in me sharpsen, 2 dagar kvar, tempen stiger, 100% payout!!
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"…a soccer match is equivalent to two teams throwing a dice. The number 6 means goal and the number of attempts of both teams is fixed already at the beginning of the match, reflecting their respective fitness in that season."
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Gammal 2014-06-05, 15:14   #19
Seebbos avatar
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Haha tror du hon tänker på dig boored?

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Gammal 2014-06-05, 16:26   #20
i hate bunnies
booreds avatar
Reg.datum: jan 2010
Ort: Akihabara
Inlägg: 1 452
Sharp$: 1188

mackapär ver.0.8.1
Stats: 2879 - 3456 - 618
ROI: 100.19%
Vinstprocent: 45.45%


Ursprungligen postat av Seebbo Visa inlägg
Haha tror du hon tänker på dig boored?
jag tänker på lastbilen, du borde tänka på payouten
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"…a soccer match is equivalent to two teams throwing a dice. The number 6 means goal and the number of attempts of both teams is fixed already at the beginning of the match, reflecting their respective fitness in that season."
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Gammal 2014-06-06, 14:49   #21
Qirrens avatar
Reg.datum: jan 2010
Inlägg: 1 169
Sharp$: 421

Stats: 770 - 730 - 56
ROI: 110.07%
Vinstprocent: 51.00%


Watanabe Mayu 1,60 - Matsui Jurina 2,45 159 $harps.
Hard work takes the gamble out of gambling.
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Gammal 2014-06-06, 18:35   #22
AndyMarts avatar
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Vetifan vad detta är för något, men ja..

Takahashi Minami 1.95

500 sharps.
Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
boored (+975)

Senast redigerad av AndyMart den 2014-06-06 klockan 18:43.
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Gammal 2014-06-06, 18:38   #23
AndyMarts avatar
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Vinnare Sashihara Rino 1.82

1000 sharps
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Gammal 2014-06-06, 19:49   #24
i hate bunnies
booreds avatar
Reg.datum: jan 2010
Ort: Akihabara
Inlägg: 1 452
Sharp$: 1188

mackapär ver.0.8.1
Stats: 2879 - 3456 - 618
ROI: 100.19%
Vinstprocent: 45.45%


Ursprungligen postat av AndyMart Visa inlägg
Vetifan vad detta är för något, men ja..

Takahashi Minami 1.95

500 sharps.
Det är 100% payout så vad det är spelar väl ingen roll

men du ska få en färsk preview

24 hours left until we know the end of it all. I may finally predict the sousenkyo results:

1. Clash of the titans:

Even if Sasshi got a strong lead, there are indications that Mayu fans are so strongwilled, that this might turn the whole thing into something more exciting than i have expected. Still, Mayu has to overcome a whopping 50.000 votes gap from last year. I predict Sasshi winning, with May closing the gap. Jurina is the dark horse here. I initially expected her to be a serious #2 contender, but it seems i have underestimated Mayu's fanbase.

1. Sasshi
2. Mayu
3. Jurina

2. The contenders for the Kami spots:

Yukirin, the arguably most under-utilized superstar of the group, is definately safe, but i cannot see her keeping up with the top three. Paruru seems to be a lock, as is Rena, and most possibly Sayanee. The actual ranking is interesting though, and i predict Rena to beat Paru for this year, based upon SKE's sheer voting power. Sayanee has been constantly presented as the group's next leader and was backing that up with splendid performance. Also, boobs.

4. Yukirin
5. Rena
6. Paruru
7. Sayanee

3. The battle for the single digits:

Here we find the old guns looking to keep their fandoms together (Takamina, Haruna, Sae) and Yui, who is the 2nd best newgen, but maybe it is not yet enough to break into the top spots:

8. Takamina
9. Kojiharu
10. Sae
11. Yui

4. Fights for the lower senbatsu:

Here things are going to be brutal, as we have a number of girls competing with very valid claims to rank:
Rie (doing surprisingly well in the prelims), Yuria (one of the next big pushes on the agenda), Ricchan (one of AKB's sure senbatsu girls for the future), Sakura and Haruppi (the battle of HKT's "real" aces), Akari (handshake queen), Aya (last year's miracle, doing well in the prelims), Milky (the other string of NMB's bow, but probably affected by the scandal), Akicha (whose fans are not going down without a fight, week prelims), Miichan (as i said earlier, her team 4 captaincy will outweigh bunshun-gate, weak prelims), Kojimako (AKB's biggest future hope), Kaotan (amazing prelims!), Umechan (dont rule her out, but week prelims)

In the end id go with this:

12. Milky
13. Yuria
14. Ricchan
15. Akari
16. Sakura

lite förklaringar kanske?
senbatsu: top16, nästa lineup
kami: top7, de gudomliga7

där lite wiki läsning:
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"…a soccer match is equivalent to two teams throwing a dice. The number 6 means goal and the number of attempts of both teams is fixed already at the beginning of the match, reflecting their respective fitness in that season."

