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Gammal 2014-04-19, 14:23   #1
Ccs avatar
Reg.datum: maj 2010
Ort: Karon, Phuket - Thailand
Inlägg: 846
Sharp$: 11053

Match-fixing dokument!

På ovanstående länk finns ett kompendium som Betradars systerföretag Sportradar nyligen sammanställt. 74 sidor på engelska för den som orkar, kan och vill. En ganska bra sammanställning även om den sparkar in öppna dörrar i många stycken. Man skall vara medveten om att dokumentet också används för att sälja in/pitcha Sportradars övervakningssystem för bookies och exchanges.

Det JAG gillade skarpt var de många länkarna till artiklar från tidningar över hela världen. Det var också rätt kul att se blockdiagrammen som visar hur de olika syndikaten hänger ihop och vem som tillhör vilket syndikat. En del namn jag aldrig sett förr och en del välbekanta också.

Tyvärr byggs en hel del på antaganden och flera av de mer kända skandalerna är en inte ens omnämnda. Inte minst de Nordiska. Enbart Wilson Raj Perumal's köp av Finska RoPS avhandlas, visserligen ganska ordentligt men ändå!
"Om det fanns en profitabel marknad skulle det just nu suttit ett team av insatta och tömt allt värde."
- matchingbetisover 2015-09-08
Följande användare gav Sharp$ för den här posten:
Seebbo (+5), faremisch (+5), Galeocerdo cuvier (+10), boored (+15), the_mirage (+10)
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Gammal 2014-04-23, 13:25   #2
i hate bunnies
booreds avatar
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Vinstprocent: 45.45%


Passar fint under denna rubrik

Match-fixing memoirs of Wilson Raj Perumal to go public on April 28, 2014.
Football's Pandora's box is about to open.

Wilson Raj Perumal has been labelled the world's most prolific match-fixer in football's recent history. Born a village boy in rural Singapore in the mid-60's, Wilson gradually climbed the heights of international match-fixing, becoming FIFA's most wanted man.

Wilson was arrested in Finland in February 2011 and decided to collaborate with police authorities, thus unveiling the true extent of his criminal organization's global outreach. Now he has decided to share his story.

But be advised, after you read this book, you will never be able to watch a football match in the same way again.

- the authors
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"…a soccer match is equivalent to two teams throwing a dice. The number 6 means goal and the number of attempts of both teams is fixed already at the beginning of the match, reflecting their respective fitness in that season."
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Gammal 2014-04-23, 20:47   #3
i hate bunnies
booreds avatar
Reg.datum: jan 2010
Ort: Akihabara
Inlägg: 1 452
Sharp$: 1188

mackapär ver.0.8.1
Stats: 2879 - 3456 - 618
ROI: 100.19%
Vinstprocent: 45.45%



Perumal skulle väl promota sin bok i Finland och hamna återigen i häktet , verkar gilla finska häkten

Singaporean fixer arrested in Helsinki
Reuters |

LONDON – Singaporean Wilson Raj Perumal, convicted in 2011 for fixing football matches, has been arrested in Helsinki, according to Finland’s National Bureau of Investigation.

The 48-year-old was held last Wednesday following an international arrest warrant issued by Singapore authorities.

“Wilson Raj Perumal was arrested last week in Helsinki, and we are studying the request for extradition made by Singapore officials,” Jari Nieminen, head of the investigation, said.

They would not comment on whether or not he was under investigation for new crimes in Finland.

A report in the Helsinki Times said Perumal was being kept in Vantaa Prison “until further notice to facilitate the proceedings”.

“The police will carry out the extradition determination, after which it will be decided whether or not he can be surrendered,” Nieminen was quoted as saying by the newspaper.

First jailed in 1995 in his own country, Perumal was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment in 2011 for fixing games in Rovaniemi, northern Finland.

Since last summer, he has been under house arrest in Hungary, where he has cooperated with the police investigating football manipulation.
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"…a soccer match is equivalent to two teams throwing a dice. The number 6 means goal and the number of attempts of both teams is fixed already at the beginning of the match, reflecting their respective fitness in that season."

Senast redigerad av boored den 2014-04-23 klockan 20:50.
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Gammal 2014-04-24, 00:02   #4
Reg.datum: jan 2011
Inlägg: 658
Sharp$: 5535

Snyggt CC, tack! Började få slut på läsning här i Marocko !
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