Senast redigerad av boored den 2014-06-06 klockan 22:00.
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Gammal 2014-06-06, 21:18   #25
Melvins avatar
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Watanabe Mayu 1,60 - Matsui Jurina 2,45

300 sharps.
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Gammal 2014-06-06, 22:26   #26
i hate bunnies
booreds avatar
Reg.datum: jan 2010
Ort: Akihabara
Inlägg: 1 452
Sharp$: 1188

mackapär ver.0.8.1
Stats: 2879 - 3456 - 618
ROI: 100.19%
Vinstprocent: 45.45%


live streams
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"…a soccer match is equivalent to two teams throwing a dice. The number 6 means goal and the number of attempts of both teams is fixed already at the beginning of the match, reflecting their respective fitness in that season."

Senast redigerad av boored den 2014-06-07 klockan 10:37.
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Gammal 2014-06-07, 13:20   #27
i hate bunnies
booreds avatar
Reg.datum: jan 2010
Ort: Akihabara
Inlägg: 1 452
Sharp$: 1188

mackapär ver.0.8.1
Stats: 2879 - 3456 - 618
ROI: 100.19%
Vinstprocent: 45.45%


Officiella resultaten med röstantal:



1. Watanabe Mayu - AKB48 Team B : 159,854 votes

2. Sashihara Rino - HKT48 Team H : 141,954 votes
3. Kashiwagi Yuki - AKB48 Team B/NMB48 Team N : 104,364 votes

4. Matsui Jurina - SKE48 Team S/AKB48 Team K : 90,910 votes
5. Matsui Rena - SKE48 Team E/Nogizaka46 : 69,790 votes
6. Yamamoto Sayaka - NMB48 Team N/AKB48 Team K : 67,916 votes
7. Shimazaki Haruka - AKB48 Team A : 67,591 votes
8. Kojima Haruna - AKB48 Team A : 62,899 votes
9. Takahashi Minami - AKB48 Team A : 57,388 votes
10. Suda Akari - SKE48 Team E : 48,182 votes
11. Miyawaki Sakura - HKT48 Team KIV/AKB48 Team A : 45,538 votes
12. Miyazawa Sae - SNH48 Team SII/SKE48 Team S : 44,749 votes
13. Yokoyama Yui - AKB48 Team K : 40,232 votes
14. Ikoma Rina - Nogizaka46/AKB48 Team B : 40,089 votes
15. Shibata Aya - SKE48 Team E : 39,264 votes
16. Kawaei Rina - AKB48 Team A : 39,120 votes


Vi tackar för i år och gratulera KP som träffade alla sina spel.
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"…a soccer match is equivalent to two teams throwing a dice. The number 6 means goal and the number of attempts of both teams is fixed already at the beginning of the match, reflecting their respective fitness in that season."

Senast redigerad av boored den 2014-06-07 klockan 15:01.
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Gammal 2014-06-07, 14:19   #28
AndyMarts avatar
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Fick Sashihara Rino stryk? Det var väl oväntat?

1000 sharps flög iväg!
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Gammal 2014-06-07, 14:26   #29
Qirrens avatar
Reg.datum: jan 2010
Inlägg: 1 169
Sharp$: 421

Stats: 770 - 730 - 56
ROI: 110.07%
Vinstprocent: 51.00%


Attans. Luktar mygel lång väg detta. Vet att KP har ett par på insidan over there.
Hard work takes the gamble out of gambling.
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Gammal 2014-06-07, 14:55   #30
i hate bunnies
booreds avatar
Reg.datum: jan 2010
Ort: Akihabara
Inlägg: 1 452
Sharp$: 1188

mackapär ver.0.8.1
Stats: 2879 - 3456 - 618
ROI: 100.19%
Vinstprocent: 45.45%


Ursprungligen postat av AndyMart Visa inlägg
Fick Sashihara Rino stryk? Det var väl oväntat?

1000 sharps flög iväg!
Ja det var ju nog största skrällen: med tanke på 50,000 rösters försprång ifjol samt att hon ledde stort i förhandsrösterna dag 1 i år.

typ så där stor skräll var det, många hoppades men ingen trodde på det

Ursprungligen postat av Qirren Visa inlägg
Attans. Luktar mygel lång väg detta. Vet att KP har ett par på insidan over there.
Det går rykten om det ja, men svårt att bevisa så vi måste väl betala ut, denna gången.
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"…a soccer match is equivalent to two teams throwing a dice. The number 6 means goal and the number of attempts of both teams is fixed already at the beginning of the match, reflecting their respective fitness in that season."

Senast redigerad av boored den 2014-06-07 klockan 19:11.
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